Winner Kills All |
SCRIPT NIGHTMARE 13 -- FREDDY MEETS JASON by Lewis Abernathy FADE IN: EXT. ELM STREET - DAY MEAGAN is coming down the sidewalk in slow motion. Her dress and long hair blow slightly in the breeze. The SOUND of CHILDREN CHANTING increases. DREAM CHILDREN (in chorus) One... two... Freddy's coming for you. On "you" there is a RUMBLE and a flash -- like quick lightning only evil. (Choice flashes from Nightmare on Elm Street 1 & 2). Meagan turns at 1665. A beautiful white, two-story house, thick with lush green foliage. Several beautiful children, all dressed in bright white, play hopscotch and jumprope on the front walk. DREAM CHILDREN (continuing; chanting) Three... four... better lock your door. Close on a little girl's foot coming down on the number "4" drawn on concrete. Another RUMBLE and flash -- longer, LOUDER. (Flashes from Nightmare 3 & 4). Meagan continues up the walk, the wind is blowing a little harder now. The trees are brown, the leaves peeling away. Moving up the walk, closer to the house... only now it's a little darker, needs some paint. On the front porch, a LITTLE GIRL rides a tricycle. DREAM CHILDREN (continuing; chanting) Five... six... RUMBLE. Flash. (Nightmare 5 and Freddy's Dead). DREAM CHILDREN (continuing; chanting) ...grab your crucifix.. ix.. ix.. The "ix" echoes away, becoming the faint "Ka ka ka" we all recognize as Jason's theme. Meagan turns to find that the children in the yard have vanished. It's nighttime. The trees are dead, the grass is gone, and the horizon stretches off into utter nothingness. Meagan turns back to the little girl. But the little girl has gone. Only the tricycle remains. It circles once, the front door CREAKS open, and the empty tricycle peddles inside. Meagan follows it into the... INT. HOUSE ON ELM STREET - CONTINUOUS ACTION Meagan enters the house slowly, watching as the tri- cycle rides off down a creepy hallway and disappears. Then the front door blows shut behind Meagan. She tries to open it -- locked. Then faint VOICES cause Meagan to pause. She listens, trying to make out the low murmur. Then a little girl's GIGGLE. Meagan recognizes it as her sister's. MEAGAN Lizzy? Meagan moves up the stairs, going down the hall... following the voices (we recognize the other voice as belonging to Freddy). Meagan enters a door at the end of the hallway, moving into... INT. LIZZY'S ROOM (NIGHTMARE) - CONTINOUS ACTION On the floor, near her bed, is Meagan's thirteen year old sister -- LIZZY. Slow for her age, Lizzy sits and draws with crayons. MEAGAN Lizzy. What are you doing here? LIZZY Playing with my friend. Meagan looks at the drawings -- childlike renderings of Freddy. MEAGAN Your friend? LIZZY He lives under the bed. Meagan slowly gets to her knees and takes a peek under Lizzy's bed. Suddenly, a doll-sized Freddy scurries out from under the bed, flashing past Meagan's face and running out the door. Meagan yelps and touches her face -- five tiny slash marks on her cheek. Lizzy clucks. LIZZY (continuing) You scared him... Meagan looks out the door, incredulous. MEAGAN I scared him? But when Meagan looks back, Lizzy is gone. MEAGAN (continuing) Lizzy? Lizzy echoes away as Meagan finds herself standing in the... INT. NIGHTMARE CHAPEL - CONTINUOUS ACTION The tiny Freddy dashes from the pews and jumps into a casket at the altar, slamming the lid shut. Meagan goes to the casket and carefully opens the lid. Inside -- a rotting corpse with worms and maggots crawling all over it. Meagan screams and slams the lid back down. The casket starts to move -- THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! Then it stops. Tentatively, Meagan opens the lid again. Inside -- FREDDY KRUEGER. He grabs her arm. FREDDY Where ya been all my death, baby? Meagan screams. Freddy leaps out of the casket in a tuxedo, crooning: FREDDY (continuing) I've been waitin' at the altar for a long, long time! Meagan looks down -- she's wearing a wedding dress, spattered with blood. Behind her, the chapel has filled with dozens of DEAD PEOPLE in various stages of decay. A SATANIC PRIEST appears in the pulpit and asks: SATANIC PRIEST Are the bridesmaids in attendance? Meagan looks to her left -- four girls hold bouquets, dressed in body bags. SATANIC PRIEST (continuing) And the groomsmen...? Freddy opens his tuxedo jacket to reveal several trapped souls struggling to get out of his chest. SATANIC PRIEST (continuing) If anyone here believes that these two should not be joined in unholy matrimony, let him speak now or forever rot in hell... >From the back of the chapel, a voice: JESSE Meagan! Meagan turns. It's her boyfriend -- JESSE. He stands in the chapel doorway, backlit by bright light, arms outstretched. MEAGAN Jesse! Meagan runs to Jesse and grabs him, their arms encircling one another. She looks up into Jesse's eyes... only it isn't Jesse. It's Jason. Meagan screams as Jason raises his machete, bringing it down between her eyes... TRANSITION CUT TO: INT. MEAGAN'S ROOM - MORNING Meagan opens an eye as her alarm clock BUZZES... she was dreaming. She gets up quickly and crosses to her dresser. She looks into the mirror, at the tiny cuts on her cheek, and clucks. Then she exits, going into... INT. LIZZY'S ROOM - CONTINUOUS ACTION Meagan opens the door to her sister's room, breathing a sigh of relief when she sees Lizzy curled up in bed with a doll. Meagan smiles and starts to exit when she notices something not quite right about the doll. She moves closer and pulls Lizzy's arm away to reveal a hideous little Freddy doll. Meagan gasps. MEAGAN Freddy... Suddenly, the doll opens it's eyes and sneers: FREDDY DOLL Well it ain't Raggedy Ann, bitch! The Freddy doll flashes it's tiny glove of knives, thrusting them deep into Meagan's chest. HARD CUT TO: INT. MEAGAN'S ROOM - MORNING (for real) Meagan sits up suddenly in bed, clutching her chest. She looks down and sees that there is nothing there. Meagan sighs and falls back in her bed -- just a bad dream. ZZZZZZT! -- her alarm clock BUZZES. Meagan sits up with a start again. Her fright turns to rage as she pounds the alarm clock into submission. Meagan climbs out of bed... INT. LIZZY'S ROOM - MORNING Meagan enters and finds Lizzy still asleep, clutching her Raggedy Ann doll. She gently pries the doll away, tossing it disdainfully away. Meagan picks up a small glass unicorn and playfully prances it around on Lizzy's head. MEAGAN Wake up, sleepy head. Time to wake up. Lizzy's eyes flutter open. She smiles at her sister, then frowns. LIZZY I had a bad dream. MEAGAN Me, too. LIZZY I was scared. MEAGAN Don't worry... they can't hurt you. LIZZY Promise? MEAGAN Promise. Lizzy hugs Meagan. MEAGAN (continuing) I'll never let anyone hurt you. INT. KITCHEN - MORNING CLOSE ON a small television set on the kitchen table. A flashy graphic flashes across the screen: AM NEWS SPECIAL REPORT -- COPS V.S. THE CULT -- DAY 13. A NEWS REPORTER stands in front a police blockade. In the background, dozens of POLICE and S.W.A.T. MEN surround a small run-down, two-story house... Freddy's house. NEWS REPORTER (filtered) As the sun rises on yet another morning, still no end in sight for the standoff between police and the mysterious group known only as the "Freddy" cult who seized the abandoned house behind me just thirteen days ago. These cultists -- mostly run- away teenagers -- have managed to keep police at bay for almost two weeks while inside they take mind- altering narcotics in order to communicate with their god -- Freddy. The reporter babbles on as Meagan enters the kitchen where MEAGAN'S MOM is sitting watching the TV, gulping down orange juice. Across from mom is MEAGAN'S DAD, who is having coffee, reading the paper. Meagan pours herself a cup and sits. MEAGAN Morning. Meagan's mom grunts, transfixed on the news. Dad looks over his paper long enough to smile and say, just a little too cheerfully: MEAGAN'S DAD Morning, Meagan. Meagan looks over at her mother, then back at her father, mouthing the words "How's mom?", when suddenly Meagan's mom bellows: MEAGAN'S MOM (calls upstairs) Lizzy! Get down here! Breakfast is almost ready! Meagan turns back to her dad but he has ducked back into his paper. Meagan sighs and sips her coffee. ANGLE ON TV -- a police booking photo of FRED KRUEGER. NEWS REPORTER Alleged child murderer Fred Krueger was released on a legal technicality but later burned to death at the hands of a vigilante mob of grieving parents. Some years later, a rash of bizarre and unexplainable teen- age deaths began leaving many in the area to wonder... is Freddy really dead? Meagan's younger sister -- LIZZY -- comes down to breakfast. The microwave DINGS and Meagan's mom pulls out three Pop Tarts, dealing them out to her family like playing cards. Lizzy picks up her Pop Tart, whining. MEAGAN'S MOM Hurry up and eat. You don't want to be late for special school. MEAGAN Mom! Don't call it that! LIZZY I hate that school. The other kids are mean... and they're all re- tard-ed! Meagan snickers. MEAGAN'S MOM We don't use that word. They're "special" children just like you're "special". Dad looks over at mom, who shoots him an angry look. Dad takes a bite of his Pop Tart, sinking back behind the paper. ANGLE ON TV -- NEWS REPORTER The cult members have declined to an on-camera interview but did send out a note with a message. The note -- which, by the way, appears to have been written in blood -- reads... (reads the note) To the parents of Springwood -- Freddy lives! Soon he will come and take one of your children as his virgin bride. Then Freddy will -BEEP- and his -BEEP- upon her -BEEP- and -BEEP- and behold, a soulless child shall be born. The vessel for Freddy to rise and rule the darkness forever and ever. A horn TOOTS outside. MEAGAN That's Jesse. Let's go, Lizzy. Meagan collects her books and her sister. This is dad's cue to look at his watch and say: MEAGAN'S DAD Oh, look at the time! I've got to be going... anyone need me to bring anything home tonight? MEAGAN I need an alarm clock. MEAGAN'S DAD What's wrong with your old one? MEAGAN Broke. Meagan kisses her dad as she and Lizzy hurry out the door. Meagan's dad looks over at his wife, who says: MEAGAN'S MOM We're almost out of vodka. EXT. MEAGAN'S HOUSE - MORNING - CONTINUOUS ACTION Meagan and Lizzy climb into JESSE's car. JESSE Good morning! Hey, what's the matter? MEAGAN My mom... JESSE And...? MEAGAN I had another dream last night... JESSE Was I naked? MEAGAN No. You were Jason. JESSE Jason? Oh, yeech... (then) Was I any good? Meagan playfully smacks him as Jesse's car ROARS off. INT. KITCHEN - SAME TIME Meagan's dad hesitates at the front door, clutching his keys and briefcase as he musters the courage to say something. MEAGAN'S DAD Do you have to watch that crap all the time? Months and months of the O.J. Simpson trial, and now this... Mom reaches over and switches off the TV. Dad smiles slightly and exits. Mom waits until the door closes, then takes a bottle of vodka and pours a goodly bit into her orange juice. She takes a deep drink and switches the set back on. CLOSE ON TV as the news reporter interviews CAPTAIN RENTON MURDOCH -- State Trooper. NEWS REPORTER I'm standing here with State Trooper Captain Renton Murdoch, the man the Governor has called in to deal with the cultists because of his past experience with occult-style murderers. In fact, Trooper Murdoch is the only law enforcement officer ever to survive a one-on-one encounter with notorious Camp Crystal Lake killer -- Jason Voorhees. (to Murdoch) You received some pretty nasty injuries in your battle with Jason, didn't you, Captain? MURDOCH Nothing serious... just a few stitches. NEWS REPORTER What about these so called "Freddy" cultists? They seem like pretty tough customers. Think you'll have any trouble getting them out of there? MURDOCH No. Now that the Governor has given me complete authority to deal with these punks I should be putting an end to their situation pretty quick. Unless of course their attorney is able to get them to come out peace- fully... but I don't hold out much hope for that. NEWS REPORTER (to camera) Captain Renton Murdoch, ladies and gentlemen. A tough cop... for tough criminals. CUT TO: EXT. "FREDDY" CULT COMPOUND - MOMENTS LATER Murdoch gets into the command car, sitting down next to the S.W.A.T. COMMANDER sitting behind the wheel. MURDOCH Damn media... oughtta be a law. (gestures to house) Is that shyster still in there trying to talk them out? S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Yeah... he's making them some kind of deal. MURDOCH Damn lawyers... what a bunch of assholes. Shakespeare was right -- kill all the lawyers. Then we could kill all the punks with no hassles and the world would be a safer place. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Smaller anyway. MURDOCH Ahhhhh... what did Shakespeare know? Long-haired, English freak. He was probably a punk. INT. CULT COMPOUND - SAME TIME Meanwhile, inside the house... the cult's sleazy LAWYER is sitting on a crate in the middle of a dark room. He is surrounded by CULTISTS -- heavily-armed teenage punks in red and olive sweaters and Fedoras ala Freddy. They stare out at him through sunglasses with red flashing diodes that barely hide their burned and disfigured faces. The lawyer shifts uncomfortably on the crate as he takes a deep snort from inside his briefcase held neatly on his lap. Then he lifts his head, wiping his nose nervously as he speaks: SLEAZY LAWYER So, as I explained to you before, the revenues between the TV movie deal and the book sale should be adequate to fund your joint-defense. And I think with my mass media hypnosis argument I could get each of you a reduced sentence on appeal -- say... twenty years each. Out in fifteen with good behavior? Hmmmmm? HARD CUT TO: EXT. CULT COMPOUND - MOMENTS LATER The lawyer's disembodied head comes sailing out of an upstairs window, smacking into the command car's windshield with a loud SPLAT! S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Jesus Christ! Murdoch curses and leaps out of the car, charging the house as he BLASTS away with two nickel-plated .45s. Suddenly GUNFIRE erupts from every window in the house, BULLET HITS RIDDLING the cops cars, SMASHING windows and emergency lights. The S.W.A.T. TEAM follows Murdoch through the hail of GUNFIRE as he kicks open the front door. INT. CULT COMPOUND - NEXT INSTANT WHACK! -- the door flies open and Murdoch and the S.W.A.T. team move in. The windows have been covered with foil, the walls have been painted black with cult slogans written in red, making the whole house black as pitch. The S.W.A.T. team puts on their night vision goggles and starts moving through the house. P.O.V. THROUGH NIGHT VISION GOGGLES as the S.W.A.T. team goes through the house SHOOTING cultists (ala the computer game DOOM). Then a blinding flash of light and a S.W.A.T. guy goes down -- shot in the face. Several of the cultists lead the attacking S.W.A.T. team deeper into the house. As one of the S.W.A.T. guys follows his foot trips a wire. A trap door opens in the floor and the S.W.A.T. guy falls into a pit, waist deep in water. Suddenly, the water starts churning and the guy starts screaming -- it's a tank of piranhas! Two other S.W.A.T. guys grab his arms and pull him out. Too late -- his legs have been shredded to the bone. Another S.W.A.T. guy kicks in a door to a room and steps in, FIRING his machine gun. A large scythe swings down and severs both his arms at the elbows. His arms fall to the floor, still FIRING the machine gun. The cultists race into a room, grabbing handrailing bolted over head. They swing like monkeys across the ceiling just as a S.W.A.T. guy charges into the room behind them. CLOSE ON S.W.A.T. GUY'S BOOTS as he steps onto a floor covered with upturned nails. Several nails puncture both boots, the points coming up through the laces. The S.W.A.T. guy screams and another S.W.A.T. guy barrels into the room to see what is wrong. He knocks the first guy face-first into the floor o' nails. Meanwhile, Murdoch is having a blast -- literally. He kicks open the door to a room and guns down three cultists as they try to escape out a window. As the last body pitches to the floor, Murdoch yells: MURDOCH Freeze! Murdoch exits, laughing to himself. The running GUNBATTLE continues as the cultists retreat to the back of the house, throwing molotov cocktails. Soon the first floor is ablaze. A S.W.A.T. guy screams as he is consumed by FIRE. The cultists thunder down a back staircase to the... INT. THE BASEMENT - CONTINUOUS ACTION The cultists uncover a secret passageway under the house and most escape through the underground tunnel just before the S.W.A.T. team comes BLASTING into the basement. As the last of the remaining cultists is capped off, a faint voice cries for help. The S.W.A.T. commander raises up his hand. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Hold your fire! He pulls off his night vision goggles and shines his flashlight into the basement. Through the dense smoke he sees a little girl in a white dress is tied to a chair sitting on a crate. Underneath the chair -- several sticks of dynamite wired to a timer. CLOSE ON THE TIMER: 30... 29... 28... LITTLE GIRL HOSTAGE Help me, mister... please. The S.W.A.T. commander rushes to the girl, kneeling down to look at the bomb. Then he takes a Leatherman tool from his vest and starts to work on the bomb's timer. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Hang on, honey... I'll have you out of there in a second. Murdoch comes down the stairs. He goes to the secret passageway and says: MURDOCH Looks like we'll have to hunt the rest of them down. Let's go before they get too far. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER We can't leave! Can't you see we've got a situation here? Murdoch looks at the little girl and shrugs. MURDOCH Leave her. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER You're crazy! I can't just leave her! MURDOCH Forget it. I've seen this before. There's nothing you can do. