The Nightmare Series

Alphabetical Index
numbers to the right of the titles are the chapters you
punch into your DVD player to watch the clip.
The last numbers to the right are the length of the

3D Demise 01:171 02:38 2:18
86'd 01:172 02:39 1:40
All's Well That Ends Well 02:22 03:08 4:03
Alternate Ending - Version 1 02:25 03:11 1:58
Alternate Ending - Version 2 01:505 1:34
"Barry Mannilow?" 01:459 0:32
Beauty & The Beast 02:19 03:05 8:40
Becoming a Filmmaker 01:493 02:49 7:53
Burn Out 01:518 02:35 3:38
Campfire Stories 02:55 1:42
A Childhood Memory 02:16 03:02 2:34
Creating Lasting Characters in Horror 01:450 02:62 1:32
"Comic Books Are Bad For You" 01:464 0:13
"Death Rattle" 01:123 0:13
Dokken: Dream Warriors 01:458 02:67 5:04
"Don't Sit Too Close to the TV Set" 01:167
"Do You Know Me?" 01:440 0:40
Fan Mail 01:511 02:30 0:45
Fat Boys: Are You Ready For Freddy? 01:279 02:68 5:30
Filmmaker 01:498 02:53 4:37
The Finnish Line 01:527 02:44 2:27
Freddy as Sex Machine 02:56 1:58
"Freddy Cackles" 01:278 0:10
"Freddy & Dokken" 01:508 1:51
"Freddy Evolved" 01:369 0:37
"Freddy in Hottub" 01:124 01:129 0:06
"Freddy in Silhouette" 01:125 0:13
"Freddy is Mass-Marketed Evil" 01:470 0:43
"Freddy Krueger and We Scored" 01:463 1:04
"Freddy Likes His Work" 01:373 0:48
Freddy on 8th Street 01:556 02:29 5:28
"Freddy on Father's Day" 01:445 0:10
"Freddy's Clause" 01:448 0:18
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare 10:01 2:13
Freddy's Manic Energy 01:451 02:61 1:39
"Freddy's Neighbor" 01:529 1:37
"Freddy the Nanny" 01:438 0:10
Freddy v. Pinhead 01:371 02:60 2:44
Hellraiser 01:165 02:40 0:38
Heroes and Villains 01:547 02:26 6:21
"Hey Spinal Tap" 01:130 0:30
Hopeless Chest 01:532 02:42 3:45
Hopkins Directs 01:178 02:57 0:35
The House That Freddy Built 01:519 02:36 0:38
"I Didn't Mean to Scare Anybody" 01:374 0:07
An Insane Troupe 01:495 02:50 0:51
It Couldn't Have Happened 02:24 03:10 1:50
It Really Happened 02:15 03:01 3:01
Krueger, Freddy Krueger 01:531 02:41 8:16
"Leatherface in Bondage" 01:155 01:159 01:162
Let's Make-Up 01:533 02:43 2:20
Making the Glove 01:551 02:58 1:08
The Male Witch 01:562 02:28 2:46
Monster with Personality 02:54 0:32
"Nerdy, Sensitive Kid" 01:564 0:17
"New Monster on the Block" 01:497 0:29
"Nightmare Memorabilia" 01:525 2:08
A Nightmare on Elm Street 05:01 1:48
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 06:01 1:27
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 07:01 1:36
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 08:01 1:29
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 09:01 0:44
No More Magic Tricks 01:468 02:63 2:27
"No One is Safe" 01:507 0:10
Onward Christian Soldiers 01:523 02:31 9:00
"The Pram From Hell" 01:437 0:13
The Problem with Sequels 01:494 02:52 1:35
Psycho Sexual Circus 01:548 02:27 3:26
Rachel's Dream 01:170 02:37 2:48
The Revolving Room 01:545 02:59 1:52
Sadomasochism 01:372 02:66 0:53
"Scared of the Beastie Boys" 01:131 0:10
Shapeshifter 02:20 03:06 9:52
"She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not" 01:187 0:12
The Shoot 02:21 03:07 7:20
A Slight Miscalculation 01:177 02:48 1:25
Snakes and Ladders 01:512 02:32 6:03
So It Began 02:18 03:04 4:46
Sometime in the Early 80's 02:17 03:03 0:24
The Sticky Floor 01:185 02:46 5:44
"Still Gallery 1" 01:276 1:00
"Still Gallery 2" 01:364 1:00
"Still Gallery 3" 01:537 1:00
"Take a Nap, Englund" 01:439 0:20
Take the Stairs 01:186 02:47 0:56
Talalay's Tally 02:23 03:09 1:50
That's Show Biz 01:513 02:34 1:59
Trading 8's 01:517 02:33 4:08
Two Worlds 01:496 02:51 2:03
Wes Craven's New Nightmare 11:01 2:40
Where Gothic Plots Come From 01:454 02:64 2:02
"White Bread America" 01:455 0:37
Whodini: Anyway I Gotta Swing It? 01:491 02:69 3:24
Why We Like Gothic 01:462 02:65 1:33
Womb Raiders 01:176 02:45 6:22
"You Are What You Eat" 01:277 0:10

93 videos + 3 still galleries 78 55 18 3:32:49
info on this DVD by tripps@rexer.com