Winner Kills All |
SCRIPT FREDDY VS. JASON Written By Damian Shannon & Mark J. Swift (Final Draft) FADE IN: NEW LINE LOGO Freddy's theme plays hauntingly on a piano. A spark turns into a flame that burns in our TITLES: So Frowned the Mighty Combatants that Hell Grew darker at their frown; so matched they stood; For never but once more was wither like To meet so great a foe. See, with that heat these dogs of Hell advance To waster and havock younder world. . . MILTON Paradise lost MATCH CUT TO: FLAMES. PULL BACK TO REVEAL: INT. FURNACE The flames are inside an old furnace. In it, we see a child's doll melting. Like evidence being destroyed. INT. BOILER ROOM - SAME Outside the furnace, a dark figure moves. A love with knives for fingers screeches along a metal pipe. An unseen child SCREAMS. And then. . .only blackness. INSERT - NEWSPAPER FRONT PAGE The headline reads: "Child Killer Set Free." There is a PICTURE of Fred Krueger walking down the court steps, smiling. We HEAR: the screams of a mother, the outrage of a father. And then, the familiar laugh of Fred Krueger. But then, the edges of the newspaper start to cinder. . .and burn. EXT. SPRINGWOOD - ABANDONED BOILER ROOM - SUNSET Flames crawl up the side of an old Industrial building. A window explodes. We hear Fred Krueger SHRIEKING inside. 2. PULL BACK TO REVEAL: PARENTS gathered around the building. One sets a GASOLINE CANNISTER on the ground. Others hold hands as the tortured screams crescendo inside. . . NANCY'S MOTHER (VO) (taken from "A Nightmare On Elm Street) He can't get you now. He's dead, honey. . .because Mommy Killed him. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT (CLIP: "A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET") Nancy Thompson asleep in bed. Over the bed, Freddy literally STRETCHES through the wall. Coming for Nancy in her dream. . . I/E. - VARIOUS (CLIPS: "A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET") Distorted images fly by. . .Not too clear. . .but terrifying and familiar. Freddy stalking in the Boiler Room...his arms stretching across an alley...those eyes...that skin. Horrible screams mix with Krueger's evil cackling... But then, the tide turns. Freddy getting beaten. He's put down with a flash of light. Send back to where he came from. FEMALE WHISPER (VO) . . .Freddy's Dead. . . Blackness. But we hear a faint, labored breathing. . . FREDDY KRUEGER (VO) They tried to forget their fear. Lock me away like a dirty secret. CLOSE ON - Freddy Krueger's eye. Fire is reflected in it. We don't know where he is, but we can feel his anger. FREDDY KRUEGER (VO) (CONT'D) But I found someone. Someone that'll make 'em remember. Blackness. And then. . . Another "theme" that sends shivers up our spine: "Ch-Ch-Ch--Ah-Ah-Ah" Jason's stalking sound. WE PULL OUT of the blackness. . . Through the eye holes of a HOCKEY MASK. We see now the mask is lying on the ground. . . FREDDY KRUEGER (VO) (CONT'D) I've searched all of Hell for someone like you. You're my ticket home. . . 3. Next to the mask, Freddy's claw breaks through the earth, grabs the hockey mask and yanks it down. EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - NIGHT A full moon. Dark trees line a misty lake. There's a CABIN nearby with a light on inside. It suddenly goes dark. INT. CABIN - NIGHT Moving her hand away from a light switch, a beautiful female CAMP COUNSELOR looks over a row of young sleeping campers. She checks her watch devilishly, and slips from a small bottle of BOOZE. She heads for the door...when a VOICE stops her- YOUNG CAMPER I had a nightmare. Will you stay with me until I fall back asleep? A YOUNG CAMPER (8) is standing behind her. She turns to him with a forced smile, hiding the booze behind her back. FEMALE COUNSELOR C'mon, you're a big boy. Go back to bed. He just stands there, fear in his eyes. She suddenly scolds- FEMALE COUNSELOR (CONT'D) GO! He runs to bed. She shakes her head, stuffs the bottle along with a TOWEL into her bag, and heads out the cabin's door. The young boy is left alone in his bed, scared and shaking. EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - NIGHT She makes her way toward the lake, eventually dropping her stuff near the water's edge. She looks around like she's waiting for someone. Another look to her watch. Suddenly, a NOISE from behind stops her- FEMALE COUNSELOR (CONT'D) Mike? Is that you? She looks to the woods. Nothing there but dense trees. FEMALE COUNSELOR (CONT'D) What are you waiting for, an invitation? 