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER I've got to try... The S.W.A.T. commander wipes his brow and leans in to work on the bomb again. CLOSE ON TIMER: 24... 23... 22... The basement ceiling is now fully ABLAZE and chunks of BURNING DEBRIS fall around the skittish S.W.A.T. team. Murdoch looks at his watch in a bored fashion. MURDOCH You're wasting your time. The S.W.A.T. commander studies the wires for another second, then glances back at the timer... 15... 14... 13... S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Fuck it! The S.W.A.T. commander whips out his Spyderco knife and cuts the little girl loose. He carries her out in his arms as he shouts to his men: S.W.A.T. COMMANDER (continuing; yelling) CLEAR OUT! SHE'S GOIN' BLOW!!! The S.W.A.T. team exits the basement with Murdoch bringing up the rear. EXT. CULT COMPOUND - NEXT INSTANT The S.W.A.T. commander staggers out with the little girl, followed closely with the remainder of his men and finally Murdoch. The commander throws himself to the ground, covering the little girl with his body as -- BA-BOOM!!! -- the Elm Street house EXPLODES! Murdoch stands as debris rains down around him. He mutters: MURDOCH Punks. As the dust settles, the S.W.A.T. commander rolls off the little girl and starts checking her for injury. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Are you okay, honey? Suddenly, the little girl jumps onto the S.W.A.T. commander, flashing a glove of knives. She hisses: LITTLE GIRL HOSTAGE Freddy lives! With a quick swing, the little girl slashes the commander's face. She dives back for a plunge to his throat when Murdoch walks up and kicks her off. He puts his boot on her, holding her down as he takes aim on her head with his pistol -- execution style. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER NO! The S.W.A.T. commander grabs Murdoch's arm just in time. Several cops rush in and grab the girl, dragging her off, kicking and screaming. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER (continuing) Jesus... you were going to kill that kid, weren't you? MURDOCH I told you you were wasting your time. Once these kids go rabid, best thing to do is put 'em down. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER You can't be serious... MURDOCH Dead serious. See... the world is made up of rules. Kids don't like rules. They rebel for a while, but ultimately they start to fall in line and become ordinary Joe's like you and me. But some kids... dope smokers mainly, watching their MTV... Satanic lyrics melting what's left of their brains... these kids grow up to be punks. And when these punks step as far over the line as these "Freddy" punks have -- then we as peace officers have no choice but to kill them. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER I didn't become a peace officer to kill kids. MURDOCH Punks. There's a difference... (under his breath) ...barely. CUT TO: INT. HIGH SCHOOL - DAY CLOSE ON GRAFFITI written across lockers -- FREDDY LIVES! We move from this to a small classroom window. Through it we see Meagan sitting in economics class. The instructor -- MISS KREPPS -- is lecturing. MISS KREPPS (Blah-blah. Blah-blah-blah.) It's hot. Several of the kids fan themselves, struggling to stay awake while others have already passed out on their desks. Meagan's eyes are heavy. She looks over at Jesse, pretending to follow along in his book, fast asleep. The antique oscillating fan on Miss Krepps' desk CLICKS loudly as she drones on: MISS KREPPS (continuing) (Blah-blah-blah. Blah-blah.) Meagan starts to drift off, when... MISS KREPPS (continuing; loud) Meagan!? MEAGAN Yes, ma'am? MISS KREPPS I asked if you were ready to give your oral report? MEAGAN Yes... I'm ready. MISS KREPPS Please come up here to the podium. Meagan gets up and goes to the podium amidst the snickers of some of her classmates. Miss Krepps snaps her fingers for quiet. MISS KREPPS (continuing) You won't think it's funny when you haven't learned the fundamentals of a free market economy... oh, why do I waste my breath? You're all going to grow up to be gas station attendants and waitresses anyway. Go ahead, Meagan. MEAGAN My report is on Global Economic Trends. (clears throat; begins reading) Try and think of a world where there is no poverty... no sickness... no crime. A world where everyone is happy to be alive and everyone lives together in peace. This is my dream. The fan on Miss Krepps' desk starts to CLICK louder, BLOWING harder. Meagan raises an eyebrow but continues with her report. MEAGAN (continuing) This dream is becoming a reality with ever-growing international business... CLOSE ON THE FAN as it changes... getting creepier... turning into a Freddy-fan. BLOWING harder... CLICKING louder. MISS KREPPS Louder, Meagan. We can't hear you. Meagan repeats the last few sentences, raising her voice to be heard over the fan. Then pages of her report start to blow away. She grabs at them as the WIND increases. A bottle of glue stowed in the podium overturns and spills to the floor at Meagan's feet. She bends over to pick it up, when her skirt blows up. She presses it down but the WIND is too great and the skirt billows up, revealing her underwear. The class roars with laughter. MISS KREPPS (continuing) Louder, Meagan... we still can't hear you. But Meagan isn't reading her report anymore, she's busy trying to push down her skirt when -- RIP! -- the WIND blows her skirt off. Her classmates fall over themselves, laughing. RIP! -- Meagan's blouse blows away. She tries to hide behind the podium when that too is swept off. Meagan clutches at her bra and panties as they start to drift away -- thread by thread. She is almost naked. Meagan looks up at her classmates, red in the face. Her classmates point and laugh -- only now they are all a bunch of old rotten skeletons. And up front, in the center where Miss Krepps sat... is Freddy! He wears a beanie with a propeller, points and laughs: FREDDY Aww... all dressed up and nowhere to blow! Meagan screams, clutching at the last few tiny strands of cloth that cover her body. She calls to Jesse, pleading: MEAGAN Jesse... please, help me. But Jesse just sits at his desk -- dead. He reaches up and slowly lowers a hockey mask over his pale, expressionless face. FREDDY Looks like a photo opportunity to me! Freddy pulls out an over-sized camera with a gargantuan flashgun attached. The flash bulb is the size of a beach ball and has a nuclear warning etched in the front. Freddy sizes Meagan up in the viewfinder and sneers: FREDDY (continuing) Say... cheesecake! PHOOMPH!!! -- the flash bulb goes off with an atomic light. Meagan screams as her skeleton is blown back against the blackboard -- vaporized! HARD CUT TO: Meagan waking up in her seat suddenly. The classroom as normal. Miss Krepps is standing over her, asking: MISS KREPPS Meagan? Meagan?! Meagan looks around, bewildered and confused. MISS KREPPS (continuing) I asked if you were ready to give your report? Meagan realizes that she was dreaming and pulls herself together. MEAGAN Sure... Meagan stands up and faints. DISSOLVE TO: INT. SCHOOL NURSE'S OFFICE - MINUTES LATER MEAGAN'S P.O.V as the SCHOOL NURSE comes into FOCUS, standing over her. SCHOOL NURSE Meagan? Can you hear me? Do you know where you are? Meagan is laying on a couch, a cloth over her head. MEAGAN I was day dreaming and then I woke up but then it was like I was still dreaming and then I woke up and then I guess I fainted and now I'm awake again... SCHOOL NURSE Are you sure? Meagan stares at the nurse for a moment. SCHOOL NURSE (continuing) Meagan? MEAGAN I'm waiting to see if you're going to turn into Freddy. SCHOOL NURSE Freddy... I see. You've been watching too much CNN. That crazy "Freddy" cult thing -- it's all over the TV day and night -- you can't get away from it. No wonder you kids are all having nightmares. MEAGAN But this one was different... it felt real. SCHOOL NURSE But that's just it, Meagan... dreams aren't real. They're just broken fragments of the subconscious mind. MEAGAN Fear is real though, isn't it? And if nightmares are fear, then doesn't that make them real?! (gets excited) And if the nightmares are real then is reality like a dream?! SCHOOL NURSE (cutting her off) Meagan! You've got heat prostration... that's all. The nurse slaps a wet towel over her face. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER Jesse is waiting for Meagan as she emerges from the nurse's office, muttering under her breath: MEAGAN Old witch... what does she know? She isn't even qualified to give a shot and she's telling me that my dreams aren't anything to worry about. JESSE So she said you were okay? MEAGAN Oh, sure... Madame Curie in there says it's just a case of heat pro- stration and an overdose of TV news. Ruined my makeup, too. JESSE So you're going back to class? MEAGAN No. She gave me last period off. JESSE Well, what are you bitching about? I could have a compound fracture of the skull and she wouldn't excuse me from P.E. MEAGAN Jesse! I've been having nightmares for almost two weeks now and they keep getting worse! Now I'm having daymares! I want to know why! JESSE Okay... well, didn't the nurse say it was heat probation? Meagan rolls her eyes in frustration. MEAGAN You don't understand... I want to know more about dreams. What they mean... why we have them. JESSE Okay, Meg, go look it up. You've got the rest of the day off, that's all I'm saying. MEAGAN That's a good idea. Why don't you cut last period and come with me? JESSE Sure. Where are we going? MEAGAN The library. JESSE You want me to cut school so we can go to the library? CUT TO: INT. LIBRARY - AFTERNOON Meagan pours through a big psychology book. Across the table, Jesse peers into another psychology book. MEAGAN Find anything? Jesse looks up suddenly. JESSE What? Oh, no... nothing yet. Over Jesse's shoulder we see he has a copy of ROAD & TRACK tucked inside his psychology book. MEAGAN Did you know that our sub-conscious retains everything that ever happened to us? Everything. From the time we're born until we die. JESSE Really? MEAGAN That's how Freddy gets at us... by using our sub-conscious fears. Fears our conscious minds have repressed or forgotten. JESSE I've got a news flash for you... Freddy's dead. MEAGAN I'm not so sure... if Freddy exists in our sub-conscious then he can never be fully erased. Like a bad memory... you may blot it out of your mind but it will alway be hiding someplace in your dreams. (off Jesse's disbelieving stare) Weren't you scared as a child by something so stupid that you're ashamed to admit it? JESSE No. MEAGAN No? JESSE Well, yeah. MEAGAN Well, what? What is it? JESSE Well... when I was kid, my brother took me to the carnival. And in the penny arcade there was this robot gunslinger... MEAGAN Black Bart. JESSE You know about Black Bart? MEAGAN Duh. You put your quarter in and he says, "Go ahead and draw, tenderfoot." And then you pull your gun out and shoot him. JESSE That's just it -- I never could! I'd point the gun right at him and shoot, and I could never hit the guy. So I always got killed. MEAGAN No one can hit him -- it's a gyp. JESSE Scared the shit out of me. Meagan tries to hide her smile. JESSE (continuing; flustered) Isn't that scary? I mean... for a kid? Meagan laughs. Somebody shushes her. JESSE (continuing; mad) Okay, smartass... what about you? What scared you the most as a kid? A dark mood falls over Meagan as her mind winds back. MEAGAN I remember... Lizzy wandered off one day and we couldn't find her. The police came and everything. I wasn't really worried until I saw her picture on TV... then I got really scared. (then) Jesse, I can't explain it... but I think something bad's going to happen. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. SPECIAL SCHOOL - AFTERNOON Lizzy sits on the steps of her school, clutching her books and Raggedy Ann doll... waiting. Behind her, wearing a protective helmet, another learning disabled kid - LEONARD - taunts her. LEONARD You're stupid! LIZZY No, you are! LEONARD They forgot you again! LIZZY No, they didn't! LEONARD Yes, they forgot and you're goin' to wait out here until it's dark and then the monsters are goin' come and get you! LIZZY No they won't, because I'm walkin' home! Lizzy gets to her feet and starts walking. Leonard calls after her: LEONARD Come back, Lizzy! You can wait with me! I got forgot too, you know! Lizzy keeps going, marching across the deserted school yard. Leonard turns to go inside the school when he bumps into a passing CULTIST. The cultist pushes him down as he follows after Lizzy. LEONARD (continuing) Okay... I'm going to have to report this! Lizzy walks briskly along when she gets the feeling she's being followed. She turns and sees a cultist standing behind a tree several dozen yards behind her. Lizzy turns away and quickens her pace but when she glances back, the figure is still standing... but closer. Scared, Lizzy turns and runs, dropping her books as she flees down the sidewalk. As she comes to the street, a big black hearse suddenly pulls up in front of her, the door swinging open wide. Burned arms reach out to grab Lizzy. She screams. The cultists grab Lizzy, pulling her into the car as it roars off down the street. CLOSE ON RAGGEDY ANN -- laying in the gutter. CUT TO: EXT. MEAGAN'S HOUSE - AFTERNOON Jesse's car pulls up to a sea of police cars parked in front of Meagan's house. Meagan gets out of the car and rushes inside. INT. MEAGAN'S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS ACTION COPS are everywhere as Meagan bursts into the house, calling for her family. Jesse enters behind her when Meagan's dad comes up, asking: MEAGAN'S DAD Didn't you get my message? MEAGAN What message? MEAGAN'S DAD I called the school after lunch... I had to stay late after work... I... Meagan's mother bellows from the living room where she is talking to a policeman taking notes. She is drunk and has been crying. MEAGAN'S MOM Don't you dare blame this on her, you sorry bastard! It's all your fault! (to Meagan) Where have you been anyway? MEAGAN The library. MEAGAN'S MOM A likely Goddamn story! Meagan's mom breaks down sobbing. MEAGAN Dad... what's wrong? What's happened? Where's Lizzy? MEAGAN'S DAD She didn't come home from school today. The police got a report that a girl fitting Lizzy's description was forced into a car by some crazies. They're pretty sure it was this "Freddy" cult. MEAGAN (shocked) Oh, my God... Meagan's dad puts his arm around Meagan and tries to comfort her. MEAGAN'S DAD Now don't worry. The police are doing everything they can. Meagan looks over and sees Murdoch talking to his men when a voice from upstairs calls down: TROOPER (O.S.) Hey, Cap'n... better have a look up here! INT. LIZZY'S ROOM - NEXT SECOND As Murdoch enters, he spots Lizzy's night table and the small glass menagerie there. Murdoch picks up the unicorn and admires it when a TROOPER draws his attention to the floor next to the bed. Laying there are several childlike drawings of Freddy, including one that has "Freddy Lives" scrawled across the top. Meagan enters and sees the drawings. She gasps. TROOPER Looks like she was in the cult all along. MEAGAN No... no, she wouldn't do that! Lizzy wouldn't join Freddy's cult! TROOPER I know it's hard to believe, miss. But a lot of good kids get caught up in this kind of trouble. Murdoch stares at the drawings, his jaw muscles tightening. He clenches his fist, pulverizing the little unicorn. MURDOCH Punks... Murdoch drops the broken pieces of the unicorn on the table as he exits the room, brushing past Meagan. INT. MEAGAN'S HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER Meagan's dad follows Murdoch to the door, asking: MEAGAN'S DAD Captain Murdoch... is there any- thing we can do? MURDOCH You can pray, sir. Pray we find your daughter before... well, before it's too late. But rest assured, if I can't persuade her to come back to her loving home, then I'll do what's best for her. I know you and your wife wouldn't want her to suffer. (to his men) Come on... I want to go talk to Erwin. Murdoch and his men say "good-bye" and quickly exit. EXT. MEAGAN'S HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER As the last of the cops drive away, Meagan pulls Jesse out of the house. JESSE Where are we going? MEAGAN Over to Stormie's. JESSE Stormie? I thought you and her weren't friends anymore since she stole that twenty dollars from you. MEAGAN That was her "klepto" phase... when she was dating that gang member. She dumped him a long time ago. JESSE I still don't understand. What has she got to do with Lizzy missing? MEAGAN She used to be in the Freddy cult. Maybe she knows where they took Lizzy. They exit to Jesse's car. CUT TO: INT. STORMIE'S ROOM - AFTERNOON Meagan's high-strung best friend -- STORMIE -- is blurting out at a mile-a-minute: STORMIE If I did know I would call the police, you know that. I love Lizzy. No telling what those freaks will do to her. Those Freddy cult guys are hard core. JESSE I thought you were in the cult? STORMIE I was in the cult for a week cause my boyfriend at the time... Slasher, he was. But I just liked the music and the clothes... when they were clean, but not like the violence and stuff. But that was just my "cult" phase... but I got past that. You know, just like my "gang" phase when I was dating Ramon and then before that was my "death rock" phase when I was dating Stuart... JESSE Uh, excuse me... but what phase are we in now? STORMIE Militant feminist, man-hating phase, what's it fuckin' to ya?! JESSE (to Meagan) Why don't you just let the cops find her? That guy Renton Murdoch -- he knows how to deal with these cultist psychos. He was the man who got Jason Voorhees. MEAGAN That guy in my dreams... STORMIE Jason kicked his ass. QUICK CUT TO: EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - SOME YEARS AGO - NIGHT Jesse narrates a short, fuzzy, silent flashback as younger-looking Renton Murdoch is BLASTING away at Jason in panic. JESSE (V.O.) Well... yeah. But Murdoch put thirteen bullets in Jason before he hacked his head open. Jason cleaves Murdoch's head with a machete. Murdoch staggers back, raising his pistol. JESSE (V.O., continuing) But even with his head hacked open and his brains leaking out, Murdoch still managed to put his last bullet in Jason's eye. Murdoch FIRES, the bullet SMACKING Jason in the eye. Thick blood runs down the hockey mask as Murdoch's body hits the ground. