The Nightmare Series Encyclopedia Walkthrough The Labyrinth This walkthrough is divided in 77
parts. Each part generally The first line of each screen gives
you a screen number and name (01 Below the screen number and name is
the screen summary. These three MOVE tells you all of the possible
moves from the screen. This is PUZ tells you how to solve a screen's
puzzle. There are three PUZ VID lists how many videos are present
in a screen and what their Below the screen summary is a written
description of exactly what to 01 START 01 "Explore the Labyrinth to reveal
interviews, rare photos, and more. You will be sent back to Start every
time you make a mistake solving Move up (to 02). 02 MAIN HALL 1 02 Move right (to 03), then left (04),
and finally up (to 11). 03 LOCKERROOM 03 The lockers on the right contain
videos. Select locker one's handle Move down (to 02). 04 MORGUE DOOR 04 Select the doorknob to open the door.
Select the light switch to Move up (to 05), then down (to 02). 05 MORGUE 05 Move left (to 06), then select the
corpse (to 07), then select the 06 MORGUE WALL 06 Select the gauge to view the videos.
All three videos are identical. Move down (to 05). 07 CORPSE 07 Select the left eye (172), right eye
(171), and mouth (170) for Move down (to 05). 08 CHART 08 Select "date of birth:
07/04/68" (165) and "date of death:
10/31/84" Move down (to 05). 09 MORGUE DRAWER 09 Select the top drawer's label (176),
drawer keyhole (177), and the Select the top drawer's handle to open
it (to 10), then move down (to 10 DOLL'S HEAD 10 Select the left eye (185), right eye
(186), and mouth (187) for Move down (to 09). 11 MAIN HALL 2 11 Move up (to 12), then left (to 23). 12 MAIN HALL 3 12 Move left (to 13), then up (to 15),
and finally down (to 11). 13 GRAPHITTI ROOM 13 Select the graphitti (to 14) to read a
clue about the Basement Door, 14 GRAPHITTI 14 "In the combo of three / the last two they'll be..." Move down (to 13). 15 BASEMENT STAIRS 15 Move up (to 16), then down (to 12). 16 BASEMENT DOOR 16 Select the second and third gauges to
unlock the door. Select the Move up (to 17), then down (to 15). If
you select the wrong gauges 17 BASEMENT HALL 1 17 Move up (to 18), then down (to 16). 18 BASEMENT HALL 2 18 Move left (to 19), then right (to 20),
then up (to 21), and finally 19 PICTURE WALL 19 Select the pictures of Freddy (276),
Debbie (277), Tina (279), and Move down (to 18). 20 TV WALL 20 Select the numbers on the remote to
view each movie's trailer. If Move down (to 18). 21 READING CHAIR 21 Select the New Line Book (to 22), then
move down (to 18). 22 NEW LINE BOOK 22 Select the book to open it to page 1.
Move right to flip from page 1 Move down (to 21). If you select the
picture of Freddy on page 15, 23 SIDE HALL 1 23 Move up (to 24). 24 SIDE HALL 2 24 Move right (to 25), then up (to 35). 25 WORKROOM DOOR 25 Select the keypad next to the door.