4. POV FROM THE WOODS - Someone IS watching her. But who? She does a little clumsy striptease, giggling. She drops her clothes, and dashes for the water. . .SPLASH IN THE LAKE She floats alone, staring at the shore. Waiting. FOG crawls between the trees. She's getting nervous now. POV FROM UNDERWATER - From the murky depths of the lake, we see her legs kicking. Is there someone down there with her? Suddenly, she gets TUGGED DOWN, as if pulled. She gasps, reaches down in the water and pulls up: SEAWEED. It was caught on her leg. She exhales, looking at the dark wet clump of kelp in her hand, relieved. And that's when a hundred tiny BUGS crawl out of it, covering her arm. She freaks, and starts swimming frantically toward shore. POV FROM WOODS - "CH-CH-CH--HA-HA-HA!" We know who it is. But we don't see him. Not yet. SHE GETS OUT OF THE WATER. . .quickly drying off, pulling clothes on...head darting in all directions...scared... A BRANCH SNAPS. Someone is definitely out here. It's only forty yards to the cabin. She can make it. She pulls her stuff together, her shoes in her hands, moving quickly- The FOG behind her swirls as she goes. . .is that a DARK FIGURE following her?? She picks up the pace...twenty yards...ten..." CH-CH-CH--HA-HA-HA!" She starts running- She gets to the, TURNS AROUND-and there's nothing behind her. She's safe. She exhales, feels a little silly at being so scared. She goes to open the cabin door...but IT'S LOCKED. She shakes the handle, checks her pockets- CLOSE ON - THE CABIN KEY in the grass by the lake. 5. FEMALE COUNSELOR (CONT'D) Shit. She looks back toward the water, knows she left it there. She looks in the window, about to knock on the glass- -when the YOUNG CAMPER pops up in the window, scaring her. FEMALE COUNSELOR (CONT'D) Billy. Can you open the door for- He gives her "the finger". . .Then goes back to bed! She turns back, stares into the fog. She listens, hears only silence. She hesitates, them decides to go and get the key. She RUNS back toward the lake, as fast as her bare feet can carry her. Through the trees and fog. . .finally making it to where she left the key. She bends down, picks it up- -and right by her face, two BLACK BOOTS emerge from the mist. She looks up, sees: A MACHETE RAISED FOR THE KILL! SLO-MOTION: As the machete rushes down, she pulls away. . .but the blade SLICES OFF a chuck of her flowing blonde hair, and just nicks her shoulder. . . She runs for her life, Jason pursuing. She runs, runs, lost in the fog. . .surrounded by the trees. She TRIPS. . .staggers up. . .turned around. . .which way was he coming from?? CRACK. Someone's close. She stops she slowly walks backwards, away from the sound. . .back, back. . .eyes wide she bumps into - a TREE. Whew. She turns to head the other way- -and JASON VOORHEES is right in front of her. With amazing speed, his machete heads for her gut. . . 6. REVERSE ANGLE: She actually FLIES BACK from the force of the blow, heading for a tree- BACK OF TREE: The tip of the machete's blade pierces through. BLOOD DRIPS from the tip of her toes. . .which we now see are suspended a few inches off the ground. Her eyes lock with the white hockey mask. . .Her breathing getting slower, slower. Her life slips away. Impaled against the tree, she slumps over, dead. Jason reaches for his machete, but another SOUND stops him. Is there someone else out here? He turns to his left- In the fog, a dark shadow moves. Someone wearing a HAT. CLOSE ON - MOUTH - LIPS that look burned, charred, familiar. The lips pull back to expose rotting teeth... UNSEEN STALKER (mockingly) "CH-CH-CH--HA-HA-HA!" As Jason stares into the fog, OUT OF FOCUS in the b.g., the dead girl's head SLOWLY RISES BACK UP. DEAD FEMALE COUNSELOR I should have been watching them. Not drinking. Not meeting a boy at the lake. Jason turns back to her - but she then changes into a different girl. Black hair, taller. Someone completely new. UNKNOWN DEAD GIRL I deserved to be punished. 7. We watch now as she turns into a YOUNG MALE. Behind Jason, the UNSEEN STALKER is coming closer. . . UNKNOWN DEAD BOY We all deserved to be punished. He changes into another girl, then someone else. . .faster and faster. The changes become flashes, a chorus of voices blend together. . .dozens of Jason's victims from years past. . . UNKNOWN VICTIMS For what you did to you. . .for what we did to your mother. . . Jason pulls out his machete, and the victims dissipate into the mist. . .turning the fog RED. And that's when FREDDY'S CLAW reaches for Jason's shoulder. . .touching him- Jason spins around to attack, but no one's there. Then, out from the fog comes...Jason's mother - PAMELA VOORHEES. JASON'S MOTHER Jason. My special, special boy. Do you know what your gift is? No matter what they do to you. . .you can not die. You can never die. Jason just stares at her, listening respectfully. JASON'S MOTHER (CONT'D) That means you don't have to stay here. You're just...sleeping... right now. And mommy wants you to wake up. Because I've got something I want you to do. KRRRACK!! Thunder and lightning CRASH! 