The Nightmare Series

Chapter Index
numbers to the left of the titles are the chapters you
your DVD player to watch the clip.

01:123 "Death Rattle" Krueger Quips
01:124 "Freddy in Hottub" Krueger Quips
01:125 "Freddy in Silhouette" MTV Clips
01:129 "Freddy in Hottub" Krueger Quips
01:130 "Hey Spinal Tap" MTV Clips
01:131 "Scared of the Beastie Boys" MTV Clips
01:155 "Leatherface in Bondage" MTV Clips
01:159 "Leatherface in Bondage" MTV Clips
01:162 "Leatherface in Bondage" MTV Clips
01:165 Hellraiser Barker
01:167 "Don't Sit Too Close to the TV Set" MTV
01:170 Rachel's Dream Englund, Talalay
01:171 3D Demise Talalay, Buechler
01:172 86'd Shaye
01:176 Womb Raiders Hopkins, Talalay, Skipp, Spector
01:177 A Slight Miscalculation Munro, Hopkins
01:178 Hopkins Directs Hopkins
01:185 The Sticky Floor Englund, Munro, Miller
01:186 Take the Stairs Hopkins
01:187 "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not" MTV
01:276 "Still Gallery 1" Still Galleries
01:277 "You Are What You Eat" Krueger Quips
01:278 "Freddy Cackles" MTV Clips
01:279 Fat Boys: Are You Ready For Freddy? Music Videos
01:364 "Still Gallery 2" Still Galleries
01:369 "Freddy Evolved" Landis
01:371 Freddy v. Pinhead Barker
01:372 Sadomasochism Edmundson
01:373 "Freddy Likes His Work" Englund (N4)
01:374 "I Didn't Mean to Scare Anybody"
Krueger Quips
01:437 "The Pram From Hell" Krueger Quips
01:438 "Freddy the Nanny" Krueger Quips
01:439 "Take a Nap, Englund" Krueger Quips
01:440 "Do You Know Me?" MTV Clips
01:445 "Freddy on Father's Day" Krueger Quips
01:448 "Freddy's Clause" Krueger Quips
01:450 Creating Lasting Characters in Horror Barker
01:451 Freddy's Manic Energy Barker
01:454 Where Gothic Plots Come From Edmundson
01:455 "White Bread America" Englund (N4)
01:458 Dokken: Dream Warriors Music Videos
01:459 "Barry Mannilow?" MTV Clips
01:462 Why We Like Gothic Edmundson
01:463 "Freddy Krueger and We Scored" Fans
01:464 "Comic Books Are Bad For You" Krueger
01:468 No More Magic Tricks Cunningham
01:470 "Freddy is Mass-Marketed Evil" Fans
01:491 Whodini: Anyway I Gotta Swing It? Music Videos
01:493 Becoming a Filmmaker Craven
01:494 The Problem with Sequels Craven
01:495 An Insane Troupe Craven
01:496 Two Worlds Craven
01:497 "New Monster on the Block" Englund (N4)
01:498 Filmmaker Craven
01:505 Alternate Ending - Version 2 Endings
01:507 "No One is Safe" Englund (N4)
01:508 "Freddy & Dokken" MTV Clips
01:511 Fan Mail Cavett
01:512 Snakes and Ladders Russell, Darabont, Yagher
01:513 That's Show Biz Englund
01:517 Trading 8's Englund, Russell, Darabont, Wagner
01:518 Burn Out Saxon, Langenkamp
01:519 The House That Freddy Built Sholder
01:523 Onward Christian Soldiers Wagner, Craven, Englund,
Talalay, Russell, Darabont
01:525 "Nightmare Memorabilia" Talalay
01:527 The Finnish Line Harlin
01:529 "Freddy's Neighbor" Fans
01:531 Krueger, Freddy Krueger Shapiro, Harlin, Shaye,
Talalay, Wheat, Wheat
01:532 Hopeless Chest Buechler, Englund, Johnson
01:533 Let's Make-Up Berger
01:537 "Still Gallery 3" Still Gallleries
01:545 The Revolving Room Carlucci
01:547 Heroes and Villains Shaye, Sholder, Craven
01:548 Psycho Sexual Circus Talalay, Sholder, Englund
01:551 Making the Glove Carlucci
01:556 Freddy on 8th Street Sholder, Wells, Englund