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM- Murdoch lays in a bed, his head covered in bandages. Tubes and hoses running everywhere to all sorts of medical contraptions. STORMIE (V.O.) Well, one of my mom's boyfriends worked at the hospital where they took him. He said that Murdoch lost more than half his brain and what little that was left was all twisted up inside. And they had to replace his skull with a metal plate to keep that from leaking out. In a series of quick cuts we move in close on Murdoch's eyes -- dark and menacing -- staring out at us. STORMIE (V.O., continuing) They say he hasn't been the same since. CUT BACK TO: INT. STORMIE'S ROOM - CONTINUOUS ACTION JESSE So what's different about him? STORMIE One thing... he used to be a Democrat. Now he votes straight Republican. MEAGAN I think he thinks Lizzy joined the cult or something. STORMIE Oh, my God... he'll kill her. MEAGAN I've got to find Lizzy myself. I've got to find her and save her from Freddy before that crazy cop kills her. JESSE Just where are you going to look? I mean, these cult guys could be holding her anywhere. MEAGAN Murdoch said something about going to talk to somebody named Erwin. STORMIE Erwin Kelper! He used to be in the Freddy cult! I bet he knows where they took Lizzy! JESSE Not Squirmin' Erwin -- that freak that used to eat bugs? STORMIE (annoyed) Who else? (to Meagan; bright) Erwin is scary smart -- always brought home "A"s -- but he was kinda fucked up, too... I mean, who isn't really? Anyway, he quit the cult a few months back and the cops put him away for his own safety. They say Freddy's put a death hex on Erwin. JESSE A death hex? STORMIE Yes, a death hex. You know... where someone wants you dead! MEAGAN Where is he? CUT TO: EXT. SPRINGWOOD MENTAL CENTER - AFTERNOON Jesse, Meagan, and Stormie pull past the large sign and into the parking lot. As Jesse puts the car in park, Meagan turns to him and says: MEAGAN I want you to stay here. JESSE Why? MEAGAN Don't be mad... it's just that you might scare him. JESSE Scare him? STORMIE What she's subtly trying to tell you is that this needs a woman's gentle touch... butthead. MEAGAN Just stay here... okay? Jesse grudgingly agrees. Meagan kisses Jesse on the cheek. Stormie sticks her tongue out at him, then turns as she and Meagan walk toward the main entrance. INT. SPRINGWOOD MENTAL CENTER - MOMENTS LATER The CRIES of the insane echo through the building as the SECURITY GUARD escorts Meagan and Stormie down a row of cell doors. He stops at one, tapping lightly on the glass. SECURITY GUARD Yo, Erwin... you've got a couple of visitors. Now be a good boy... (to Meagan & Stormie) You've got five minutes. I'll be right down the hall if you need me. The guard exits. Meagan and Stormie peer through the thick window -- Erwin's padded cell appears vacant. They exchange anxious looks, then Meagan presses a little closer to the glass. MEAGAN Erwin...? SPLAT! -- ERWIN suddenly presses his horribly burned face to the glass as he screams: ERWIN SHOW ME YOUR ARMS! YOUR ARMS! Meagan and Stormie jump back, startled. Then they quickly bare their arms, turning them over for Erwin's inspection. ERWIN (continuing) Where do you shoot? MEAGAN Shoot? STORMIE He's talking about dream dope -- the stuff the cultists shoot up with so they can talk to Freddy. MEAGAN I don't do drugs. ERWIN You're not in the cult? MEAGAN No. ERWIN Didn't Freddy send you to kill me? MEAGAN/STORMIE No. ERWIN I don't trust you... better take off your clothes so I can check you for tracks. STORMIE Chill, Erwin. We're here for some hard data -- not a floppy disk. Erwin flops the arms of his straight jacket, gesturing to the inside of his cell -- empty except for a small mattress. ERWIN Well, what do you want? Can't you see I'm busy? MEAGAN Freddy's cult kidnapped my sister. STORMIE I told her you might know where they took her. ERWIN I already told the cops everything I know. MEAGAN Tell me... please. ERWIN Look... I'm sorry about your sister, but I've got my own problems with Freddy. I'm a marked man, you know. MEAGAN Then tell me why they took her... ERWIN To bear his child. Freddy wants to be human again. In order to do that he has to be "reborn". MEAGAN How can he do that? ERWIN He has to marry a virgin on holy ground. Then the cult consumate the marriage by impregnating her. STORMIE The whole cult? Yeech! ERWIN Freddy's the son of a hundred maniacs. It's sort of a tradition with him. MEAGAN So the cult gets Lizzy pregnant? ERWIN And Freddy enters the soul of the fetus through a dream state. Voila! Rebirth. There is a moment as the girls take this in, then: STORMIE That's the stupidest shit I ever heard. ERWIN Hey, they're not my rules... some- body else wrote 'em. MEAGAN Erwin... you've got to help me find Lizzy. You're my only hope. Erwin thinks about this for a second, then: ERWIN I'll help you find your sister, but you've got to help me. MEAGAN Anything. Just name it. ERWIN You have to help me kill Freddy. Meagan and Stormie exchange looks. STORMIE But Freddy's dead. ERWIN Freddy lives... (looks at Meagan) If only in our dreams. Stormie grabs Meagan by the arm and starts to pull her away. STORMIE Come on, Meagan... our five minutes is up. He's giving me the creeps. But Meagan stays put and asks Erwin: MEAGAN How can you kill a dream? ERWIN When it's not a dream. (then) Do we have a deal? Erwin presses his palm against the glass. Meagan thinks a moment, then puts her hand against the glass over his. MEAGAN Deal. CUT TO: EXT. STREET CORNER - AFTERNOON - A SHORT TIME LATER Meagan, Jesse, and Stormie are standing in front of a pay phone, arguing. JESSE No! I won't do it! MEAGAN Come on, Jesse! Please...? JESSE It's illegal! I could go to jail! STORMIE How will they ever know? Don't be such a pussy! JESSE Oh, yeah? Why don't you call then? STORMIE Okay, I will! MEAGAN No! They'll never believe her! STORMIE I can disguise my voice... (lowers voice) Hello, how do you do? My name is Jesse. I think I'm a man but I'm actually a wimp. MEAGAN They'll never believe that. Come on, Jesse... for me? JESSE Okay... okay... I'll do it. (to Stormie) And I'm not a wimp! Jesse sighs and steps into the phone booth. After a moment's hesitation, Jesse steps out and immediately both girls blurt out ten reasons why he should make the call. Jesse calls for quiet and as soon as both girls shut up, he says: JESSE (continuing) I need a quarter for the phone. Meagan fishes out a quarter and hands it to him. Jesse re-enters the booth. ANGLE IN PHONE BOOTH as Jesse dials a number. INT. SPRINGWOOD MENTAL CENTER - NEXT INSTANT The security guard picks up his phone as it RINGS. SECURITY GUARD Springwood Mental Center... how can I help you? JESSE (filtered; disguising his voice) There's a bomb planted in your building. SECURITY GUARD Who is this? JESSE If I were you -- I'd get my ass out of there. In the background, we hear Meagan and Stormie whisper something to Jesse. JESSE (continuing; adding) Oh, yeah... Freddy Lives. CLICK! -- The guard's eyes grow wide. EXT. SPRINGWOOD MENTAL CENTER - AFTERNOON -SECONDS LATER The peaceful quiet of the asylum is shattered by a fire ALARM. Soon all the INMATES start filing out into the yard, loosely herded by the GUARDS. Erwin files out with the others, still wearing his straight jacket. Erwin looks over at the parking lot -- Jesse's car flashes it's lights. Erwin starts to casually wander off towards the fence between himself and freedom when the SECURITY GUARD spots him and says: SECURITY GUARD Hey, Erwin... where do you think you're going? Erwin ignores him, still moving towards the fence. SECURITY GUARD (continuing) I'm talking to you, asshole! Erwin breaks into a run. The guard takes off after him. In the car, Jesse, Meagan, and Stormie watch as the guard closes the distance. JESSE He's not going to make it. MEAGAN We've got to do something! With grim determination, Jesse starts his car. Jesse's car tears out of the parking lot, racing for the fence. With a loud, metallic CHING, Jesse's car drives into the fence, knocking that section down. Erwin dances over the downed chain-link, diving into an open window. Then, with a SQUEAL of tires and the RENDING of metal, Jesse's car backs out of the fence, does a 180, and PEELS off. ANGLE INSIDE CAR as Stormie and Meagan help Erwin out of his straight jacket. Once freed, Erwin extends his hand to Jesse. ERWIN Hi, my name's Erwin. Thanks for busting me out of there! Jesse looks at Erwin's outstretched hand -- the fingertips are all heavily bandaged. JESSE Yeah, right... Look, Erwin, just do me one favor -- don't eat nothing disgusting. My stomach is tight enough as it is. The security guard runs up to the fence, huffing and puffing, watching as Jesse's car disappears down the street. Then he spots something in the fence and plucks it out... Jesse's front license plate. CUT TO: INT. ABANDONED BOILER ROOM - DUSK CLOSE ON LIZZY, screaming and crying as the cultists close in around her. They rip her sleeve off and inject her with a syringe. After a moment, Lizzy starts to settle down... falling asleep... The cultists lift Lizzy up over their heads and carry her towards the big boiler. Inside -- a raging INFERNO. LIZZY'S DREAM STATE P.O.V. -- as the cultists reach the boiler, it splits open in the middle like a giant gate. The two halves swing open wide to reveal... INT. HELL - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS ACTION A narrow rocky ledge extends out to a mausoleum atop a tall, narrow mountain. On either side of the ledge is a sheer drop to the bleak landscape below -- rivers of hot molten lava stretching out for miles, filled with LOST SOULS DROWNING and BURNING. Hundreds upon hundreds of voices are SCREAMING and MOANING -- a terrible chorus of the damned. The cultists carry Lizzy across the rocky ledge to the mausoleum. The outside of this ancient structure is engraved with weird murals depicting the evils of mankind. In the center -- a large iron gate that swings open as the cultists near. The cultists roll Lizzy over in their arms, holding her tight as they push her face forward into the mirror. The glass gives way like mercury, Lizzy's face disappearing into the mirror. ANGLE ON THE OTHER SIDE (UNDERWATER) -- Lizzy's face stares out into utter blackness. Then, some- thing large and evil looking swims up out of the darkness. Clawed hands reach out and grab Lizzy by the sides of the face as the huge, monstrous head moves forward -- evil lips parting -- tongue slithering out. The evil thing gives Lizzy a big, wet French kiss, locking it's lips over hers. Several slippery some- things slither into her mouth. Lizzy struggles, but the big evil thing is way too strong. Finally, it releases her and the cultists pull her back out. The cultists carry Lizzy out of Hell and back into the... INT. ABANDONED BOILER ROOM - CONTINUOUS ACTION Horribly burned hands slap Lizzy back from her semi- conscious state. Her eyes grow wide with fear again as she opens her mouth to scream. Suddenly, she doubles over and vomits up into a tupperware a cultist thrusts under her. Three evil-looking eels slither forth from Lizzy's mouth -- the Dream Demons. EXT. OLD POWER PLANT - DUSK Several shadows flee into the night as Jesse's car pulls up next to a run-down building. INT. ABANDONED BOILER ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Erwin leads Meagan, Jesse and Stormie down into the old, burnt out boiler room. They work their way towards the back, to a large table and a collection of sofas and easy chair scattered about. Erwin starts sniffing around, pointing out several used syringes laying scattered about the floor. ERWIN Damn! We must have just missed them! Meagan spots Lizzy's shirt sleeve on the floor. MEAGAN Oh, my God -- she was here! This is part of Lizzy's shirt! It's all torn! (grabs Erwin) Erwin... we've got to find her! ERWIN We're too late! There's no way... except... MEAGAN Except what?! ERWIN We could go after Freddy. MEAGAN How? Erwin goes to a boiler, bends down and reaches way up underneath. After fishing around for a moment, he draws out a well-worn Mutant Ninja Turtles lunch box. Inside -- a vile of liquid, several syringes, and several pairs of cult shades. ERWIN We'll inject ourselves with Dream Dope. It's a mild narcotic that brings on a dreamlike state. Meagan thinks about this for a moment, then nods her approval. MEAGAN Okay... let's do it! JESSE Meagan... we don't do drugs! I mean, what if one of us gets hooked or something? (whispers) We could turn out like him! Jesse jerks a thumb toward Erwin. ERWIN Don't worry about it. We need you wide awake anyway. JESSE What for? ERWIN We're going to go under and try to find Freddy. When we do, we'll grab him and bring him here. Then you kill him with this... Erwin hands Jesse an old rusty revolver. JESSE This rusty chunk of shit? What good is this? ERWIN It's not the gun, it's what's in it -- silver bullets blessed by a priest. JESSE Will that work? ERWIN (shrugs) Should. But then... JESSE (finishes for him) You don't make the rules... yeah, yeah. MEAGAN What should we do? ERWIN Have a seat over there and make yourselves comfortable. Roll up your sleeves and put these on... Erwin hands Meagan and Stormie each a pair of the sunglasses with flashing red diodes in each lens. Stormie puts hers on immediately and says: STORMIE Oh, cool! MEAGAN What are they for? ERWIN It's how the cult keeps in constant contact with Freddy. The little lights flashing are a sustained occular input that causes your brain to resonate at approximately the same frequency at which the dream state is most likely to occur. All of this went over Meagan's head. Stormie shrugs: STORMIE Whatever... (to Meagan; excited) Put 'em on -- they're really cool! Meagan and Stormie sit down in easy chairs, rolling up their sleeves. Erwin comes over and reclines the chairs, giving each girl an injection. Then Erwin takes a seat next to Meagan and injects himself. He lets the syringe drop to the floor as he lowers his glasses. ERWIN It helps to hold hands if you want to go together... Meagan clasps hands with Erwin and Stormie. Jesse watches with skepticism and concern. Erwin ushers a final warning: ERWIN (continuing) And remember... Freddy knows what scares you. Then all three FALL THROUGH their chairs into... INT. DREAMSPACE - CONTINUOUS ACTION Meagan, Stormie, and Erwin falling through dreamspace (fantastic digital effect tunnel), still holding hands. The girls scream as Erwin smiles and yells: ERWIN WHAT A RUSH, HUH?!! INT. ABANDONED BOILER ROOM - SAME TIME Jesse watches over Meagan, Stormie, and Erwin -- all asleep in their chairs. INT. NIGHTMARE BOILER ROOM - NEXT MOMENT Meagan, Stormie, and Erwin fall into a crazy night- mare boiler room (visually reminiscent of the Freddy pictures) with rusty catwalks, huge out-of-proportion fixtures above and a sea of boiling water below. As they get to their feet, Meagan hears Lizzy's voice: LIZZY (distant) Meagan... help me... please... Meagan enters a shaft, following the sound when suddenly, the shaft closes up behind her. Stormie and Erwin try to find the opening again but can't. ERWIN Freddy's trying to split us up... INT. ABANDONED BOILER ROOM - SAME TIME Jesse is standing in front of an old, full length mirror, practicing drawing the pistol. He pulls it and pretends to fire, blowing imaginary smoke from the muzzle as he says: JESSE Okay, Freddy... there's a new sheriff in Dreamland now. INT. NIGHTMARE BOILER ROOM - NEXT MOMENT Stormie and Erwin make their way through the creepy boiler room, calling for Meagan. A strange shadow stalks them -- it's Freddy. He drops down in front of Erwin and Stormie. FREDDY Looking for some-body? Freddy opens up his shirt to reveal a chest full of lost souls. In the center -- Meagan. Stormie charges Freddy, throwing her arms around him as she screams to Erwin: STORMIE I've got him! Wake us up! Wake us up! But Erwin is paralyzed with fear. STORMIE (continuing) Don't just stand there! Wake us up! FREDDY Hmmmmm... I feel like seafood tonight. Suddenly, Stormie's arms have become huge lobster claws. She jerks away from Freddy, but too late -- Stormie starts to change into a giant lobster-woman! Freddy smiles -- now he's wearing a chef's hat and apron. FREDDY (continuing) Stew on this, bitch! Freddy knocks the lobster-woman over the side. She falls into the boiling water far below -- KER-SPLASH! HARD CUT TO: INT. ABANDONED BOILER ROOM - NEXT INSTANT Stormie wakes with a start, yelling: STORMIE Shoot him! Shoot him! Jesse spins, aiming the pistol. But nothing is there. INT. NIGHTMARE BOILER ROOM - SAME TIME Freddy turns toward Erwin. FREDDY Well, well, well... if it isn't my ol' pal, Erwin. Erwin stares wide-eyed, frozen to the spot. FREDDY (continuing) I've got something special in mind for you... Suddenly, Erwin reaches into his sleeve and pulls out a pin. Freddy gawks -- surprised. Erwin pricks his finger. HARD CUT TO: INT. ABANDONED BOILER ROOM - NEXT INSTANT Erwin wakes with a start. Stormie smacks him. STORMIE You didn't help me, you pussy! I could've had him! (smacks him some more) You gutless... spinless... jelly fish! Jesse looks over to where Meagan is still sleeping. INT. ELM STREET - DAY (DREAM) Meagan comes down the sidewalk, still following Lizzy's voice... LIZZY (V.O.) Meagan... help me... Meagan... It leads her to her house. Meagan enters the front door. INT. MEAGAN'S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS ACTION Meagan sees her father is sitting at the kitchen table, reading his paper. The headline reads: FREDDY LIVES! MEAGAN Daddy? He looks up and quietly shushes her. MEAGAN'S DAD Shuuuuu! I'm trying to