8. JASON'S MOTHER (CONT'D) There is a street that I want you to go to. On that street, there is a house...where you'll punish someone. Only one. And when your task is finished, you must return to me. Understand? You must come straight back to Mommy. I'll be waiting for you, here at Crystal lake. Our home. (becoming fierce, scolding) But have to WAKE UP! EXT. CRYSTAL LAKE - REAL WORLD - SUNSET An old abandoned HOUSE. A mailbox in front with the name VOORHEES hand-stenciled on the side. A near-by sign reads: CRYSTAL LAKE - 2 miles . CRANE UP: Over the newly paved road in front of the house. Suddenly, we rush down...INTO the ground...down To- INT. UNDERGROUND - JASON'S UNMARKED RESTING PLACE - SAME KOOM! A massive body, buried in the ground, suddenly jolts. JASON'S MOTHER (VO) (CONT'D) Rise up, Jason! NOW! You're NOT DEAD! You must obey me! You will LIVE AGAIN! The body. . .a BLACK HEART beats. We move up, see Jason's hockey mask. His eye pops open. EXT. CRYSTAL LAKE - DREAM WORLD - NIGHT Jason's gone. His mother stands among the trees, alone. But the, everything CHANGES. The fog clears instantly. Trees start to fade, then disappear. The lake vanishes. We're not in Crystal Lake..this was some sort of DREAM. PUSH IN ON: Jason's mother. An evil grin creeps across her face as her SKIN slowly begins to melt away. 9. FREDDY KRUEGER Make them remember what fear tastes like. We keep PUSHING IN, finally holding on Freddy's evil piercing eyes. We see fires reflected in them. The fires of HELL. FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) I've been away from my children for too long. We can only HEAR the tortured souls around him, can only IMAGINE the hellish wasteland that surrounds him... BACK TO: EXT. TOWN OUTSIDE CRYSTAL LAKE - SUNSET A bulldozer rumbles down the newly paved road in front of the VOORHEES HOUSE. Across the street, there's a Bait & Tackle shop. In the doorway, the Old Proprietor shakes his head. INT. BAIT & TACKLE SHOP - SAME Inside, a CONSTRUCTION WORKER puts a candy bar on the counter. The Old Proprietor comes around and rings him up. CONSTRUCTION WORKER What's the problem? Opening a resort by the lake will bring you more business. OLD PROPRIETOR Bound to bring a lot more then that. The Old Proprietor gives him a haunted look. The Construction Worker smiles condescendingly, and leaves. INT. BAIT & TACKLE SHOP - NIGHT The Old Proprietor fills a pipe, watching TV. Suddenly, through the open door, we see a FIST break up through the road, sending chunks of asphalt flying! A head emerges. . The Old Proprietor turns slowly to his right, sees Jason's hulking figure climbing out of the ground. Jason slowly marches straight toward him and INTO THE STORE. 10. The Old Proprietor backs up, nowhere to go. Jason looks in the glass display counter, containing everything a fisherman might need... including a machete in a sheath. SMASH! Jason slowly unsheathes the machete, admiring it. OLD PROPRIETOR (trembling and terrified) . . .will that be it for ya then?? Jason raises his head up slowly. . . one eye gleaming through his mask at the Old Proprietor. He cringes, shutting his eyes tight. And when he opens them, Jason is gone. The old man looks out the door to the foreboding dark trees outside: Shadows MOVE. Leaves SWIRL. Lightning PULSES. EXT. STREET CORNER - NIGHT A pleasant street lined with middle-class suburban homes. Thunder crashes, Rain begins to splash on the ground... as BLACK BOOTS step into frame. PULL BACK TO REVEAL: JASON. Standing under a STREET SIGN that reads: ELM STREET . He stalks toward one particular unsuspecting home. On the mailbox: 1428 ELM ST. Jason stands in the driveway as rain falls, machete in hand. There are lights on in the inside, The house locks renovated, modernized. The front door no longer red, but painted YELLOW. Its as if the house's troubled past has been washed away and forgotten. INT. 1428 ELM STREET - SAME POV - VIDEO CAMERA: In BLACK & WHITE, three young goodlooking female FACES stare intently at us. KIA I'm telling you, this thing is a Nanny-cam. It's probably videotaping everything we're doing right now. LORI Why would my Dad buy me a Nannycam?? Standing in a neatly furnished living room, Lori (17) pulls a STUFFED TOY (like a FERBIE, but creepier) away from her friend Kia. Lori's an attractive, trusting, girl next door. KIA (18) is worldly, black, and the hottest of the three. 11. KIA Maybe he wants to make sure his little Princess isn't naughty while he's away for the weekend. LORI Watch. Lori snaps her fingers in front of the toy. MR. NUZZLES Hi! My name's Mr. Nuzzles. HA-HA-HA! LORI See? He's Mr. Nuzzles. It's a toy. My Dad just has bad taste, that's all. GIBB That's great Lori. Is this what we're doing all night? Cuz... FYI? This sucks. GIBB (17) wears a baseball cap, drinks a BEER. She looks like a tomboy party-girl. KIA Well, it's the thought that counts. My Dad and I aren't even talking, He's such an ass. Did I tell you he won't loan me the money for my surgery? It's not like I won't pay him back... LORI Here's a thought, Kia: maybe you don't NEED a nose job! You know you already look great. I mean, you get asked out more than anyone. What's the point? KIA You got something against selfimprovement? Gibb pulls out a CIGARETTE... heads for the window. LORI Gibb! I thought you were gonna quit. GIBB I only smoke when I drink now. 12. KIA But you're always drinking. GIBB Yeah, I gotta work on that next. EXT. 1428 ELM STREET - SAME POV FROM OUTSIDE: In the pouring rain, someone watches Gibb sit down on the sill, and open the window wide. INT. 1428 ELM STREET - SAME Gibb blows smoke outside the window into the blackness of night. Thunder claps. The LIGHTS inside flicker. . . LORI Maybe I should get some candles? GIBB What we need is more beer. This is your Dad's last