Select "16" to answer the Move up (to 26), then down (to 24). If
you select the wrong keypad 26 WORKROOM 26 Select the workbench (to 27) to zoom
in on the Glove, then the desk 27 GLOVE 27 Select the Glove's ring finger (551) for a video. Move down (to 26). 28 DESK 28 Select the film (to 29), then the
blueprints (30), then the open 29 FILM 29 Select the third (547) and forth (548) film strips for videos. Move down (to 28). 30 BLUEPRINTS 30 Select the blueprints (545) for a video. Move down (to 28). 31 OPEN BOOKS 31 Select the Freddy Book (to 32), the
Timer (to 33), the script (to 32 FREDDY BOOK 32 Select the left picture (564) and right picture (562) for videos. Move down (to 31). 33 TIMER 33 Select the timer's center pin (556) for a video. Move down (to 31). 34 SCRIPT 34 Take the boiler room key. Move down (to 31). 35 SIDE HALL 3 35 Move up (to 36), then left (to 50). 36 BOILER ROOM DOOR 36 Select the padlock to unlock it. If
you don't have the boiler room Move up (to 37), then down (to 35). 37 BOILER ROOM STAIRS 37 Move up (to 38), then down (to 36). 38 BOILER ROOM 1 38 Move up (to 39), then left (to 45),
and finally down (to 37). 39 TABLE FAR 39 Select the photos (to 40), then the
table (to 41), and then move down 40 PHOTOS 40 Select the photo of Prince (525) for a video. Move down (to 39). 41 TABLE NEAR 41 Select the bottle (508) and the skull (507) for videos. Select the meat (to 42), the hat (to
43), the open book (to 44), and 42 MEAT 42 Select the closed book (511), the
razor (513), and the meat (512) for Move down (to 41). 43 HAT 43 Select the hat (517), the hand (518),
and the retractor (519) for Move down (to 41). 44 OPEN BOOK 44 Select the picture of teeth (523) for a video. Move down (to 41). 45 BOILER ROOM 2 45 Move up (to 46), then left (to 47),
then right (to 49), and finally 46. GENERATOR 46 Select the pipe tag (531), locker door
(532), and generator (533) for Move down (to 45). 47 FURNACE 47 Select "Krueger" on the furnace (527) for a video. Select the furnace handle (to 48),
then move down (to 45). 48 INSIDE FURNACE 48 Select the dirt (529) for a video. Move down (to 47). 49 DEATH SWITCH 49 Select "40" (537) for a video. Move down (to 45). If you select the
wrong number, you'll warp to 50 SIDE HALL 4 50 Move right (to 51). 51 OBSESSION ROOM DOOR 51 Select the keyhole to unlock the door.
If you don't have the key Move up (to 52). 52 OBSESSION ROOM 52 Select the desk (to 53), then the
bureau (to 59), then the display 53 DESK 53 Select the typewriter (to 54), then
the Fangorias (to 55), then the 54 TYPEWRITER 54 Select the paper (454) and shift key (455) for videos. Move down (to 53). 55 FANGORIAS 55 Select the first (462), second (463),
and third (464) Fangorias for Move down (to 53). 56 TURNTABLE 56 Select the record (458) and tuner (459) for videos. Move down (to 53). 57 WALL HEAD 57 Select the left eye (470) for a video. Move down (to 53). 58 COAT 58 Select the hat (468) for a video. Move down (to 53). 59 BUREAU 59 Select the crooked picture (437), the
picture above Jesse (438), the Select the Freddy dummy (to 60), then
the toy glove (to 63), and then 60 FREDDY DUMMY 60 Select the tie (445) for a video. Select the head (to 61), then the
sweater (to 62), and then move down 61 HEAD 61 Select the left eye (450) and right eye (451) for videos. Move down (to 60). 62 T-SHIRTS 62 Keeping moving right until you've seen all 7 t-shirts. Move down (to 60). 63 TOY GLOVE 63 Select the index finger (448) for a video. Move down (to 59). 64 DISPLAY CASE 64 Select the lower Freddy head (369) for a video. Select the middle Freddy head (to 65),
then the upper Freddy head (to 65 MIDDLE FREDDY HEAD 65 Select the left eye (371), right eye
(372), second top tooth (373) Move down (to 64). 66 UPPER FREDDY HEAD 66 Select the right eye for a random
quip: Move down (to 64). 67 SIDE HALL 5 67 You don't need to go here. 68. SIDE HALL 6 68 Move up (to 77). 69 CLOCK WALL 69 Select clock 5 (491) for a video. Select clock 1 (to 70), then clock 2
(to 71), then clock 3 (to 72), 70 CLOCK 1 70 Select the clock (493) for a video. Move down (to 69). 71 CLOCK 2 71 Select the clock (494) for a video. Move down (to 69). 72 CLOCK 3 72 Select the clock (497) for a video. Move down (to 69). 73 CLOCK 4 73 Select the clock (495) for a video. Move down (to 69). 74 CLOCK 6 74 Select the clock (496) for a video. Move down (to 69). 75 CLOCK 7 75 You don't need to go here. 76 CLOCK 8 76 Select the clock (498) for a video. Move down (to 69). 77 FIRE EXIT WINDOW 77 This is a labyrinth within the
labyrinth. There are twelve * * * * * * * * * * * * Using the arrow keys on your remote,
you must navigate your way 5 6 7 * 4 3 8 9 1 2 * * If you'd like to cheat, you can also
push "20" on your DVD
All info on this DVD by tripps@rexer.com |