be invisible... And with that, Meagan's dad disappears. Only the newspaper remains. Then Meagan hears Lizzy's VOICE again... upstairs. As she comes down the upstairs hallway, Meagan passes her mother's room. The door is open a crack. Meagan looks in and sees her mother putting an empty bottle to her lips. The bottle sucks the life out of Meagan's mom, who shrivels up into an ugly ol' prune face. Meagan starts to help her mother when Lizzy's cry for help draws her to... INT. LIZZY'S ROOM - CONTINUOUS ACTION Meagan enters. She sees Lizzy on her bed, under the covers. LIZZY Help me... Meagan pulls back the covers to reveal that Lizzy is pregnant, her naked, swollen stomach protruding from her night gown. Something inside is trying to push it's way out. LIZZY (continuing) Meagan... Lizzy screams. Meagan moves to help her sister when Freddy's glove BURSTS OUT of Lizzy's stomach, stabbing Meagan in the chest. HARD CUT TO: INT. ABANDONED BOILER ROOM - CONTINUOUS ACTION Meagan wakes up suddenly. She looks up at Stormie, Erwin, and Jesse standing over her. STORMIE Are you okay? They help Meagan to her feet. MEAGAN (shaky) He got away... I had him and he got away. Oh, God... Lizzy... I lost her... ERWIN Well, atleast you're not dead. MEAGAN No... I'm not dead... (realizes) No... I'm not. But Freddy killed me! STORMIE He killed me, too. But look... Stormie raises her shirt up to show Meagan she is unharmed. Erwin sneaks a look and Stormie smacks him. Meagan gets to her feet, asking: MEAGAN Now that I think about it -- he's killed me in all my nightmares. But I'm not dead... what does it mean? ERWIN It means we've still got some time left. Until his remains are host to the Dream Demons -- Freddy can't hurt us. JESSE Hello. The Dream Demons...? ERWIN Freddy made a pact with Satan when he died... so Satan bestowed upon him the Dream Demons. They're the source of Freddy's power to manipulate our physical reality. Without them... he's powerless -- nothing more than a bad dream. (off Jesse's cynical look) Hey, like I said... I don't make the rules. MEAGAN But we've still got a chance, right? A chance to kill Freddy before he gets back his power? ERWIN We already tried that. There's no way for us to kill Freddy. He's too clever. He knows how to get to us. MEAGAN Then let's get somebody else. Some- body strong. STORMIE Yeah! We could hire somebody to kill Freddy -- like a hit man! ERWIN You would have to hire a thousand of them... or one really big guy who isn't afraid of anything. No fear. Nada. Then you got a shot. JESSE Where are you going to find a hit man? The yellow pages? In your dreams... Jesse's last three words strike Meagan like a thunder- bolt and she stammers out a name: MEAGAN Jason... JESSE Jason? MEAGAN Jason Voorhees... ERWIN (brightens) Jason Voorhees... that's brilliant! The perfect dream warrior... no fear. STORMIE Sounds like our man! JESSE Uh... excuse me, Einstein... but isn't Jason Voorhees dead? ERWIN Seriously dead. Buried up by Crystal Lake somewhere. But don't worry, I know how to bring him back to life. JESSE Somehow I just knew you would. ERWIN But that's not the problem. The problem is control. Once we bring Jason back from the dead... I'm not one hundred percent sure he'll do what we tell him. STORMIE Well, that's okay... as long as he doesn't chop us all up. Erwin rolls his eyes around -- uncertain. MEAGAN Erwin... I'm trusting you on this, so tell me the truth. Do you think if we do this -- if we go and get Jason and bring him back to life, that he could kill Freddy? ERWIN No doubt about. Jason could wreck Freddy on this side of the Dreamline. But if Freddy has home court advan- tage... I don't know. Too close to call. The trick would be to get Jason to enter a dream state, grab Freddy, and drag him out to our reality. MEAGAN I haven't got a choice. I've got to try something... (turns to Stormie & Jesse) I can't ask either of you to help me do this... it's illegal, immoral, disgusting... STORMIE Hey, we sisters have to stand together, right? Where you lead -- I'll follow. Count me in. Meagan embraces Stormie, then all three turn to Jesse. He looks them over and sighs: JESSE Let me get this straight... we're going to go dig one dead maniac up to fight another dead maniac? ERWIN That's about the size of it... and I'd be doing you a disservice if I said there weren't a modicum of risk involved. JESSE Meagan... I don't want to do this... MEAGAN You don't have to, Jesse... it's not your fight. I understand. JESSE But I damn sure don't want you to do it without me. Count me in. Meagan hugs Jesse. Erwin tries to hug Stormie but she pushes him away. ERWIN Look out Freddy... here we come. CUT TO: EXT. SPRINGWOOD AUTO YARD - NIGHT In his shack, listening to a small portable radio, is the NIGHT WATCHMAN. His small DOG suddenly perks up her ears and GROWLS low. The watchman turns down the radio. NIGHT WATCHMAN What's matter, girl... you hear somethin'? Then the old man hears it, too... A low RUMBLE. Moving closer. The night watchman steps out of his shack and squints into the darkness when a line of several hearses approaches. The lead hearse pulls up to the shack and the driver's window rolls down. NIGHT WATCHMAN (continuing) What's this? A funeral procession? A Freddy cultist sticks his face out of the window and says: CULTIST That's exactly what it is. NIGHT WATCHMAN (suspicious) Yeah? Whose? CULTIST Yours. BANG! -- the cultist SHOOTS the old man right through the head. The night watchman falls to the ground with a lifeless THUD. The little dog starts BARKING ferociously when another SHOT silences her as well. Another cultist leaps out of the hearse and runs to the gate, cutting the chain with a pair of bolt cutters. He swings the gate open and the funeral procession proceeds inside. INT. SPRINGWOOD AUTO YARD - A SHORT TIME LATER The cultists are standing around a small pit that two cultists are carefully excavating in the center of the wrecking yard. Inside the pit, the uncovered remains of Freddy Krueger -- nothing more than a pile of charred bones. Lizzy is brought forward, held by a couple cultists, and injected with dream dope as the needle is passed around. She no longer struggles, accepting her fate with droopy eyes. LIZZY'S DREAM DOPE P.O.V. -- as she watches one of the cultists reach down and put a rusty funnel into Freddy's broken jawbone. Her vision gets blurry... more surreal as another cult member steps forward with the tupperware. He pours the dream demons into the funnel. CLOSE ON FREDDY'S REMAINS as the dream demons swim around inside his skull. His bones start to bleed... blood becoming arteries and veins... vessels becoming muscle... muscle growing scarred flesh... There is a FLASH from the pit. Then suddenly, Freddy Krueger -- as you've known him, as you've loved him -- leaps out of the pit and cries: FREDDY Smokin'! Lizzy rolls her eyes up and faints. The cultists FIRE their weapons into the air and cheer as the building-high stacks of wrecked cars surrounding them HONK their HORNS and FLASH their LIGHTS. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT Headlights as Jesse's car zooms past a sign that reads: CRYSTAL LAKE - 13 MILES. JESSE (V.O.) We're almost there... MEAGAN (V.O.) We should pull over and ask directions. STORMIE (V.O.) If it doesn't offend the men... ooops, sorry! There aren't any. JESSE (V.O.) Very funny. EXT. GAS STATION - NIGHT Jesse pulls the car into an ol' run-down service station. STORMIE I don't think they're open. MEAGAN It says, open all night. Jesse HONKS the horn and yells: JESSE Hey! Can we get some service out here?! STORMIE I don't think there's anybody here... Suddenly, a CRAZY OL' COOT appears on the opposite side with a shotgun. Everyone in the car jumps. CRAZY OL' COOT What do you kids want? MEAGAN We're looking for the old cemetery that's supposed to be around here... somewhere. CRAZY OL' COOT What do you want to know for? STORMIE We want to see it. CRAZY OL' COOT Ain't nothin' to see, girly... 'cept a bunch of ol' graves. JESSE Look, mister... can you give us directions or not? The old man gives the occupants of the car a going over with his one good eye, hesitating a moment over Erwin, who scrunches down in the back seat, hiding under a baseball cap. CRAZY OL' COOT You're not goin' up there to do somethin' stupid, are you? JESSE (laughs; nervous) Stupid? Like what? CRAZY OL' COOT Like dig up Jason Voorhees -- that's what! Everyone in the car takes a sharp breath -- cold busted! Then they start saying "No! No!" and shaking their heads innocently in a big performance that wouldn't fool a stick. JESSE (looks at Meagan) Jesus... why would anyone do that? CRAZY OL' COOT I dunno... but people do. STORMIE Been dug up a few times already, has he? CRAZY OL' COOT More times than I care to remember. MEAGAN Well, we're just doing an article for our high school newspaper about the dangers of breaking into cemeteries at night. You know, stuff that can get you hurt... The ol' coot scans the foursome again closely as he acquiesces. CRAZY OL' COOT Well... okay... as long as you're not going up there to do something stupid. (pointing) Take this road up about a mile and make a left at the ol' saw mill. That road will take you right on in... Eternal Peace Cemetery -- can't miss it. Jesse is already standing on the gas, leaving the ol' coot standing in a cloud of smoke and dust. EXT. ETERNAL PEACE CEMETERY - NIGHT Headlights skew across a rusty iron gateway -- ETERNAL PEACE CEMETERY -- illuminating a sign: TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT! Meagan, Jesse, Stormie, and Erwin enter the shadowy cemetery carrying lamps with shovels over their shoulders. As they search through the cemetery, Meagan asks: MEAGAN What's the story on Jason Voorhees anyway? STORMIE Where have you been? Jason was that guy who ran around in a hockey mask, chopping up camp counselors, duh? MEAGAN I knew that. What I mean was why? ERWIN It started a long time ago, back in the fifties, when Jason drown at Camp Crystal Lake. His mother went berserk and started killing the counselors. STORMIE She got her head chopped off by one of the girls she was trying to kill! ERWIN Right. And then Jason came back from his watery grave to get revenge. JESSE He came back from the grave? ERWIN Yeah. Chopped up a number of people before they finally caught up to him. MEAGAN What happened to him then? ERWIN They killed him. JESSE How can you kill somebody who's back from the grave? ERWIN Not very well apparently. Jason keeps coming back to life and chopping people up. It's a never ending cycle of terror up here at Crystal Lake -- a real problem. MEAGAN Why does he keep coming back to life and killing people? ERWIN They say he's looking for revenge on the camp counselor who murdered him as a child. Jason just happens to go about it in the socially unacceptable way of hacking through every teenager he finds until he gets the right one. (spots grave) Here it is... Erwin shines his light on Jason's grave. ANGLE ON TOMBSTONE -- JASON VOORHEES. Born:1945. Died:1953. Beneath the death date, crudely scratched into the stone: 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, etc. Jesse and Erwin start digging. ELLIPSIS -- cemetery statues watching them dig. Stormie and Meagan take their turn. Then... Jesse hits something solid. Hands brush away the remaining dirt, exposing the coffin below. Jesse takes a sharp breath and then jams a crowbar under the lid -- forcing it open. The casket lid cracks open a bit when -- SSSSSS! -- noxious gas escapes. Everyone covers their mouth and nose, suppressing the urge to hurl. Then roaches... hundreds of roaches. Meagan and Stormie run off, screaming, batting at their hair and clothing. Jesse rolls around on the ground. Erwin sighs, plucks a roach off his shirt, and calmly eats it. CUT TO: EXT. ETERNAL PEACE CEMETERY - A SHORT TIME LATER Meagan and Stormie stand just outside the grave, holding the light and a can of bug spray. Their hair is up, covered in plastic shower caps. Duct tape around the cuffs of their pants. They aren't taking anymore chances with bugs. Jesse and Erwin open the casket. Everyone recoils at the stench. Then they shine their lights inside -- nothing but rotting chunks and a broken hockey mask. CUT TO: The kids putting several plastic trash bags full of Jason into the trunk of Jesse's car and slamming the lid closed. Everyone piles into the car, exhausted. In the back, Erwin picks his nose, unaware that Stormie is watching him, her mouth gaping in horror. Erwin becomes aware of Stormie's sickened scrutiny and pulls out his finger, presenting it to Stormie. ERWIN Look... the boogerman! (laughs) Get it?! Stormie slaps his hand away. STORMIE Get back, you nasty-ass bastard! Ug! I thought I had seen the last of those when my brother graduated third grade! ERWIN We just dug up a rotting corpse and you're worried about a little snot. Jesse looks over at Meagan, curled up in a ball beside him. She purrs: MEAGAN I'm exhausted... wake me when we get back home. ERWIN Uhhh... better not fall asleep -- we've still got a lot of work to do and Freddy's out there... waiting. This news sobers everyone up immediately. STORMIE Well, that means we've all got to stay awake! JESSE Duh?! MEAGAN I know! We'll sing a song! (starts singing) Row! Row! Row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily... life is but a dream. Come on, everybody! Meagan leads the none-too-enthusiastic group in another chorus of "Row Your Boat" as Jesse's car roars off into the night. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. LONELY ROAD - NIGHT Meagan is leaning up against the door, murmuring softly to herself as she drifts off to sleep: MEAGAN ...merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily... life is but a dream. In the back seat, Erwin is nuzzled between Stormie's breasts, sucking his thumb. Both are fast asleep. Jesse stares at the road ahead, his own eyelids drooping. The car starts to weave. ANGLE OUT WINDSHIELD -- we flash past Freddy holding a cardboard sign by the side of the road: WILL KILL FOR FOOD. Jesse shakes his head -- nah! He tries to concentrate on the road, his eyelids falling once more. Jesse's car zooms past a billboard. Behind the bill- board -- a highway patrol car, a radar gun sticking out of the driver's window. CLOSE ON RADAR GUN as Jesse's car passes in the back- ground, the red digits cascading up. Freddy, now dressed as a highway patrolman, sits behind the wheel. The radar gun's display is reflected in his mirrored shades. It reads: KILL THEM. FREDDY Shouldn't dream and drive. Freddy starts the car and pulls out, but what comes out from behind the billboard isn't a patrol car -- it's Freddy's NIGHTMAREMOBILE -- big chrome pipes belching HELLFIRE. ANGLE IN JESSE'S REARVIEW MIRROR as Jesse's eyelids close and his head nods forward, revealing the night- maremobile closing from behind fast. The nightmaremobile runs up to the back of Jesse's car just an inch from the bumper. Freddy moves one of the dozen of levers on the dash. CLOSE ON FREDDY'S HOOD ORNAMENT -- a small version of Freddy's glove. It extends out towards the back of Jesse's car, one of the tiny knives inserting into the trunk lock and turning with a slight CLICK. The trunk lid opens. ANGLE INSIDE TRUNK -- the plastic bags with Jason's remains are moving! Freddy works another level and the tiny glove slits each bag. The various pieces of Jason (hands, boots, intestines, etc.) crawl out of the bag. FREDDY (continuing) Looks like the cat's out of the bag now! Freddy laughs as the tiny hand closes the trunk. The nightmaremobile pulls out from behind Jesse's car, BANGING into the rear quarter panel. WHAM! -- all four occupants of the car are jolted awake, startled. Meagan looks out her window and sees the nightmaremobile as it closes in again. MEAGAN It's Freddy! WHAM! SPARKS fly. Everyone screams. Freddy laughs as he falls back for another shot. Meagan sees the dozens of lost souls trapped in the back of the night- maremobile, staring out at her through the back window. A small yellow sign reads: LOST SOULS ON BOARD. Jesse fights to keep the car on the road when suddenly, the pieces of Jason ATTACK, BURSTING from behind the back seat. One hand crawls up the back of the front seat, leaping onto Jesse's throat. Jason's intestines EXPLODE out of the backseat, SLITHERING and SNAKING their way around Stormie and Erwin. One of Jason's boots wiggles under the seat, making it's way towards the gas peddle. The other boot is content to lay under the back window and kick Erwin in the head. As Meagan fights to pull Jason's hand of Jesse's face, she looks down and sees Jason's other hand between her legs. Meagan screams. Jason's boot stomps on the gas and Jesse's car lurches forward with the acceleration. The nightmaremobile SLAMS into the side of Jesse's car again, causing it to swerve violently from side to side. Inside the nightmaremobile, Freddy pulls another lever. CLOSE ON THE NIGHTMAREMOBILE FENDER as a panel opens up and a circular sawblade arm extends out, CUTTING into Jesse's car with a flurry of SPARKS. Inside, Meagan screams as the saw blade just misses her leg, CUTTING forward towards... CLOSE ON JESSE'S FRONT TIRE as the saw blade CUTS into it. The tire BLOWS and Jesse's car lurches off the road, veering into a tree line. CRASH! -- Jesse's car plows fender-first into a tree, the HORN stuck on, BLARING. Freddy laughs and kicks the nightmaremobile into overdrive, ROARING OFF and disappearing with an EXPLOSION of FIRE that wisps away in an instant. In the distance -- an old farmhouse. The lights go on inside. The passenger door opens and Meagan falls out onto the ground, bleeding from a slight scalp wound. A rear door opens and Stormie and Erwin spill out, locked in embrace and not seriously hurt. Meagan staggers around to the driver's side and opens the door. Jesse is laying unconscious against the steering wheel. Meagan pulls him off the wheel and the HORN stops. Jesse is splattered with blood and his leg is a mess. MEAGAN (continuing) Jesse's hurt real bad... we've got to get him to a doctor. Through the farmhouse window, Erwin and Stormie see the farmer on the phone. ERWIN Don't worry... an ambulance is on the way. Meagan cradles Jesse's head in her hands, crying: MEAGAN Oh, God... Jesse... Erwin goes to the trunk and opens it. Inside -- the garbage bags with Jason's remains still inside -- untouched. Erwin goes to Meagan and says: ERWIN Meagan... listen to me... The cops are on their way. If they find me and Jason Voorhees in the trunk there, we're finished. MEAGAN Go... get out of here. Take Jason and Stormie with you. STORMIE I'm staying with you. Erwin grabs the trash bags out of the trunk and says: ERWIN I'll call you at the hospital. STORMIE How? ERWIN Somehow! Erwin takes off, disappearing with Jason's remains into the night as SIRENS WAIL in the distance -- growing close. CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL - JESSE'S ROOM - NIGHT Jesse is laying in a hospital bed, his leg in a special tent. Meagan and Stormie watch from the doorway as a DOCTOR checks Jesse's vitals. As he finishes, Meagan asks: MEAGAN Is he going to be okay? DOCTOR Yes. But he needs a lot of rest. His leg is broken in four places and he has four broken ribs and a concussion. Meagan sits down next to Jesse, taking his hand. Stormie turns to the doctor. STORMIE Hey doc, is there someplace I could get us something to eat? DOCTOR I'm afraid the cafeteria is closed. There are some vending machines in the lobby. (to Meagan) I'll be back to check on him in a couple of hours. The doctor exits. STORMIE I'll be right back... I'm goin' go score us some munchies. Meagan nods weakly. Stormie exits. Meagan lays her head on Jesse's hand. INT. HOSPITAL LOBBY - MOMENTS LATER Stormie is getting several bags of munchies out of the vending machine when she turns and sees Murdoch at the information booth, flashing photos of Jesse and Erwin. Stormie dashes for the staircase. INT. HOSPITAL - JESSE'S ROOM - SAME TIME Jesse and Meagan have fallen asleep. Jesse's heart monitor BEEPS... On the wall, an x-ray viewer flickers to life. Freddy peeks out from behind the other side. He snickers and ducks back down. Suddenly, Freddy's hand reaches up from inside the bed and grabs Jesse, pulling him down into the mattress. Meagan wakes and sees this, screaming as Jesse grabs onto the curtain. CLOSE ON CURTAIN ROD as the curtain pulls free of the rings. Jesse disappears into the bed, his screams echoing away. Meagan looks under the bed -- nothing. She rises up again, watching as Jesse's iv and electrode wires are pulled down after him. Meagan grabs a handful of tubes and wire and tries to pull Jesse back. But the pull is too strong and Meagan goes into the mattress. INT. OLD WEST SALOON (NIGHTMARE) - CONTINUOUS ACTION Meagan falls to the floor of a dusty ol' saloon. As she gets to her feet she sees Jesse's iv tubes running along the floor and out the door. Meagan follows them to the saloon door, where she stops and looks out into... EXT. OLD WEST STREET (NIGHTMARE) - CONTINUOUS ACTION Standing in the middle of the street is Jesse, dressed in a cowboy sheriff's outfit complete with hat, badge, and gunbelt. Meagan calls to him from the saloon door. MEAGAN Jesse! But Jesse can't hear her. He's too busy shaking with fear... staring at something coming down the street. It's Freddy. Dressed in a Black Bart cowboy outfit. FREDDY (ala John Wayne) Okay, Sheriff... This nightmare ain't big enough for the two of us... draw! Trembling with fear, Jesse fumbles for his pistol. He pulls it out and FIRES. Freddy laughs. Jesse FIRES again. Freddy just laughs. Jesse FIRES again and again and again and Freddy just laughs and laughs and laughs. From the saloon, Meagan screams: MEAGAN Jesse! Wake up! Wake up!! Freddy looks over at her, annoyed. FREDDY Three's a crowd, bitch! Why don't you just go get [BEEP] INT. HOSPITAL - JESSE'S ROOM - CONTINUOUS ACTION The SOUND of Jesse's heart monitor BEEPING erratically wakes Meagan with a start. She tries to wake Jesse. MEAGAN Jesse, wake up! WAKE UP!! INT. OLD WEST STREET (NIGHTMARE) - SAME TIME Jesse keeps FIRING at Freddy... until his gun CLICKS empty. Freddy smiles and pulls out the biggest Goddamn gun you ever saw and says: FREDDY Go ahead... make my dream! Freddy FIRES! HARD CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL - JESSE'S ROOM - NEXT INSTANT Jesse's stomach EXPLODES with BLOOD -- splattering Meagan. Jesse's heart monitor BEEPS continuously -- flat line. Jesse is dead. A NURSE shows up to answer the alarm. She sees Meagan standing over Jesse's body, covered in blood, and screams. Stormie enters the room a half-second later and gasps. MEAGAN Freddy killed Jesse... Stormie reaches in and grabs Meagan, pulling her out of the room. INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS ACTION Stormie drags a shell-shocked Meagan down the hall, the screams of the nurse fading into the distance. STORMIE Jesus... get a grip, lady. You'd think a nurse in a hospital would have seen a dead body before. MEAGAN Jesse... Just then, Stormie spots Murdoch and his men getting off the elevator. They hear the nurse's screams and come running towards Jesse's room. Stormie pulls Meagan behind the nurse's station just as Murdoch and company go thundering past. Then a VOICE on the P.A. says: VOICE (filtered) Attention. Would Meagan or Stormie please pick up the white paging phone for a message? Stormie and Meagan exchange worrisome looks. The announcement repeats itself again. Then again. Stormie can't stand it anymore -- she stands up and picks up the white paging phone. STORMIE (into phone) This is Stormie... Murdoch and his men come running past the nurse's station again. Stormie turns her back to them but Murdoch goes back to the nurse's station, asking: MURDOCH Did you see a couple of girls go by here a moment ago? Stormie gestures to the elevators. STORMIE Just missed 'em. Murdoch nods a quick thanks and takes off with his men right behind. Stormie exhales a giant sigh of relief as the HOSPITAL OPERATOR says: HOSPITAL OPERATOR (filtered) The message is from Erwin... he says to meet him at the side entrance in two minutes. Stormie hangs up and grabs Meagan, running for the staircase. EXT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT - MOMENTS LATER Stormie drags Meagan out of the hospital just as Erwin pulls up in an old battered pick-up truck. He throws open the door and Stormie pushes Meagan inside, climbing in after her and asking: STORMIE Where'd you get the truck? ERWIN Same place I've got Jason hid. STORMIE And where's that? ERWIN A place where no one ever goes. Stormie closes the door and the pick-up truck ROARS out of the parking lot. CUT TO: EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - NIGHT The pick-up truck's headlights skew across a weather- worn sign, peppered with bullet holes: CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE Erwin drives the truck through the deserted camp, past the cabins, down towards the lake. He stops a short distance away from the pier and the three of them climb out. Meagan is still in shock, letting Stormie guide her as Erwin leads them down the pier to a small diving platform tied up to the end. STORMIE What'd you do -- take him for a swim? ERWIN Almost. Erwin jumps down on the diving platform. In the center, a large form is covered by a tarp. Erwin helps Stormie down onto the platform, leaving Meagan standing on the pier. She looks out over the lake -- eyes vacant. Erwin moves close to Stormie and, gesturing to Meagan, asks: ERWIN (continuing) Is she going to be alright? STORMIE I don't know. She's pretty fucked up. God, I don't know why I'm not... ERWIN You're a strong woman. STORMIE What's that supposed to mean? ERWIN Uhhh... nothing. I didn't mean anything. Stormie gestures to the tarp. STORMIE Is this him? ERWIN Yeah... (whips back tarp) Meet the new and improved Jason. ANGLE ON JASON laying spread eagle on the diving platform, cocooned in chicken wire with dozens of coiled leads trailing off into the water. Erwin has done a good job of sewing Jason back together with barbed wire and fishing line. His arms and legs have been reinforced with steel braces and even Jason's mask has been repaired, stitched down the middle with bailing wire. Jason looks nineties... and butch. STORMIE Why'd you put that stupid mask on him? ERWIN Take a look... Stormie bends down and takes a peek under the mask and quickly replaces it. STORMIE Good idea. ERWIN Not exactly a beauty queen entry, is he? STORMIE So what do we do now -- sing an Ozzy Osbourne song backwards or something? ERWIN I'm afraid it's not that simple... STORMIE I thought you said you knew how to bring him back to life? ERWIN I do! But when I was putting him back together, I noticed something was missing. Stormie thinks about this for a second, then: STORMIE Awwww, he won't be needing that... I mean, what girl would let him put his rotten ol'... ERWIN (cuts her off) No-no! Not that! It's his heart... it's missing. STORMIE Well... does it really matter? Can't you use an aquarium pump or something? ERWIN No... he has to have a heart. A human heart. A good one. Meagan speaks for the first time: MEAGAN I know where we can get a heart... A good one. CUT TO: EXT. MORGUE - PARKING LOT - NIGHT A sign reads: CITY MORGUE. Through the front window a GUARD can be seen sitting at the reception desk. Erwin, Stormie, and Meagan watch him from the pick-up, parked a safe distance away. ERWIN That guard in there might pose a problem. MEAGAN Do you think you and Stormie could keep him occupied for a few minutes? Erwin and Stormie exchange looks, then shrug -- why not? MEAGAN (continuing) Okay... let's do it. A few moments later, the guard looks up as the pick- up swerves wildly into the parking lot. He gets up and goes to the glass door, peering out. ANGLE THROUGH GLASS DOOR as Stormie and Erwin start making out -- hot and heavy. INT. MORGUE - NIGHT Meagan BREAKS a small window near the ceiling. She crawls onto the top of the cabinet and then drops to the floor. She shines her flashlight around the dark laboratory, illuminating anatomy charts, jars full of organs, etc. Crossing to the lockers, Meagan tentatively opens one of the drawers and shines her light inside -- ug! Wrong guy. She opens the next drawer -- ick! Even worse. Meagan opens a third drawer -- Jesse. Her lip starts to quiver as she caresses his face. EXT. MORGUE - PARKING LOT - SAME TIME At the glass door, the guard is watching the action in the parking lot, his breath fogging the window. He wipes the glass clean with his sleeve to get a better look. Inside the truck, Stormie and Erwin wrestle around. STORMIE Hey! Watch that! ERWIN I'm just trying to make it look real. STORMIE Just keep your hands above the bra, pizza face. The windows are starting to steam up. INT. MORGUE - SAME TIME Meagan pulls on a labcoat and puts on a pair of rubber gloves. Then she opens a drawer full of shiny instru- ments (saws, rib cutters, etc.) and selects a large knife. Meagan stands over Jesse's body. She pulls back the sheet, exposing his chest. Meagan raises the knife far above her head. MEAGAN Forgive me, Jesse... Meagan plunges the knife into Jesse's chest with a sickening THWACK! EXT. MORGUE - PARKING LOT - SAME TIME The windows of the pick-up are now badly fogged, obscuring the guard's view. He licks his lips, deciding to investigate closer. The guard unlocks the front door and starts toward Stormie and Erwin. They spot him coming and break their embrace. In another moment, the pick-up is PEELING out of the parking lot. The guard watches the truck go, shakes his head, and goes back inside to start his rounds. Up the street, parked with the lights off in the night shade of a large tree, Stormie and Erwin watch as the guard starts down the glass enclosed hallway towards the morgue. STORMIE He's head right for her! Do some- thing! Erwin panics for a moment, then HONKS the HORN. INT. MORGUE - NEXT MOMENT Meagan is trying to pull Jesse's heart out of his chest but it just won't come, some vein or muscle fiber keeps pulling it back. She jumps at the HORN, then starts pulling harder. In the hallway just outside, the guard hears the HORN and stops. He starts back for the front, when suddenly the HORN stops. Meagan hacks at the last bits of stringy goo that cling to Jesse's heart. As the last strand goes, Meagan tumbles backwards to the floor with a loud THUD. The guard hears that and turns back towards the morgue, drawing his gun. He tip-toes to the door and carefully unlocks it, leaving his keys in the lock. Taking a two-handed Weaver stance, the guard raises his foot and kicks the door. WHACK! -- the door flies open and the guard leaps inside like Marshall Dillon, snapping on the lights. He gasps, eyes going wide as he scans the room. One of the drawers is open... the stiff's chest has got a huge hole in it... blood spattered everywhere... a bunch of bloody footprints leading over to the cabinet... Suddenly, the guard sees Meagan half out the window and cries: GUARD Stop right there! Meagan rolls out of the window just as the guard FIRES. The unbroken section of the window SHATTERS. The guard curses and races for the... EXT. MORGUE - SECONDS LATER The guard comes running out just in time to see Meagan close the passenger door and the truck ROAR away. He shrinks, dejected -- no way to catch them now. The guard heads back inside to report this mess and finds that the door has closed and locked behind him. CUT TO: EXT. ETERNAL PEACE CEMETERY - NIGHT The crazy ol' coot is leading Murdoch through the cemetery. CRAZY OL' COOT They said they were writin' for some newspaper... MURDOCH Teenagers are notorious liars. CRAZY OL' COOT Well, after I heard about the accident on my police scanner, I came up here to have a look. When I found it I figured you'd want to know right away. MURDOCH You did the right thing. The ol' coot shines his light down into Jason's empty grave. CRAZY OL' COOT Damn kids... I just knew they were comin' up here to do somethin' stupid. The S.W.A.T. commander comes up to Murdoch. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Just got a call on the radio -- three juveniles just broke into the morgue -- one male, two female. The guard is pretty sure the male is in the Freddy cult -- burnt face. CRAZY OL' COOT Sounds like the same kids I saw. MURDOCH Did the guard say what they took? S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Yeah... that murdered kid, Jesse -- they carved his heart out. (beat) They got away in a pick-up -- the guard didn't get the license. You want me to put out an A.P.B.? MURDOCH No... that won't be necessary. I know just where they're going, and just what they're up to. And this time... I'll be ready. CUT TO: EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - NIGHT Meagan sits on the end of the pier, watching silently as Erwin sews Jesse's heart into Jason's chest using dental floss. Stormie comes up behind her and puts her jacket around Meagan's shoulders, sits down beside her and says: STORMIE You've got to quit blaming your- self for what happened to Jesse... it wasn't your fault. MEAGAN He didn't want to come with us... but he did anyway. He did it for me. STORMIE I'm not sorry I came... I don't think Jesse would be, either. MEAGAN I just can't believe he's dead. I keep thinking he'll show up any minute... ERWIN Well, that just about does it... Erwin finishes sewing up Jason and climbs back onto the pier, cutting the diving platform free. He kicks it off and it floats out into the lake, drifting free. Then Erwin herds the girls down the shore, leading them over to where a short trench has been dug leading from the water's edge. In the bottom of the trench -- an uncovered power cable. ERWIN (continuing) As you can see, I've excavated the power cable that runs across the bottom of Crystal Lake. I've cut away the insulation, exposing a patch of cable right near the water's edge. Erwin picks up a nearby bucket of water and sets it at the head of the trench. ERWIN (continuing) Now when I kick this over, the water will wash down the trench and bridge an eletrical gap between the cable and the lake. There's plenty of voltage, so it should work. STORMIE So you kick the bucket and Jason lives. ERWIN Yeah, right... (then) Okay, keep your fingers crossed... Erwin kicks the bucket over. The water washes down the trench, over the cable, and -- POW! Z-Z-Z-ZAP! A huge SPARK HITS EXPLODES. Then the lake begins to glow and the water begins to churn. Erwin and the girls jump back as ELECTRICITY ARCS from the lake, engulfing the diving platform. The ARCS of ELECTRICITY leap from the chicken wire onto Jason's body, his massive frame convulsing. CLOSE ON HOCKEY MASK as we PUSH IN -- the electricity spirals down into the eye hole like water running down a drain. CLOSE ON JASON'S EYE as it opens! We dive into the eye and take a fantastic dream/time travel to... OPTICAL TRANSITION TO: EXT. VOORHEES CABIN - 1953 - DAY CLOSE ON MASK (1950's version of a hockey mask) reflected in the water. A young hand reaches up and pulls off the mask, revealing the disfigured boy beneath. This is JASON -- AGE 9. JASON'S FATHER comes to the doorway of their run- down cabin in dirty longjohns, holding a bottle of rye. He bellows: JASON'S FATHER Jason! Git your ass over here! Jason jumps at his father's voice, hesitates only slightly, then runs toward him, stopping abruptly several paces away. JASON'S FATHER (continuing) What did I teach you, boy? Don't ever take your mask off out in public. I don't want nobody to see that ugly mug of yours. Jason stands, looking at his bare feet. His father smacks him upside the head, shoving him towards the woodshed. JASON'S FATHER (continuing) Go git in the woodshed. Jason's pace slows as he enters the dark shed -- he knows what's coming next. JASON'S FATHER (continuing) Drop them overalls and lay over them logs... Jason slowly complies as his father loosens his belt. Suddenly, JASON'S MOTHER is just outside the