one. You guys want anything? Gibb drains her beer, ready to go. She leans over toward the open window, flicks her cigarette outside - OUTSIDE: It hits Jason right in the mask, sparks flying. BACK INSIDE Gibb gets up, gets her keys, and heads for the front door... LORI Are you sure you should be driving? GIBB Please. Three beers is not gonna kill me- Gibb pulls open the door and STANDING IN THE DOORWAY IS - TREY (18). She's startled. He holds up a l2pk of beer, smirks. BLAKE (17) stands behind him. TREY Surprise! GIBB Trey. You answered my prayers. She grabs the beer, and they kiss. But he pushes her off. 13. TREY Babe? What have I told you about kissing me after you've smoked, huh? GIBB Those were menthols! I thought you'd like it... TREY I brought Blake. So where's Linda? GIBB It's Lori. And this is her house, so don't be a dick. Trey pushes past her into the house. His buddy follows him in, sipping from a SILVER FLASK. We immediately dislike these two slicksters. Gibb closes the door. Lori pulls Kia aside, aggravation on her face... whispers- LORI Did you know they were coming over?? KIA Look, we knew you were just gonna sit here alone all night. You need to meet a guy! And... Blake's cute. LORI He's not my type. KIA Who is?! And don't say Will Rollins, 'cuz that boy moved like four years ago. LORI I'm really getting sick of this town. I/E. 1428 ELM STREET - NIGHT Lights flicker in the windows of Elm Street. INSIDE, music plays, everyone hanging out. Trey and Gibb are all over each other. Lori puts down candles. Blake turns to Lori- BLAKE I like the flow of your place. Got good feng shui. You know about Fen Shui? 14. KIA You should see her bedroom. Great flow in there. Lori? Why don't you go upstairs and let Blake see your feng shui? Lori turns to Kia with a pissed off look when - BOOM! Lightning CRACKS nearby and the power goes out completely. Lori strikes a match, lights candles. It's still dark though. Trey stands abruptly, gives Gibb a knowing look- TREY C'mon. I got a kink in my neck. You can give me a massage. . . GIBB I think I need a couple more drinks before there's gonna be any "massaging." TREY Babe? Don't make me ask you twice, OK? Trey heads upstairs. Gibb, holding Mr. Nuzzles the toy, puts two beers under her arm, grabs a candle and follows him. GIBB C'mon Mr. Nuzzles. You're gonna wanna see this. . . Gibb goes upstairs with a wink. Lori just shakes her head. INT. 1428 ELM STREET - DAD'S UPSTAIRS BEDROOM - NIGHT Trey's taking off his shirt, folding his clothes neatly on a chair. Gibb puts Nuzzles and the candle on the nightstand, starts pulling back the sheets on the bed. . . TREY Hey. What are you doing? Those sheets are probably filthy. Just pull back the comforter. . . we'll just lay on top, ok? GIBB God you're a freak. BACK DOWNSTAIRS Kia, Lori and Blake sit in awkward silence. Finally15. BLAKE So Lori. Am I gonna get that grand tour? LORI Why don't you start in the kitchen? And get us a beer while you're in there. Blake shoots her a sexy nod, leaves. Kia turns to Lori: KIA Look, if you're afraid of Blake because you're a virgin, don't be. He's harmless. You only have to go as far as you want. LORI Shut up, Kia. I just don't like him KIA You don't like anybody! We're almost out of school and you've barely gone out since your - Kia was about to say something, then thought better of it. LORI What, Kia? Since my mom took off? My dad needs me, okay? I can't just go out all the time with guys. And if I did, it wouldn't be with someone like Blake. KIA (softening, this is her friend) OK, I get it. The girl just wants to go at her own speed. But pretty soon, you're gonna have to ease up on the brakes a little bit. IN THE KITCHEN Blake walks in with a candle. In the b.g, we notice the back door is OPEN, a wet puddle on the floor. He opens the fridge, grabs beers. He closes the door AND - Whew. Nothing behind it. Then Blake's candle is suddenly BLOWN OUT. He notices the open door, walks toward it slowly. . .closes it. UPSTAIRS BEDROOM 16. Trey and Gibb are going at it, Gibb on top. Gibb turns to see Mr. Nuzzles staring at her on the nightstand and laughs. DOWNSTAIRS Blake comes back in the living room with the beers. BLAKE Your back door was open. I closed it. Kia and Lori look at each other, worry on their faces... UPSTAIRS BEDROOM Trey and Gibb lie next to each other on the bed, the deed now done. She leans over to cuddle, a sexy simile on her face... TREY Babe? You know I don't like to be touched after, OK? Gibb shakes her head, can't believe this guy. She pulls up the comforter, wraps it around herself, gets up abruptly. GIBB I'm takin' a shower. TREY Good. Your hair smells like menthols. Trey stretches out on the bed, satisfied. Gibbs pissed, takes the candle into the bathroom, leaves him in darkness... DOWNSTAIRS Blake, Kia and Lori with candles, checking windows, spooked. UPSTAIRS BATHROOM Gibb turns on the SHOWER. Did a shadow behind her just move?? UPSTAIRS BEDROOM Trey rolls over on his stomach, reaching for Gibb's beer on the nightstand. Lightning flickers revealing: Jason standing next to the bed! He slowly unsheathes his machete... and