01:562 The Male Witch Sholder, Yagher
01:564 "Nerdy, Sensitive Kid" Englund (N4)
02:15 It Really Happened Craven
02:16 A Childhood Memory Craven
02:17 Sometime in the Early 80's Craven
02:18 So It Began Shaye, Cunningham, Craven
02:19 Beauty & The Beast Craven, Langenkamp, Englund
02:20 Shapeshifter Craven, Englund, Miller
02:21 The Shoot Risher, Saxon, Shaye, Craven, Langenkamp
02:22 All's Well That Ends Well Shaye, Cunningham,
02:23 Talalay's Tally Talalay, Englund
02:24 It Couldn't Have Happened Craven
02:25 Alternate Ending - Version 1 Endings
02:26 Heroes and Villains Shaye, Sholder, Craven
02:27 Psycho Sexual Circus Talalay, Sholder, Englund
02:28 The Male Witch Sholder, Yagher
02:29 Freddy on 8th Street Sholder, Wells, Englund
02:30 Fan Mail Cavett
02:31 Onward Christian Soldiers Wagner, Craven, Englund,
Talalay, Russell, Darabont
02:32 Snakes and Ladders Russell, Darabont, Yagher
02:33 Trading 8's Englund, Russell, Darabont, Wagner
02:34 That's Show Biz Englund
02:35 Burn Out Saxon, Langenkamp
02:36 The House That Freddy Built Sholder
02:37 Rachel's Dream Englund, Talalay
02:38 3D Demise Talalay, Buechler
02:39 86'd Shaye
02:40 Hellraiser Barker
02:41 Krueger, Freddy Krueger Shapiro, Harlin, Shaye,
Talalay, Wheat, Wheat
02:42 Hopeless Chest Buechler, Englund, Johnson
02:43 Let's Make-Up Berger
02:44 The Finnish Line Harlin
02:45 Womb Raiders Hopkins, Talalay, Skipp, Spector
02:46 The Sticky Floor Englund, Munro, Miller
02:47 Take the Stairs Hopkins
02:48 A Slight Miscalculation Munro, Hopkins
02:49 Becoming a Filmmaker Craven
02:50 An Insane Troupe Craven
02:51 Two Worlds Craven
02:52 The Problem with Sequel Craven
02:53 Filmmaker Craven
02:54 Monster with Personality Englund (N5)
02:55 Campfire Stories Englund (N5)
02:56 Freddy as Sex Machine Englund (N5)
02:57 Hopkins Directs Hopkins
02:58 Making the Glove Carlucci
02:59 The Revolving Room Carlucci
02:60 Freddy v. Pinhead Barker
02:61 Freddy's Manic Energy Barker
02:62 Creating Lasting Characters in Horror Barker
02:63 No More Magic Tricks Cunningham
02:64 Where Gothic Plots Come From Edmundson
02:65 Why We Like Gothic Edmundson
02:66 Sadomasochism Edmundson
02:67 Dokken: Dream Warriors Music Videos
02:68 Fat Boys: Are You Ready For Freddy? Music Videos
02:69 Whodini: Anyway I Gotta Swing It? Music Videos
03:01 It Really Happened Craven
03:02 A Childhood Memory Craven
03:03 Sometime in the Early 80's Craven
03:04 So It Began Shaye, Cunningham, Craven
03:05 Beauty & The Beast Craven, Langenkamp, Englund
03:06 Shapeshifter Craven, Englund, Miller
03:07 The Shoot Risher, Saxon, Shaye, Craven, Langenkamp
03:08 All's Well That Ends Well Shaye, Cunningham,
03:09 Talalay's Tally Talalay, Englund
03:10 It Couldn't Have Happened Craven
03:11 Alternate Ending - Version 1 Endings
05:01 A Nightmare on Elm Street Trailers
06:01 A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 Trailers
07:01 A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Trailers
08:01 A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Trailers
09:01 A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 Trailers
10:01 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare Trailers
11:01 Wes Craven's New Nightmare Trailers
info on this DVD by tripps@rexer.com