doorway, calling: JASON'S MOTHER Jason! Come here! Jason gives his father a sideways glance, then scurries towards his mother. JASON'S FATHER What are you doing woman? Jason's mother gives him a mason jar stuffed with dollars and change. JASON'S MOTHER I saved up some money... I want you to take and go on up to that summer camp just up the road. Tell the man you want to stay there. JASON'S FATHER Just what the hell do you think you're doing, bitch?! JASON'S MOTHER I'm sending him away for a few weeks. JASON'S FATHER You ain't sending him nowhere. (to Jason) Bring me that money, boy! Jason holds his ground for a second, unsure whom to obey, when his mother shoos him away. JASON'S MOTHER Go on now... go! Jason takes off up the road. His father sneers: JASON'S FATHER Goin' ag'in me? I'll take you to the shed, woman! Jason's mother pulls a knife from her apron. JASON'S MOTHER You ain't ever taking anyone to the shed ever again. Jason's mother charges at her husband, shoving him back into the shed with the knife. Jason looks back. Through the open window he sees his mother's arm coming down repeatedly with the knife, his father's arms flailing helplessly. Then both disappear from view. After a moment his mother appears in the door- way, spattered with blood. She smiles and waves to him, calling: JASON'S MOTHER (continuing) Go on, son... have a good time! Mommy will come and git you some day soon! Jason turns and runs to... EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - 1953 - DAY Wearing his mask, Jason walks through the entrance to the camp with his jar of money. In the office, the HEAD COUNSELOR takes his money and shakes his hand. HEAD COUNSELOR Welcome aboard, son! I'm sure you'll have a great time! CUT TO: The other KIDS dance around Jason, taunting him... laughing at him... pointing and teasing... Jason breaks away, running towards the pier. Jason sits at the end of the pier, looking at his own reflection. He removes the mask and watches as the distortions in the water make his face look normal. Someone comes up behind Jason slowly. Jason isn't aware of their presence until a shadowy reflection appears behind his own. Jason turns to see who when he is suddenly pushed into the lake. Jason splashes to the surface, sputtering, trying to stay afloat. A hand pushes his head back under the water. JASON'S UNDERWATER P.O.V. -- a distorted image of whoever is holding him under. Jason thrusts out his arms, fighting to get back to the surface... fighting just to see who is killing him before he dies. HARD CUT TO: EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - NIGHT Jason comes alive, thrashing around on the diving dock, the electricity all over him like a spider web. On shore, Erwin and the girls gasp. ERWIN Holy shit! It worked! Meagan and Stormie bounce, excitedly. But something is wrong. Jason thrashes around on the dock, unable to break the crisscross of high voltage chicken wire. MEAGAN It's kill him! Shut it off! Shut it off! ERWIN Shut it off... it suddenly occurs to me that I hadn't really planned for that contingency. STORMIE Just don't stand there! Do something! But all Erwin can do is scratch his head. Meagan rushes to the shore line and screams out over the lake: MEAGAN Jason! JASON! You've got to get up! Do you hear me? Get up! Jason clenches his meaty fists and SLAMS them down against the diving dock. SMASHING it to bits. Water rushes over him and -- ZZZZT! KA-POW! A power transformer on shore EXPLODES, causing Meagan and her friends to cringe. When they look back, the electrical light show fades away, leaving nothing but smoke and floating debris. Meagan and Stormie turn to Erwin, who shrugs shyly and says: ERWIN Well... it's off now. Meagan and Stormie begin a verbal barrage that would shrink any man to pus... much less Erwin. He cowers between them, offering quick excuses and humble apologies. All three are so wrapped up in laying blame that they never notice Jason's shadowy figure as it rises from the lake. Then they do see him... scream and run. Jason charges after the kids in his familiar "unstoppable killer" gait. Erwin ducks inside the tool shed as Meagan and Stormie dash past. He closes the door behind him and squirms out a tiny window just as Jason kicks open the door and steps inside. Erwin races around to the front and closes the door. He fastens the latch and padlock, then calls to the girls: ERWIN (continuing) Hey! Come back! I've got him locked up in the tool shed! Just then, the SOUND of a CHAINSAW as the blade RIPS through the tool shed door. Erwin screams like a girl and runs away. INT. MAIN CABIN - CONTINUOUS ACTION Meagan and Stormie run into the main room. Stormie spots a phone and goes to it, dialing frantically. MEAGAN Who are you calling?! STORMIE The cops! Who else?! MEAGAN Are you kidding?! They'll lock us up and throw away the key! STORMIE Fine by me! (clicks the receiver) Damnit! It's dead! Just then, Erwin bursts into the cabin, slamming the door shut behind him. ERWIN He's right behind me! Stormie and Meagan look out the window -- sure enough, Jason is storming towards them, holding the chainsaw. STORMIE (to Erwin) You're the one who brought him back to life! ERWIN And?! STORMIE Well, do something! Erwin screams and runs for the closet, hiding inside. Stormie clucks: STORMIE (continuing) Oh, some hero! Just then, the chainsaw RIPS through the front door. Meagan and Stormie scream and follow Erwin into the closet, closing themselves inside. They cower in the closet, listening... for a long moment... nothing but the sound of their heavy breathing. Then, with the RIPPING of WOOD, Jason chainsaws the closet door -- knocking it to the floor. Erwin draws out his pin and starts stabbing himself in the finger. Jason charges forward, when Meagan suddenly stands up in front of him and yells: MEAGAN STOP! To everyone's shock... Jason does. MEAGAN (continuing) Now... just stop! We're the ones that brought you back to life. And you have no right to kill us with that chainsaw! In fact... you owe us... STORMIE That's right! She gave you her boyfriend's heart, you know! MEAGAN That's right. Jason cocks his massive head like a perplexed pup. MEAGAN (continuing) Look! Here's his picture... Meagan takes off the necklace that Jesse gave her and opens the locket. She shows Jason the photo of Jesse inside. Jason drops the chainsaw and takes the locket in his humongous hands, gently touching the photo of Jesse with a meaty finger. MEAGAN (continuing) Now, I know that you've been through a lot. And I know that you're pissed off about being murdered and all. STORMIE (interjects) I know I would be! MEAGAN But if you help us kill Freddy Krueger... I promise to help you find the little bastard that killed you. What do you say? Have we got a deal? Meagan sticks out her hand to shake. Jason stares at it, looks back at the locket, then to Meagan. Finally, he reaches out his huge hand for Meagan's when... Brilliant, blinding white light blazes through the windows, freezing everyone to the spot. Anxious to get out of the closet with Jason, Erwin crawls across the floor and peeks out over the window sill. ANGLE OUT WINDOW -- a dozen police cars shine their lights towards the cabin, two dozen COPS aim their weapons. In the middle of this impressive show of force is Murdoch. He raises a bullhorn to his lips. MURDOCH (through bullhorn) You in there! This is Captain Renton Murdoch -- State Trooper! I am ordering you to come out with your hands up! I'll give you until the count of three... (beat) Three! Meagan turns to Jason, shoving him back into the closet. MEAGAN (whispering) Jason, you have to hide! Stay in here and don't come out until we tell you. Stormie... help me! Stormie helps Meagan stuff Jason into the closet, closing the door. Then they quickly smooth down their hair and clothes, moving towards the door. EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - NEXT SECOND Meagan, Stormie, and Erwin come out with their hands raised high above their heads. As they walk towards the police cars, several of the S.W.A.T. team moves in and arrests them. As they are handcuffed and searched, Murdoch goes on the bullhorn again: MURDOCH (through bullhorn) Alright... anybody else left in there had better say their prayers! ERWIN There's no one else inside. MURDOCH Is that a fact? (into bullhorn) Okay... you had your chance! Suddenly, one of the cops points towards the cabin and shouts: COP Hey, look! All heads turn towards the cabin, where Jason's massive frame is filling the doorway. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Holy Mary, mother of God... would you look at the size of that guy? MURDOCH (almost happy) I knew it! All the cops level their weapons at Jason when Murdoch suddenly steps forward, gesturing for everyone to get behind him. MURDOCH (continuing) Stand back! I'll handle this. Murdoch takes a few steps towards the cabin and sneers: MURDOCH (continuing) You... Jason raises the chainsaw -- he remembers Murdoch too. Murdoch goes for his gun, but instead of bringing out a pistol, he holds a laser designator. Murdoch fires. A big red dot appears on Jason's chest. Jason looks down at it like it was a harmless bug. He looks back up at Murdoch, who raises a radio to his lips and says: MURDOCH (continuing; into radio) Let her go. EXT. 60,000 FEET ABOVE CRYSTAL LAKE - NEXT SECOND A military jet flying above drops it's payload -- a laser-guided napalm bomb. EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - SAME TIME A slight WHISTLE sound grows in the skies above Camp Crystal Lake. Jason looks up. SMART BOMB P.O.V. as it drops down on Jason -- homing in on the laser dot on his chest. BA-BOOM! -- Camp Crystal Lake EXPLODES in flames. All the cops take cover as FIRE RAINS DOWN on them. Only Murdoch stands his ground, his arms outstretched as he embraces the terrible sight. MURDOCH That'll teach you to fuck with the law, Voorhees! A cop behind him says: COP Uhh, sir... your hat's on fire. Murdoch looks up -- sure enough, his Smokey Bear hat is burning above the brim. Meagan watches as Camp Crystal Lake is consume in flames, her last hope of saving Lizzy -- gone. Then a cop shoves her into a police car with Stormie. Erwin is put into another car and the three exchange worrisome looks through the windows just before the cars pull away. As the cops start to pull out, one of them notices something moving amidst the flames -- a large BURNING form, walking towards the lake. As it stumbles out onto the pier, the cop turns to his partner and says: CURIOUS COP Hey... do you see that? But just then, the form falls through the BURNING pier, SPLASHING into the water below. The partner looks, sees nothing, and shrugs. PARTNER See what? CURIOUS COP I thought I saw something... He shrugs it off and exits after his partner. Murdoch, his hat still smoking a little, surveys the sight one last time before climbing into his patrol car and driving away. CUT TO: INT. POLICE STATION - CELLBLOCK - NIGHT A cell door SLAMS in front of Stormie's face. A cell door SLAMS in front of Meagan's face. Both girls are behind bars, separated by a cement wall. The hefty female DEPUTY in charge of the cellblock goes back to her desk. Both girls stand in their cells next to eachother, watching as the deputy goes back to her desk and begins to devour three combo-burritos. MEAGAN We've got to try and stay awake. STORMIE Getting something to eat might help. (calls to Deputy) Yo, Butch! DEPUTY MILLER It's Deputy Miller. STORMIE Excuse me, Deputy Miller but could we have something to eat? DEPUTY MILLER I thought you psychos only ate human hearts? STORMIE And I thought you pigs only ate donuts. DEPUTY MILLER Don't make me come back there. STORMIE (low; to Meagan) Cow! I hope she chokes on her three combo-burrito cud! Meagan leans up against the wall, sliding down to the floor in defeat. MEAGAN What am I going to do? I'll never be able to find Lizzy now. STORMIE You should be worrying about your- self... I know I am. Stormie plops down on her cot. MEAGAN I bet you're sorry you came with me now... STORMIE Nah... what are best friends for? Afterall, you stuck by me through all my crazy phases, I figure I owe you one big crazy phase, right? MEAGAN That's for being my best friend, Stormie. Just then, Deputy Miller steps in front of Meagan's cell, unlocking it. DEPUTY MILLER Come on, Meagan. MEAGAN Where are we going? DEPUTY MILLER Your parents are here. CUT TO: INT. POLICE STATION - NIGHT - MOMENTS LATER Deputy Miller brings Meagan out of the cellblock, where her mom and dad are waiting with Captain Murdoch. Meagan's mom rushes up and hugs Meagan. MEAGAN'S MOM Oh, Meagan... are you alright? Let me look at you... MEAGAN I'm okay, mom. MEAGAN'S DAD Your mother's been worried sick, Meagan. So have I. Meagan stands handcuffed, her hair mussed, her clothes bloody and soiled. MEAGAN Sorry. Today has been a bitch. INT. CELLBLOCK - SAME TIME The deputy is so busy munching down on her burritos that she doesn't notice the strange shadow that passes behind her. The shadow moves down the cellblock, accompanied by a slight SCRAPING. Freddy's glove materializes, raking the knives along the metal cross bars. Freddy stops at Stormie's cell, looking inside. Stormie is fast asleep. Freddy walks into Stormie's cell, passing right through the bars. Suddenly, Stormie wakes and, seeing Freddy, jumps to her feet and screams. STORMIE Help! Help! Freddy's here! He's here! But the deputy at the end of the cellblock doesn't respond, finishing off the rest of the burrito and licking her meaty fingers clean. Freddy puts his forefinger knife to his lips and shushes Stormie, pointing to her cot. Stormie looks over and sees her- self asleep. STORMIE (continuing) Oh, shit! I'm still asleep! She looks up at Freddy, who smiles and says: FREDDY You know what they say... when you sleep -- you die! Freddy flashes the glove of knives. INT. POLICE STATION - NEXT MOMENT MEAGAN'S MOM Meagan, Captain Murdoch here said you helped one of those cultists escape from a hospital? MEAGAN A mental hospital. MEAGAN'S MOM And he said you desecrated a cemetery and some other really terrible things. Tell me you had nothing to do with it. Tell me there's some mistake...? MEAGAN There's no mistake. (to Murdoch) What did you do with Erwin? MURDOCH Your boyfriend is headed back to the looney bin where he belongs. But don't worry, you'll be seeing him soon enough... at the arraignment. INT. CELLBLOCK - SAME TIME Freddy taunts Stormie as the circle around in the cell by slicing off his fingers, squirting green slime. Stormie winces a little but keeps her distance and cool. STORMIE You don't scare me, Freddy! Thanks to my various phases and many hours of watching violent televison, I have become immune to violence. Seen it all and done it all! Nothing you do can gross me out -- so why don't you give it your best shot, bitch! FREDDY Then maybe I'll just CUT to the chase! Freddy swings the glove but Stormie ducks, keeping her defensive stance. STORMIE I'm warning you, Freddy... my father is a drill sergeant in the Marine Corps and he taught me just how to defend myself against slimy bastards like you. FREDDY Oh I'm so scared, honey. Come on! Hit me! Punch me right in the nose! I dare you! Freddy juts out his chin, gesturing for Stormie to take a punch. Stormie throws a right and pops Freddy right in the nose. FREDDY (continuing; surprised) Owwwww! Stormie smiles but that soon fades as she realizes her fist is stuck in Freddy's nose. Freddy takes in a breath and Stormie's arm is sucked up past the elbow. She screams. Freddy takes a deep breath and snorts Stormie right up his nose, her screams turning into a faint BUZZ. Freddy smiles. FREDDY (continuing) Now that's what I call getting a buzz. INT. FREDDY'S NOSTRIL CAVERN - NEXT SECOND Now the size of a flea, Stormie is clinging to one of hundreds of pointed tree trunks jutting out from the circular walls -- Freddy's nose hairs. Stuck in those humongous hairs are clumps of icky gunk -- boogers. Sitting next to Stormie, a particularly large and rotund booger clump opens its eyes and says (in the distorted voice of Harry Manfredini): BOOGERMAN Hi there! I'm the Boogerman! Heh- heh... get it? Stormie screams, backing up into the "trees", trying to put distance between herself and Boogerman. BOOGERMAN (continuing) Aww, don't go... we can play "Star Wars". You can be Princess Leia and I'll be Jabba the Hutt! Boogerman licks his fat, nasty lips with a slimy green tongue -- he does kinda look like Jabba. Stormie screams again. INT. POLICE STATION - SAME TIME Meagan is getting more and more agitated. MEAGAN We're wasting time! We've got to close down all the churches -- Freddy has to marry Lizzy on holy ground! Meagan's parents stare at their daughter with confused, frightened looks. MEAGAN (continuing) Don't you understand?! He has to come to our reality to do it! It's our last chance to kill him! MURDOCH Okay, I think we've heard enough of this crap. Take her back to the lockup. A couple of DEPUTIES grab Meagan. She throws them off and they grab her again, roughly. Meagan's parents watch in pain and horror as the deputies drag their daughter back to her cell, kicking and screaming. MEAGAN Dad! Mom! Don't let them lock me up! I have to save Lizzy! MEAGAN'S MOM Oh, Meagan... you're sick. You don't even realize what you've done. MEAGAN I did what I had to do to try and save Lizzy! MURDOCH Yeah, including murdering your boy- friend and cutting his heart out. MEAGAN Liar! Freddy killed Jesse! He was already dead when I cut his heart out! Meagan's mom and dad gasp, recoiling with horror. MEAGAN (continuing; manic) Goddamnit, you don't understand! Freddy lives! FREDDY LIVES!!! Meagan's raving grows faint as she disappears into the cellblock. Murdoch pulls Meagan's dad aside. MURDOCH I know how you must feel... I had a dog once. I loved that dog. I treated her like my own daughter. We went camping, picnics in the park... I even had a little stocking for her nailed up on the mantle for Christmas. Then one day, she bit