as we MOVE DOWN... we look under the bed... 17. THWOCK! The machete's blade erupts through the bottom of the mattress. Blood drips from the tip of the blade to the floor. The blade Pulls back up. Beat. Then- THWOCK! THWOCK! THWOCK! THWOCK! THWOCK! The machete pierces through the mattress over and over again... BATHROOM One toe in the tub, Gibb stops. She heard something. GIBB Trey? BACK IN THE BEDROOM Jason stands over his victim, looking at what he's done with detached fascination. Suddenly, Trey's finger twitches. Jason suddenly grabs both ends of the bedframe and collapses the bed onto Trey, FOLDING IT TOGETHER. Silencing him. BATHROOM What was that sound?? Gibb turns off the water, listens. It's all quiet now except for what sounds like someone LAUGHING in the next room....... GIBB (CONT'D) Trey? What the hell are you doing?? Gibb moves toward the bedroom... leaving her candle... INT. 1428 ELM STREET - DAD'S UPSTAIRS BEDROOM - NIGHT It's dark in here. Gibb locates the source of the laughing - it's coming from Mr. Nuzzles' voice box. She picks it up. GIBB Eew! You're all wet, M. Nuzzles... CLICK! The LIGHTS suddenly COME BACK ON brightly, and Gibb sees Mr. Nuzzles in her hands, speckled with blood. It continues to repeat the canned laughter, stuck in a loop. Gibb looks up toward the bed and gasps horribly. (We can only imagine what Trey must look like.) She can't catch her breath... walks back, back- IN THE HALLWAY -and runs fight into: LORI! LORI I think someone's in the house... 18. Gibb is shaking... points to the bedroom. Blake, Lori, and Kia look into the room... see the carnage. Kia screams...and they tear off down the hallway... EXT. 1428 ELM STREET - NIGHT Lori, Kia, Gibb and Blake pour out the front door of the house, Gibb still wrapped in the bed's comforter. DOWN THE BLOCK -- A police car turns onto the Street on a routine patrol. Kia runs into the Street, waving her arms. A young cop (DEPUTY STUBBS) stops, rolls down his window. He looks at Gibb, half naked trembling, blood on her hands DEPUTY STUBBS You kids need some.. assistance? GIBB (screams, holding up her bloody hands) The fuck do you think?! INT. 1428 ELM STREET - DAD'S UPSTAIRS BEDROOM - NIGHT Police tape over the doorway. The Sheriff's OFFICERS are all over the bloody crime scene. The SHERIFF stands closely with one of his more nervous looking men, speaks in hushed tones. SHERIFF Look at this place. And the kid was killed in bed. Remind you of anything? NERVOUS OFFICER Jesus, it's even the same damn house. 1428 Elm. Gotta be him, right? Gotta be Freddy Kru - SHERIFF HEY. Don't even say that sonofabitch's name out loud. Let's keep it together. NERVOUS OFFICER Someone should burn this place down. SHERIFF OK lets wrap this up quick and get the hell out of19. LORI Wait. . .who's Freddy. . .? BLAKE Is that who did this?! FREDDY WHO?! The Sheriff turns to see Lori and Blake standing in the hall. They look shaken up, eyes puffy. And they've been listening. SHERIFF WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING UP HERE?! Deputy Stubbs! Get 'em out of here, NOW! EXT. 1428 ELM STREET - NIGHT Gibb, Kia, and Blake's parents escort them to waiting cars. Lori sits ALONE on her doorstep. IN THE STREET, the SHERIFF stands closely with his men. SHERIFF'S OFFICER Her father's on his way. Should we take her down to the station with us? Beat. The Sheriff considers this gravely. SHERIFF We have to lock this down now. Keep it contained. We've been through too much to let this thing spread now. Deputy Stubbs approaches... and hears the Sheriff say: SHERIFF (CONT'D) We can't take her to the station. The girl has to wait here. DEPUTY STUBBS I'm sorry... you want to keep her here?? Her friend was just murdered in there! The cops look to each other conspiratorially. Stubbs is the outsider. We can see the FEAR behind the other cops' eyes... SHERIFF OK, Stubbs. You stay here and keep an eye on things till her father arrives. (MORE) 20. SHERIFF (Cont'd) But make sure you stay awake out here. Listen to me now: don't doze off. Not on this one, you hear me? NERVOUS OFFICER And I'd stay away from that girl too! The other Officers high tail it out of there, leaving Stubbs alone, puzzled. He looks over to Lori. . . EXT. 1428 ELM STREET - NIGHT Lori now in her doorway, about to lock up, looks worried. Stubbs stands on her doorsteps, doesn't like all this, but- DEPUTY STUBBS Now, we've been through the house three times. It's completely safe. Is there anything else that I can- Lori shakes her head, a distant look on her face. Beat. The Deputy hands Lori a walkie-talkie. It belches STATIC. DEPUTY STUBBS (CONT'D) Take this. You get scared, you want to talk, ANYTHING... I'll be right outside, OK? Your Dad should be here soon. INT. 1428 ELM STREET - LORI'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Lori sits on the edge of her bed in her PJs. She spies the walkie-talkie on her dresser... EXT. 1428 ELM STREET - POLICE CAR - SAME Deputy Stubbs relaxes behind the wheel, pours a cup of coffee from a thermos. The walkie-talkie comes to life: KRRRISHT! INTERCUT BETWEEN LORI AND STUBBS, LORI IN HER WINDOW: LORI OK, I do have one question. The Sheriff said a name. Freddy something, started with a K. Like maybe he was the suspect. I think he has something to do with my house. You know who that is? 21. DEPUTY STUBBS Tell you the truth...I don't. I haven't lived here that long. I can look into it for you, though. Over. INT. 1428 ELM STREET - LORI'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Lori in her bed, under the covers, staring at the ceiling, her mind swirling. Wondering about what she heard. Afraid. LORI . . .Freddy. . . Lori YAWNS... looking over to a PICTURE of her FATHER on the dresser. Suddenly, the walkie-talkie BELCHES STATIC. VOICE ON WALKIE TALKIE (through intermittent static) KRRRISHT... Lori... KRRRISHT... Lori! Are you awake? Over. KRRRISHT ... Lori reaches over, picks up the walkie-talkie. LORI What? I didn't copy that... say again... VOICE ON WALKIE TALKIE Don't panic, but... KRRRISHT. . .think there's someone... KRRRISHT the house... Lori's eyes go wide, sits up fast. IN THE HALLWAY Lori walks barefoot, clutching the walkie-talkie, trying desperately to understand, getting scared now. LORI I can't hear you! Please! VOICE ON WALKIE TALKIE KRRRISHT... GET OUT! He's coming for you! Freddy's in the KRRRISHT,.. It's Freddy Kr-KRRRISHT ... Lori runs toward the room where Trey was killed... shields her eyes from seeing inside, turns the corner... 22. LORI Repeat! Who?! FREDDY WHO?? LITTLE GIRL (OS) Krueger. AIIGH! Lori screams, seeing a little GIRL in a pristine white dress standing rigidly at the other end of the hail. LITTLE GIRL (CONT'D) His name... is Freddy Krueger. And he loves children... CLOSE UP -- LITTLE GIRL'S FACE - - The little girl's eyes have been stabbed out, by Freddy's claws we're sure. Just empty bloody black holes now. One red tear streaks down her otherwise perfect face... LITTLE GIRL'S VOICE . . .Especially little girls. LORI stumbles back in horror, grabs a door knob, turning it frantically, trying to get away from here... IT OPENS... BEDROOM Lori slams the bedroom door. ON THE WALL, a blood streak appears, painting a trail. Lori follows it with her eyes. Up to the ceiling... it moves across the ceiling, where- THERE'S A DEAD GIRL REACHING FOR LORI. She jumps back. The blonde teen wears only a blue night shirt and is somehow held to the ceiling. (Tina from "A Nightmare On Elm Street") DEAD TEENAGE GIRL (TINA) Freddy is coming back. It's OK to be afraid, Lori. We were all afraid. Warn your friends... warn all your friends... Lori runs downstairs, heading outside. The house starts CHANGING - windows now boarded, walls have graffiti. And as she goes, a familiar SONG echoes all around her: "One, Two, Freddy's comin' for you. Three, Four, better. . ." OUTSIDE - TWO GIRLS continue to sing Freddy's song while playing jump rope. The house now looks like it used to. Her front door SLAMS and turns from yellow back to BLOOD RED. 23. Lori spins around, sees WHITE CROSSES all over her lawn, marking the dead. And as we PULL BACK, Lori looks down Elm Street, and sees white crosses at every other house too. ". . . Nine, Ten, never sleep again ." Then the SOUND of Freddy's horrible cackling. All we see is the back of his red and green sweater as he reaches for her- EXT. 1428 ELM STREET - STUBBS' POLICE CAR - NIGHT Sipping his coffee, Stubbs glances at his rearview mirror and sees: SOME HUGE GUY WEARING A HOCKEY MASK . AIIGH! In the passenger seat, LORI wakes up with a SCREAM. Deputy Stubbs spills the coffee all over himself. . . DEPUTY STUBBS Dammit. You OK? Lori nods, shaken. . .face white, sweating. Stubbs checks the rearview mirror again skeptically, and rubs his eyes. LORI I guess I'm no better off down here than I was in my room. DEPUTY STUBBS Another nightmare? Like I said, you stay wherever you're comfortable till he gets here. You're safe. Whoever did this isn't gonna hang around here. He takes another look through his window. No one there. EXT. ELM STREET - BLAKE'S HOUSE - NIGHT BLAKE sits in front of his house on a porch swing, wrapped in a blanket. The front door opens, and his father comes out. BLAKE'S FATHER Get inside, Blake. We have to talk. . . NEAR THE HOUSE. . .WALKING THROUGH THE TREES. . . JASON marches back to whence he came as told. Then he hears24. BLAKE'S FATHER (OS) (CONT'D) You were supposed to be Watching your sister tonight. You're going to have to be punished. Jason pauses to stare at him. . .through the leaves. . . BLAKE My best friend was just killed, Dad. So how about giving me some FUCKING SPACE! Dad leaves. And as Jason stares, we PUSH IN on his eyes. . . JASON'S MOTHER And when your task is finished, you must return to me. understand? You must come straight back to Mommy. . . Jason starts walking again. . .but then. . .he takes a last look back: Blake pulls out his flask, hits it hard, draining it. (Blake should have been watching his sister AND he's drinking. Is the temptation for Jason too much??) BACK ON THE PORCH BLAKE I'm gonna get this guy, Trey. Swear to God. I'm gonna get this Freddy guy. Blake drops the flask, rubs his eyes drunkenly. . .when he suddenly hears RUSTLING coming from behind the bushes. BLAKE (CONT'D) Who's that? Someone there? Oh my God. . .Blake actually gets up and heads toward the bushes. The leaves move. . .someone definitely behind them. BLAKE (CONT'D) What am I doing? Blake stops in his tracks, starts to back up when- BAAAAH! Blake whips around to see a GOAT standing in front of the porch, its white beard stained red with blood. BLAKE (CONT'D) JESUS! 