me... so I had to blow her brains out. (sighs) God, I loved that dog. INT. STORMIE'S CELL & NOSTRIL CAVERN - SAME TIME Freddy starts to dig in his nose with his forefinger knife. A giant knife blade comes charging up the nostril cavern, sending Stormie into hysterics. BOOGERMAN Uh-oh, Freddy's picking his nose again -- gotta go! Boogerman starts lumbering up into the back of the nostril cavern. Stormie watches the massive knife blade as it comes right for her, then at the last possible second she starts climbing after Boogerman. She pushes past the disgusting blob of goo, racing ahead. BOOGERMAN (continuing) Well, excuse me! INSERT -- Freddy pushes the knife way far back into his head. The giant knife spears Boogerman in the back, running him through and spilling his "Boogerman" guts out his front. Stormie gives a little squeal as Boogerman is pulled out, kicking and screaming. Freddy withdraws the knife from his nose, peering closely at the tiny Boogerman impaled on the end. He twists his mouth in utter disdain and flicks Booger- man across the cell. Boogerman screams as he flies across vast space, smack- ing into the far wall with a giant SPLAT! Boogerman flattens outwards into a thin pancake of Boogerman goo, his nasty head still alive in the center. Freddy reaches through the bars of the cell, his arm extending out in a grotesque fashion all the way to the deputy's desk. He feels around on the table until he touches the pepper shaker, drawing it back into Stormie's cell. Freddy sprinkles a small amount of pepper into his right palm and breathes it in deeply -- the specks of pepper becoming rocks that pelt Stormie as she clings to life deep inside the nostril. Freddy's face begins to distort, his nose wrinkling up -- the beginnings of a sneeze. FREDDY Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh--CHOO! Micro-Stormie comes blasting out of Freddy's nose with globules of snot. She flies across the massive cell, headed directly for the splattered Boogerman, screaming her head off. Boogerman sees Stormie racing towards him and he screams too. HARD CUT TO: INT. POLICE STATION - CELLBLOCK - NEXT INSTANT As the deputy brings Meagan back to her cell they hear a loud SPLAT! MEAGAN Stormie?! The deputy pushes Meagan back as she moves forward cautiously, glancing around the wall into Stormie's cell... then promptly puking combo burrito. Meagan runs up and looks. The wall to Stormie's cell is splattered with blood and bits. Meagan falls to her knees, sobbing as more DEPUTIES come running into the cellblock, answering the deputy's puke-choked scream. MEAGAN (continuing) Oh, God... what have I done? What have I done?! We BOOM OUT of this chaos and go to... EXT. LONELY ROAD - NIGHT An ambulance races along the road with it's emergency lights flashing. In back Erwin lays strapped to a gurney. Up front sit a DRIVER and an ATTENDANT. They chat disparagingly about the freak in the back, when suddenly a large form appears in the road just ahead. The driver slams on the brakes and the wheels lock up with a terrible SQUEAL. WHUMP! -- the ambulance plows into the form, knocking it some fifty feet down the road. The driver and the attendant stare out of the cracked windshield in shock. Finally, the driver turns to the attendant and says: AMBULANCE DRIVER I'll go check it out. You stay here. The driver gets out and goes to the form laying in the road. He bends down to examine the charred, mammoth carcass when a fist flies up, smacking the driver in the face. He falls to the ground, unconscious. The corpse sits up in the glare from the headlights -- it's Jason! Burnt and blackened but ready for action! He starts towards the ambulance. The attendant gets out and pulls his service revolver, emptying into Jason's chest. Jason recoils only slightly as BULLET HITS BURST his coveralls, then he grabs the attendant by the head as he snaps the empty pistol in panic. Jason slams the attendant's face into the side of the ambulance. In the back of the ambulance, a terror-stricken Erwin watches as a face shaped dent appears in the wall with a sickening WRENCHING of METAL and FLESH. Then... silence. RIP! -- Jason pulls off the back door of the ambulance and climbs inside, the shocks bottoming out under his weight. He reaches out for Erwin, who closes his eyes... waiting for the inevitable. Then... nothing. After a second, Erwin opens an eye. Jason is standing over him, hand outstretched. In his big, burnt palm -- Meagan's necklace. Erwin looks from the necklace to Jason. Jason thrusts out his hand impatiently. ERWIN You... want me to tell you where Meagan is? Again with the thrusting. ERWIN (continuing) Well why didn't you say so?! Jesus, for a minute there I thought you were going to kill me. (then) You're not, are you? Jason shakes his palm at Erwin yet a third time. ERWIN (continuing) Okay... okay! I'll take you right to her. Could you help me out of this? Jason reaches over and yanks out the gurney straps. Erwin exits out the back with Jason following close behind. Erwin climbs in behind the wheel, saying: ERWIN (continuing) I'll drive. Jason pushes Erwin aside so roughly that he slams into the passenger side door. ERWIN (continuing) Okay... you drive. As Jason climbs into the driver's seat, a CHIME goes off as a female COMPUTER VOICE in a pleasant tone says: COMPUTER VOICE Fasten your safety belt, please. Erwin fastens his. Jason watches him and pulls the safety belt across his massive chest -- it won't reach. Jason pulls harder, ripping the belt out of the bolts. The CHIME goes crazy. COMPUTER VOICE (continuing) Fasten your safety belt, please... Fasten your safety belt, please... Jason SMASHES the dashboard with his fist, silencing the voice and chime. He turns suddenly to Erwin as if to say, "Yeah?! What about it?" Erwin shrugs nervously: ERWIN Fuck the bitch. Let's roll! With tires SQUEALING, burning rubber and smoke, the ambulance roars away into the early morning. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. POLICE STATION - CELLBLOCK - DAWN Meagan stares through the bars of her cell at the sun as it peeks out over the horizon. The deputy gets up to leave for the six a.m. shift change. As she goes, she switches on the cellblock TV. ANGLE ON TV -- An early morning religious program is on. RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCER (filtered) This is Channel 12 -- Station W.G.O.D. -- where the "W" stands for "Worship" And now... "Daily Affirmation" with Reverend Lawrence Lovejoy... A shot of the REVEREND LOVEJOY at the podium in his studio, giving kind words of encouragement. REVEREND LOVEJOY Good morning, friends... the Good Book says that each morning brings a new light into our lives... The good reverend goes on about it always being darkest before the dawn, have faith and your prayers will be answered, etc. Meagan turns and watches the sunrise -- glorious. Tears stream down her cheeks. Then a commercial comes on: RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCER (filtered) You can own a videotape of Reverend Lovejoy's Daily Affirmation for only $19.95... CUT TO: EXT. RELIGIOUS TV STATION - MORNING In his booth at the main gate, the GATE GUARD watches as a procession of hearses approaches. As the first hearse reaches the gate, the guard steps out and says: GATE GUARD Hello. What can I do for you? A cultist sticks his head out the window and says: CULTIST We're here to see the Reverend Lovejoy. We need him to perform a wedding. GATE GUARD Do you have an appointment? CULTIST No. I have a Beretta. The cultist produces a pistol -- BANG! INT. STUDIO - MOMENTS LATER The REVEREND LOVEJOY is at his podium, his WIFE at the organ, waiting for the commercial break to be over. The FLOOR MANAGER counts down -- three... two... one... BAM! -- the cultists burst into the studio. The CAMERA OPERATOR and FLOOR MANAGER are killed. The Reverend Lovejoy and his WIFE, at the organ, are taken hostage. INT. POLICE STATION - CELLBLOCK - SAME TIME ANGLE ON TV as the cultists take the reverend and his wife hostage. Meagan watches, suddenly perplexed. INT. STUDIO - NEXT SECOND The cultists break into the control room, killing the DIRECTOR and STAFF. One slips into the sound booth, garroting the RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCER with a piece of wire. Another SMASHES the control board, killing the signal. All the feed monitors go snowy. INT. CELLBLOCK - SAME TIME ANGLE ON TV as the picture goes to static. Just then, the deputy appears in front of Meagan's cell. MEAGAN Something just happened at the TV station. DEPUTY Don't worry about it -- get undressed. MEAGAN What for? DEPUTY Time to get you cleaned up for court. Meagan looks back at the TV as she slowly starts to get undressed. INT. POLICE STATION - SHOWERS - MOMENTS LATER The deputy ushers Meagan into the showers. Inside, a naked group of mean, nasty, ugly JAIL HOUSE BITCHES are showering, washing hairy pits, flabby tattooed skin, and greasy hair. They eye Meagan like the dessert bar at Denny's as she crosses to the opposite side, sneaking into a corner. Meagan turns on the shower and drops the towel -- the bitches whistle and catcall. Just then, the deputy gets called away, leaving Meagan to the mercy of the bitches. The head bitch slides over to Meagan and says: HEAD BITCH What's the matter, honey... you don't like our company? MEAGAN I like you... sure. It's just that I usually shower alone, that's all. HEAD BITCH Oh! So you're shy? I like 'em when they're shy... The head bitch grabs at Meagan, who resists. But this bitch is big and tough and holds Meagan by the wrists as she tries to kiss her. The other bitches laugh. HEAD BITCH (continuing) Don't fight it, baby! You know you want me... Meagan scratches the head bitch's face. She backs off screaming, wiping blood from her face. Then she spits, reaches down (below the frame line) and produces a shiv. HEAD BITCH (continuing) If you won't give me a piece then I'll just cut one for myself... The head bitch moves in. Meagan takes a cautious step back, bumping into tile -- nowhere to go. She holds up her hands. MEAGAN Wait a second... I didn't mean to do that... I'm sorry. It's just that you come on a little strong, that's all. Just give me a little time to adjust to my new surroundings... The head bitch stops, curious. HEAD BITCH Are you saying you want me now? MEAGAN Yes... I want you. HEAD BITCH Prove it. Meagan comes up to the woman, raising her arms. In a flash, the head bitch has the shiv to Meagan's jugular -- a warning. Meagan carefully puts her arm around the bitch and kisses her full on the mouth. After a long, uncomfortable moment, they break. The head bitch smiles. HEAD BITCH (continuing) Now that's more like it! (to the others) Hey, this bitch is alright! The other bitches smile as the head bitch slips her arm around Meagan's waist and pulls her tight. HEAD BITCH (continuing) You're okay, honey... what's your name? MEAGAN Meagan. HEAD BITCH So... what're you in for, Meagan? MEAGAN (sniffles a little) Oh, my friend... HEAD BITCH The bitch that died last night? MEAGAN (starts to cry) Yeah... they said she had some disease that made her... explode! Oh, God! Please hold me! The head bitch holds Meagan tight as she sobs, smoothing her hair. The other bitches share a look of concern as one asks: BITCH #1 What's this bullshit about some killer funk make you explode? HEAD BITCH (to Meagan) Easy... honey. It's goin' be alright. But what I asked you is why you're in here? MEAGAN Oh... well... the cops? Well, they think I gave it to her... The head bitch suddenly springs back as if Meagan were Satan himself. She runs for the other bitches but they aren't having anything to do with her. All the bitches race for the exit. The deputy comes to the shower room doorway and shouts: DEPUTY What the hell is all the screaming about?! WHAM! -- the bitches run her over, stripping the keys from her belt. They unlock the cellblock door and go running into the police station, screaming butt-naked. After the bitches exit, Meagan's hand reaches out and drags the unconscious deputy into the shower. INT. POLICE STATION - NEXT SECOND The bitches come running butt-naked and screaming through the station. Several deputies chase after them, tackle them and try to cuff them. A brawl ensues. Chaos. Murdoch sits on a desk, reading a report. He looks up at the madness and mutters: MURDOCH Punks... INT. POLICE STATION - SHOWERS - MOMENTS LATER A DEPUTY enters the showers and sees a naked woman on top of a deputy, their arms locked in a struggle. The deputy cracks the naked woman in the back of the head with her baton and she falls to the side, revealing Meagan -- now dressed in the deputy's uniform -- laying on the shower floor. The deputy realizes her mistake too late -- Meagan sprays her in the face with mace and she sinks to her knees, screaming and clutching her face. Meagan leaps to her feet, grabs a towel to hold over her face (as if she had a broken nose) and starts to exit. On her way out, Meagan is passed by several DEPUTIES charging into the showers to restore order. She gestures them on, then slips into an emergency exit to freedom. EXT. POLICE STATION - CONTINUOUS ACTION Meagan exits the station just as a patrol car pulls up. She reaches in and grabs the JUNIOR TROOPER, pulling him out. Then she slips behind the wheel and ROARS off. The junior trooper calls after her: JUNIOR TROOPER Hey, that's Captain Murdoch's car! CUT TO: INT. STUDIO - SAME TIME The cultists surround Reverend Lovejoy as he nervously shakes his head, saying: REVEREND LOVEJOY I won't do it! It's a sin! Blasphemy! One of the cultists puts a gun to Mrs. Lovejoy's head. CULTIST Wedding or funeral... your choice. The reverend swallows and says: REVEREND LOVEJOY And who would be the bride? Lizzy is brought forth. The cultists take her arm and inject her with the dream dope. Lizzy's head lulls around as she chants softly: LIZZY One... two... Freddy's coming for you. The rest of the cultists shoot up -- passing the needle from one to another. LIZZY (continuing) Three... four... Better lock your door. The good reverend watches this with a lump in his throat. He shudders and asks: REVEREND LOVEJOY And the groom. CULTIST He's coming... Lizzy is almost asleep. LIZZY Five... six... grab your crucifix... The neon cross behind the podium begins to flicker. Then with a sharp SNAP of electricity, the cross falls over, turning upside down. It hangs there for an instant then -- POW! -- the cross EXPLODES, catching the curtains on FIRE. As the FLAMES consume the curtains, a hole in reality appears -- a Dreamgate. Freddy comes springing out, leaping in front of the podium. He laughs and turns to Lizzy, asleep on the bench. FREDDY That's for the lift sister! (to the cultists) Hiya, kids! CULTISTS (in unison) Hiya, Freddy! FREDDY Ready to get hitched? CULTISTS Ready, Freddy! FREDDY Then let's do it! Lizzy looks up and smiles. LIZZY I love you, Freddy... CUT TO: INT. POLICE STATION - AFTERNOON A DEPUTY comes up to Murdoch and says: DEPUTY We found your patrol car, Captain. It was abandoned near a local religious station. MURDOCH Religious station? Is there a padre there? DEPUTY Yes, sir. Reverend Lovejoy broad- casts out of that location. MURDOCH So that's where they're hiding. CUT TO: INT. STUDIO - SAME TIME Lizzy and Freddy stand before Reverend Lovejoy. REVEREND LOVEJOY ...and if there be anyone among you who has any reason why these two should not be joined in holy... Freddy holds up a finger -- "Ah-ah". REVEREND LOVEJOY (continuing) matrimony. Let them speak now... (under his breath) ...please God... (aloud) ...or forever hold their peace. WHAM! -- Meagan bursts in. MEAGAN Stop! Everyone turns and looks as Meagan comes to the pulpit. MEAGAN (continuing; to Freddy) Take me, Freddy. Take me instead. FREDDY You're a virgin?! MEAGAN Oh, that's right -- tell everybody! Freddy moves close to Meagan, running a blade over and around Meagan's neck as she struggles to remain calm. FREDDY Mmmmmmm! Yes, you are a bit juicier than your retard sister... okay, you've got the job. (to cultists) Get her ready. EXT. RELIGIOUS TV STATION - NIGHT Outside, the cultists surrounding the outside of the station watch as dozens of police vehicles swarm to the fence. Murdoch and the S.W.A.T. commander get out of the lead car. Murdoch picks up his bullhorn and says: MURDOCH (through bullhorn) This is Captain Renton Murdoch -- State Trooper. I'm giving you until the count of three to come out with your hands up... A CULTIST SNIPER FIRES a shot at Murdoch, the bullet hit SMASHING the emergency lights atop his car. The other cops duck down, but not Murdoch, he turns calmly to the S.W.A.T. commander and says: MURDOCH (continuing) Hand me that flare pistol. The commander gives the flare gun to Murdoch, adding: S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Good idea. Throw a little light on them -- see if we can spot their firing positions... As the commander speaks, Murdoch aims the pistol carefully and FIRES. PHOOMPH! -- the flare streaks to the roof of the TV station, SMACKING the sniper. He BURSTS into FLAMES and tumbles to the ground, screaming. Murdoch hands the flare gun back to the commander, going back on the bullhorn and saying: MURDOCH (through bullhorn) Alright, now I'm through playing "nice guy" -- I want the rest of you punks to come out right now with your hands up. The cultists respond by filling the air with hot lead -- BULLET HITS RIDDLE the cop cars, SMASHING glass and PIERCING metal. The cops FIRE back, BULLET HITS EXPLODING all along the sides of the TV station. INT. STUDIO - NEXT MOMENT The cultists bare Meagan's arm and inject her with dream dope. She takes her place at the threshold beside Freddy. EXT. RELIGIOUS TV STATION - SAME TIME As the battle outside between the cultists and the cops RAGES, Murdoch and the S.W.A.T. commander squat down behind a fender to reload. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Well, it doesn't look like they're going to surrender. MURDOCH What we're going to need then is somebody to charge their lines -- make a hole for us to slip in. S.W.A.T. COMMANDER Where are you going to find anyone that crazy? Just then, an ambulance comes ROARING through the police lines, causing the cops to scurry like mice. MURDOCH Here comes one now... (yells) GO GIT 'EM, SON! Murdoch squints to see who's driving... it's Jason! Erwin smiles and waves to Murdoch through the passenger side window as the ambulance zooms past. Murdoch curses, drawing his pistol and SHOOTING after the ambulance. The other COPS join in a moment later, BULLET HITS SPARKING off the back of the ambulance as it CRASHES through the front gate. Inside the ambulance, Erwin hazards a glance back at the cops, then he turns to Jason and says: ERWIN That was easy enough... Erwin looks ahead and screams. ANGLE THROUGH WINDSHIELD as three cultists stand directly in front of the speeding ambulance, FIRING machine guns. The glass EXPLODES just as Erwin ducks down. Two cultists suddenly scatter as Jason rams the ambulance into the middle one just before plowing into the side of the station with a CRASH. Erwin pushes down his airbag just in time to see a cultist closing in with a gun. He reaches through the smashed windshield and grabs the squashed cultist's machine gun laying on the hood. Erwin turns, SHOOTS the cultist just in time. As Jason kicks open the driver's side door he is greeted by two cultists SHOOTING at him. Jason RIPS OFF the driver's side door and hurls it at the two punks, knocking them down like bowling pins. Then Jason reaches back into the ambulance, pulls out the Jaws of Life and, with Erwin covering his back, starts towards the front door. INT. STUDIO - SAME TIME The wedding proceeds... REVEREND LOVEJOY Once again... if there be anyone among you who does not want these two people to be joined... let him speak now or forever hold his peace. Meagan looks around... no one says anything. The reverend clears his throat to continue when... WHAM! -- the studio door flies open and Jason appears in the doorway holding the Jaws of Life. FREDDY Uh, oh... The cultists attack Jason. Jason grabs the first one with the Jaws of Life -- folds him in half like a rag doll. Another attacks with a machete... bad idea. One more cultist down and now Jason owns the machete. Jason finishes off the last two cultists as Erwin barricades the studio door. The cultists on the other side start POUNDING. Jason starts swinging at Freddy with the machete, slicing through a camera cable. CLOSE ON CABLE as it falls to the floor. Freddy jumps back through the Dreamgate, closing it behind him. Erwin runs over to Meagan and Lizzy. He tries to wake them but can't. As Jason lumbers over, Erwin looks up and says: ERWIN I can't wake them up. Freddy's got them trapped! Erwin thinks for a moment, then rushes over to a couple of dead cultists. He takes their syringes. Erwin jabs Jason in the neck with two syringes full of dream dope. ERWIN (continuing) Go get him, boy! Jason staggers forward, falling into... INT. NIGHTMARE ARENA - CONTINUOUS ACTION Jason falls into a boxing arena. The ropes are entrails and atop each corner post is mounted a human head. The spectators are all DEMONS, MONSTERS, and the LIVING DEAD. Jason looks over at his opponent -- dressed in boxing shorts, shoes, and gloves -- it's Freddy. Jason raises his arms and finds he too is wearing boxing gloves. TED BUNDY steps into the ring. TED BUNDY (into microphone) Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to the fight of the century! I'm your ring announcer... Ted Bundy! BANG! -- a bullet hole appears in Ted's forehead, BLOWING his brains out the back. He falls over DEAD and the crowd cheers. Ted sits up and pulls the wig back over his shaved head and electric burns as he calls into the balcony: TED BUNDY (continuing) Verrrrrry funny, Oswald! ANGLE IN BALCONY -- OSWALD stands, his rifle still smoking. OSWALD (angry; defensive) It wasn't me! Ted Bundy gets to his feet and finishes the intro: TED BUNDY In my left corner, weighing in at only ninety seven pounds... the nightmare master himself! The one! The only... Freddddddddy Kruuuuuuugerrrrrr!!! Freddy holds up his arms and the crowd goes wild. TED BUNDY (continuing) And on my right... weighing in at a whopping four hundred and thir- teen pounds... that killer of countless teenagers... the big guy... (gestures to Jason) Jason Voorhees! CHEERS and BOOS. TED BUNDY (continuing) And the prize tonight... not one but TWO -- count 'em -- TWO virgins... ripe for the picking. Ted gestures to a large cage suspended over the arena. Inside -- Meagan and Lizzy clutch eachother. TED BUNDY (continuing) Hey, have one now and save the other for the ride home. That's what I did. LAUGHTER from the crowd. MEAGAN Kick his ass, Jason! DING! -- the bell sounds. The first round begins... Freddy starts towards Jason, cocking his glove for a blow when -- CH-CHING! -- knife blades jut out of the glove. He punches Jason in the stomach and starts RIPPING him open, rotten guts spilling out. Jason spots a cocktail waitress walking past with an axe in her head. This is BLOODY MARY. Jason reaches over the side of the ring and pulls the axe out of her head. Bloody Mary whips around, yelling: BLOODY MARY HEY! Jason swings with the axe -- SH-WACK! -- Jason SLICES OFF Freddy's arm. The crowd ROARS. Freddy looks down at the open armpit, GUSHING with ROTTEN BLOOD, and shrugs: FREDDY Oh, well... I just axed for that! Freddy GROWS a new arm, complete with glove of knives. Jason throws the axe at Freddy, who ducks it. The axe flies into the audience, SMACKING MUSSOLINI square between the eyes. He falls back to the floor. HITLER turns to EVA BRAUN and says disdainfully: HITLER Peasants... DING! The bell sounds. Freddy and Jason break, going into their respective corners. As Jason sits down in his corner, the HUMAN HEAD mounted on his corner post starts in: HUMAN HEAD That's it, kiddo! You're really giving it to him out there! Use the left more -- jab! Make him hurt! That's the ticket to a knockout! Up in her cage, Meagan clutches a terrifed Lizzy. INT. STUDIO - SAME TIME Erwin watches Jason sleep as the cultists BANG down the studio door. INT. NIGHTMARE ARENA - NEXT MOMENT DING! The bell sounds again and round two begins. Freddy and Jason get to their feet and close in on each other. Jason swings wide. Freddy ducks under Jason's massive fist just as the referee steps in for a close look. WHUMP -- Jason knocks the ref's head OFF, it goes flying up into the balcony. The crowd CHEERS. Jason chases Freddy around the ring, looking for an opening. Freddy backpeddles, tripping over the ref's decapitated body as several HUNGRY ZOMBIES drag him out of the ring, RIPPING his body apart and DEVOURING it. Up in their cage, Meagan and Lizzy grimace with disgust. Jason reaches down and grabs Freddy, hoisting him high above his head. Then Jason body slams Freddy to the mat. The crowd CHEERS. Jason starts jumping up and down on Freddy's back. Freddy reaches into his shirt and brings out a rusty can of spinach. In a grotesque parody of Popeye he opens the can -- full of nasty worms and maggots -- and gulps it down. Suddenly, Freddy throws Jason off his back and stands, huge muscles ballooning on his chest and arms. At the end of his right hand -- a heavy metal boxing glove. Jason gets to his feet in time to see Freddy cock the massive glove for a blow. CHING! -- dozens of spikes spring out of the metal glove. Freddy swings, knocking Jason into the ropes. He bounces off and falls to the mat. The fans go nuts. As Jason tries to get up, Freddy swings his right arm around and around -- the metal boxing glove turning into a giant mallet. Jason looks up just in time to see the mallet coming down. WHAM! -- Freddy drives Jason into the mat. The crowd goes wild. >From up in her cage, Meagan starts to scream: MEAGAN Jason! Get up! Get up! ANGLE UNDER THE MAT -- it's a dark, foreboding (under- water) abyss. Jason's legs kick, trying to get back up. Something slithers up from out of the deep... wisps of empty blackness clutching at Jason's boots. Freddy pushes down on Jason's mask, shoving him down. Jason struggles but keeps slipping. This looks like the end of Jason. Freddy laughs. MEAGAN (continuing) Jason! You've got to get up! JASON'S P.O.V. of Freddy looking down at him, pushing him down... drowning him... FLASH CUT TO: EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - 1953 - DAY YOUNG JASON P.O.V. as he is being drowned. He fights to get to the surface... to see... who it is... Young Jason breaks the surface for an instant and his killer comes into sharp focus. It's FREDDY (AGE 13). His Camp Crystal Lake nametag reads: Hi! My name is Freddy! He pushes the young Jason down again, laughing. HARD CUT TO: INT. NIGHTMARE ARENA - NEXT INSTANT Freddy pushes Jason down into the abyss below the mat... laughing, when Jason snaps. With a burst of strength he kicks upward, coming up out of the mat. Jason grabs Freddy by the throat and seizes him up with him. Jason's momentum carries both of them up to the ceiling, where they CRASH through to... INT. STUDIO - CONTINUOUS ACTION Jason "wakes up", holding Freddy by the throat as he bangs his head into the lighting gridwork above the studio. A light EXPLODES and Freddy cries in pain... then realizes, he's been brought into the real world. FREDDY Oh, shit! Jason throws Freddy to the ground, then raises up a boot and stomps Freddy's head, SQUASHING it like a tomato. The Dream Demons squirt out. Just then, the cultists BREAK DOWN the studio door. They raise their weapons to fire, when their heads suddenly IMPLODE. They fall screaming to the floor -- dead. EXT. RELIGIOUS TV STATION - NIGHT - SAME INSTANT The remaining cultists SHOOTING it out with the police suddenly grab their heads, screaming. Their heads IMPLODE and they fall to the ground. Murdoch sees this and says to the S.W.A.T. commander: MURDOCH Now's my chance... give me sixty seconds to get in there then move in. Before the commander can reply, Murdoch is off and running into the station. INT. STUDIO - SAME TIME Meagan and Lizzy come out of their sleep-like trance and embrace. Then Meagan looks up at Erwin. MEAGAN What took you so long?! Erwin gestures to Jason, trying to keep his voice low so as to not hurt the big guy's feelings. ERWIN What ever you do... don't let this guy drive. Meagan smiles at Jason. MEAGAN I knew you would come... Jason and Meagan look over to where Freddy's body is fast decaying... turning back into blackened bones, scraps of cloth, and a rusting glove of knives. The Dream Demons squirm around on the studio floor, then swim into the open end of the camera cable and disappear. In the control room, Freddy's face appears on every monitor, laughing. ERWIN Oh, no! Freddy's in the transmitter! Erwin watches as an electrical Freddy-impulse races from the control room via a long thick cable running overhead. ERWIN (continuing) He's going for the satellite dish! If he uplinks with a communications satellite he can beam himself any- where in the world! We'll never be rid of him! Meagan and Jason look up at the Freddy-impulse shoots past them, going through the ceiling to the... EXT. RELIGIOUS TV STATION - ROOF - CONTINUOUS ACTION The satellite dish mounted on the roof. It begins to pulsate with an olive and red glow -- getting ready to beam Freddy. INT. STUDIO - SAME TIME Meagan reaches up and grabs the cable, pulling it hard. EXT. ROOF - CONTINUOUS ACTION The roof gives way, tilting the big dish just as it BLASTS the laughing Freddy-beam into the night sky. EXT. EARTH'S UPPER ATMOSPHERE - NEXT INSTANT The Freddy-beam just misses the satellite, ricocheting off one of the solar panels and sending the satellite tumbling into deep space. The deflected Freddy-beam now zooms towards the sun. Inside the beam -- Freddy sees the sun zooming up and screams. His face burns away, leaving a screaming skull. That too burns away, leaving the Dream Demons. One by one they burn up as the beam reaches the sun. ANGLE ON THE SUN as the beam EXPLODES, causing a solar prominence. INT. TV STATION - STUDIO - SAME TIME The ceiling collapses in on Jason, burying him under a ton of rubble and the big antenna dish. A ton of dust billows up. Just then, Murdoch bursts in. He sees Lizzy and Meagan and takes aim with the shotgun. Erwin sees this and jumps in-between them, yelling: ERWIN No! Wait! Murdoch FIRES. The shotgun blast knocks Erwin across the room, where he lands in a heap. Meagan and Lizzy run to his side. Erwin struggles to breathe -- a large hole in his chest. With fading strength, Erwin pulls his pin out and pricks himself. Erwin smiles and dies. MEAGAN Erwin? Erwin?! MURDOCH He's dead... and so are you if you don't put your hands up right now! Lizzy turns and attacks Murdoch. He knocks her to the floor, taking aim on her head with the shotgun as he says: MURDOCH (continuing) It's time I taught you girls some respect for the law! In a panic, Meagan snatches up a pistol from a fallen cultist and FIRES it at Murdoch's head. PTT-TWANG! -- Murdoch's hat goes flying off with a SPARK HIT, revealing his bald, hideous head -- a large open wound with a metal plate underneath. He turns towards Meagan with an evil grin on his face. MURDOCH (continuing) So... you wanna be a punk? Murdoch raises the shotgun, taking aim on Meagan. MURDOCH (continuing) Then die like a punk! Murdoch starts to squeeze the trigger when Jason's hand shoots out of the rubble pile behind him. Jason jams his hand down the back of Murdoch's pants and pulls up his briefs, lifting him a foot off the floor with a Jason-wedgy as he rises from the rubble. We see Murdoch's name written into his shorts. As Murdoch screams, Jason jerks the shotgun from his hand and jams it up his ass -- right through the seat of his pants. Murdoch's cheeks bulge out as the muzzle slams into the roof of his mouth. Jason cocks the shotgun and... BOOM! -- Murdoch's head and shoulders EXPLODE from his torso, leaving his broken spine sticking up out of shirt. Bits of Murdoch splatter the floor as his metal plate comes PINGING down, rolling around and spinning to a stop like a hubcap. Jason drops Murdoch (what's left of him) to the floor just as the S.W.A.T. commander and his men come charging in. They see Jason and raise their guns in panic. MEAGAN NO! Too late. The cops let loose with a BARRAGE of GUN- FIRE. BULLET HITS EXPLODE on Jason's chest. Meagan grabs Lizzy and covers her up as the bullets WHIZZ past. More cops hear the SHOOTING and come running. They start SHOOTING too. Soon the doorway to the studio is crowded with muzzle flash. More and more BULLET HITS SMACK Jason. A bullet hole outline appears on the wall behind him. The cops start running out of ammo and a cry goes up, "More ammo! More ammo!". VARIOUS INSERTS OF cops going for hideout pistols, opening their trunks and taking out ammo cans, passing the weapons and ammo up the staircase to the cops in the studio. Jason keeps getting SHOT. Pieces of his are flying off. Fingers shot off of a hand. A knee shot away to reveal the bone. Dozens of BULLET HITS going off of his chest and head. Finally, the cops start to run out of ammo. The SHOOTING subsides and finally grinds to a stop, leaving the cops knee-high in brass and a thick layer of gunsmoke in the room. As it clears, Jason still stands. He teeters a little, then falls backwards with a mighty THUD. Jason lays dying. Meagan rushes to his side. Jason reaches into one of the giant holes in his chest and pulls something out -- Jesse's heart. Jason hands the heart to Meagan. Then Jason's head rolls back -- he's dead. Meagan begins weeping as we pull up out of the studio, revealing her surrounded by Jason, Freddy, and Murdoch. DISSOLVE TO: INT. LIZZY'S ROOM - NIGHT Meagan tucks Lizzy into her bed. She gives her the Raggedy Ann doll and kisses her goodnight. As Meagan turns out the light, Lizzy asks: LIZZY You forgot to check under the bed. Meagan clucks and bends down, peering under the bed -- nada. MEAGAN No monsters here. LIZZY But what if they come back? MEAGAN Then we'll just have to kick their ass again. Lizzy giggles. LIZZY I love you, Meagan. MEAGAN I love you too. Go to sleep. INT. MEAGAN'S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS ACTION As Meagan crosses to her room, her parents call up to her from the bottom of the staircase. MEAGAN'S DAD Meagan? Meagan looks down at her parents. MEAGAN Yes, dad? MEAGAN'S DAD Your mom and I... well, we want to thank you for saving your sister's life... we know you went through a lot. MEAGAN'S MOM We're going to be there for you from now on... for both of you! And that nice lawyer we hired for you said he thinks he can get all the charges dropped... except maybe for the grave robbing and human desecration ones. MEAGAN'S DAD Everything is going to be fine. MEAGAN I know... MEAGAN'S MOM And I'm going to get sober... MEAGAN'S DAD We're going to be a normal, happy family again. MEAGAN I know... MEAGAN'S MOM Goodnight, sweetheart. MEAGAN Goodnight mom... goodnight dad. MEAGAN'S DAD Goodnight, Meagan. INT. MEAGAN'S ROOM - NIGHT Meagan is ready for bed, drawing back the covers, when the phone RINGS. She picks it up. MEAGAN Hello? FREDDY (filtered) I'll be seeing you in your dreams... Freddy's nasty tongue slithers out of the handset and licks Meagan in the face. She yelps and slams the phone down. MEAGAN (sighs) I know... Meagan puts the phone in a drawer and closes it. She climbs into bed and pulls back the pillow to reveal the pistol Erwin gave Jesse to kill Freddy. She smiles and puts the pistol back under the pillow. BLACKNESS: The phone RINGS. ROLL END CREDITS: Then... at the very end... CUT TO: INT. NIGHTMARE ARENA - SAME TIME Ted Bundy and all the spectators are looking up at the hole in the ceiling that Jason and Freddy made when they went back to reality... waiting. Finally, somebody says: MONSTER I don't think they're coming back. TED BUNDY Okay, folks... show's over. Every- body can go home now. All the monsters get grumbling and start to exit. CUT TO: BLACK... now it's over. THE END |