25. Laughter echoes. Blake turns to see a DARK FIGURE wearing a hat, standing by some garbage cans across the street. He's nothing more then a silhouette. Then, his shadow seems to grow, almost bleeding across the street toward Blake. Blake's had enough. He turns to run, but the blackness reaches him, and a dark shadow claw stabs into Blake's foot. Blake hits the ground hard and starts screaming as the shadow claw drags Blake rapidly across the street toward Freddy. . . BACK ON THE PORCH AIIGH! Blake WAKES UP, still sitting on the porch swing. BLAKE (CONT'D) Oh God! It was just a nightmare. I'm OK. I'm awake. . . Blake looks at his foot, sees a HOLE in his shoe. He moves it, and sees a bloody mark. He looks at it, confused. Then - - he looks up and sees JASON STANDING OVER HIM . Blake's about to scream when Jason grabs him by the throat, and wraps the porch swing's rope chain around his neck. . . And as Blake's life sleeps away, his breaths becoming shorter, he falls unconscious. . .and we PUSH IN on his vacant eyes. . . BIRD'S EYE VIEW - DREAM WORLD - STREET Blake's body is laid out on the street, the last place he was in the dream before he woke up. The DARK FIGURE in the hat stands over him, prods the body with his boot. FREDDY KRUEGER This town ain't big enough for the two of us, Jason. (seething) 'Cuz Freddy don't do sloppy seconds. Blake lets out his last breath, and his body disappears. . . EXT/INT. - WESTIN HILLS PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL - NIGHT The nuthouse. Patients slowly slide their soft white shoes over clean white linoleum. Wheelchairs. Orderlies. TWO YOUNG MEN (WILL and CARLOS) in white patient uniforms play ping-pong together. Carlos seems to blink his eyes alot. . .like a twitch. Will is less enthused by the game. 26. CARLOS You can't handle my skills, bro! WILL That's just 'cuz your meds give you itchy hair-trigger reflexes. CARLOS Not to mention cotton-mouth and paranoid delusions! REPORTER ON TV ". . . tonight's murder in this quiet suburban neighborhood of Springwood. . ." Will's eyes look to the TV mounted on the wall playing the evening news. Carlos SMACKS the ball into Will's chest- CARLOS GAME, fool! Now you owe me THREE Lil' Debbie Snack Cakes and TWOWILL Hold on. Look what house that is. . . ON THE TV - The Reporter stands in front of 1428 Elm Street. REPORTER ON TV . . .details on the victim's name as well as possible suspects remain unavail- SHERIFF ON TV No cameras! Clear the area! NOW! ON THE TV - The SHERIFF pushes the reporter aside. . . WILL Oh my God. . . Lori. What if she was the one that - Oh God. Maybe we should go to- CARLOS Go? Go where. . . Springwood?? I'd rather stay locked up in the quiet room. A PATIENT starts tugging on Carlos' sleeve. He ignores him. 27. WILL Save your Dream Demon bullshit for group. We could just go see if she's OK. There and back. You can bring your pills. . . CARLOS Are you joking? Will. . . four years ago you told the cops that Lori's Dad killed his wife. . .and your ass ended up in here. You really wanna see her again? WILL I was. . .confused. (cold, mechanical, rote) I cared about Lori so much. . .that when her Mom left them, I invented a story in my head that vilified her father - Carlos tires to free his arm from the patient's tugging- CARLOS - so you could have Lori all to yourself. I know, I'm the one who stole your file for you! Oedipal Complex bullshit, blah-blah-blah! You think these head-shrinkers have all the answers. WILL I have to see if she's OK, Carlos Carlos finally turns to the patient tugging on his sleeve. CARLOS YOU'RE INVADING MY SPACE, KURT! We'll play 'Uno' in a minute! (beat, to Will) Look at us, Will. Look around you. We're institutionalized. Not to mention, there's no way out of here. Will looks at Carlos, defeated. He knows he's right. INT. WESTIN HILLS ASYLUM - NIGHT Will lays on a thin cot, wide awake, staring at the ceiling. The room is spartan, empty, cold. CARLOS (OS) You still thinking about her? 28. We see Carlos is in a cot on the other side of the room. WILL I gotta know if she's OK. Beat. Carlos winces. . . can't believe what he's about to do. CARLOS You ever heard of Freezoid? INT. WESTIN HILLS PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL - NIGHT Carlos holds up a COMIC BOOK in its original yellowed bag for a burly ORDERLY sitting near the SECURED EXIT to admire. ORDERLY This is issue number one? The one where Freezoid meets Dr. Cerebrum? CARLOS Yep. And it's a variant cover. Very rare. Look at the spine. It's in mint condition. Worth a grand, easy. ORDERLY (beat, considers it) What you want for it? EXT. WESTIN HILLS PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL - NIGHT Will and Carlos, running as fast as they can away from the mental hospital. . . disappearing into the darkness of night. WILL Didn't your brother give you that comic? CARLOS It's OK, man. But when we get back, I get all your desserts for a year. . . INT. ELM STREET - LORI'S BEDROOM - MORNING It's morning, but Lori is still tossing and turning under the sheets. Finally, her eyes bat open. . .and she's startled to see: her FATHER standing over her bed. Was he watching her? 29. LORI Dad! Lori's father (DR. CAMPBELL) sits down and hugs her warmly. DR. CAMPBELL I carried you up here last night. Hope you don't mind. But. . .we don't have to stay here tonight if you don't want to. LORI I'm just glad you're home. . . INT. 1428 ELM STREET - KITCHEN - MORNING Lori sits at the kitchen table. Dad is by the back window. Lori looks comfortable around her father. They're close. LORI I know we agreed not to talk about her. . . and don't take this the wrong way. . .but I wish Mom were here right now with us. DR. CAMPBELL I know what you mean, Princess. Dad stares out the window at an old rusted SWING SET in the backyard. He quickly wipes away a tear. DR. CAMPBELL (CONT'D) The police. Did they. . .look around the house? They ask you questions. . tell you anything? His back to her, he casually pours a glass of OJ. He empties the contents of a small capsule into the glass. LORI No, they wouldn't really talk to me Dad nods, accepting this? He stirs up the OJ quickly. . . DR. CAMPBELL I still don't think it's a very good idea for you to go to school. You've just been through something very traumatic. I wish you'd reconsider. . . 30. LORI I want to go. I want to be around my friends. Don't worry, Dad. . . I'm OK. Lori kisses him on the cheek and heads for the door. Dr. Campbell's body language says he doesn't want her to leave. . . DR. CAMPBELL At least have some orange juice! LORI I'm already late. . . EXT. 1428 ELM STREET - MORNING Lori walks out her front door, backpack on, ready for school. But when she closes the door, something stops her. She turns back to her YELLOW front door. Remembers something. Beat. She pulls a metal NAIL FILE from her backpack. . .and after a final moment's hesitation, she starts scraping at the paint. LORI It was just a dream. It's RED underneath, just like her dream. Lori starts breathing heavily, afraid. EXT. SPRINGWOOD - MORNING Will and Carlos climb down from inside a semi-truck. . .and wave goodbye to the driver. They're still in their uniforms. WILL No one else is gonna believe that we're medical students. We gotta change outta these clothes. CARLOS Relax, we're almost there. . . EXT. CARLOS' HOUSE - MORNING Carlos and Will creep up to the door of a suburban home, looking sketchy. Carlos knocks, straightens his shirt. . . CARLOS Now. . . (MORE) 31. CARLOS (Cont'd) My parents are kinda fucked up. I mean, one son in the looney bin. . .other committed suicide. . . you can understand. WILL Completely. Don't worry. I'll be cool. The DOOR OPENS and Mom is standing there in a bathrobe, holding a glass of OJ. Face blank. CARLOS Mama? It's me. This is Will, my- The glass falls from her hand. . .and SMASHES on the floor. She moves to him awkwardly. . .eyes wide. . . and HUGS Carlos tightly. Tears run down her cheek. Carlos softens. . . INT. CARLOS' HOUSE - UPSTAIRS - SAME Carlos pulls clothes out from a dresser, hands some to Will. CARLOS These should fit you. Will looks around for somewhere to change, heads toward the BATHROOM down the hall. . . Will puts his hand on the knob, starts to open it when. . . SLAM! Carlos rushes over and pulls it shut in front of him. CARLOS (CONT'D) Sorry, bro. We, uh. . .don't use that bathroom anymore. The fear on Carlos' face is unmistakable. It dawns on Will. WILL Sorry, man. I wasn't thinking. . . They move away from the bathroom door back to Carlos' room. And as Carlos shuts his bedroom door, he steals another haunted glance at the bathroom. . .then shuts his door tight. EXT. SPRINGWOOD HIGH SCHOOL - MORNING 32. Lori walks up the steps toward school, sees KIA and GIBB sitting together on a stone ledge, waiting for her. LORI I wasn't sure you were gonna come Gibb- GIBB What was I gonna do? Stay home and go mental in my room? Gibb looks awful. Kia sees students STARING at them. . . KIA I guess everyone saw it on the news. They all know. This is so messed up. INT. SPRINGWOOD HIGH SCHOOL - MORNING It's even worse inside. WHISPERS start about Gibb and Trey. Kia and Lori try to hold everyone back as best they can, then- GIBB STOP STARING AT ME! BRRRIIING! Bell rings, and students hustle into classrooms. EXT./INT. SPRINGWOOD HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Now dressed normally, Will and Carlos slip inside the school. They sneak down the empty hall. Will looks nervous. CARLOS If she isn't here, we should check the morgue next. WILL You're a real goddamn optimist, Carlos. CARLOS Hard to be an optimist when you're a manic depressive. BRRRIIING! End of class bell rings and students flood into the hallways. Carlos and Will immediately get split up. . . AT THE OTHER END OF THE HALL, LORI exists class with a nerdy looking guy (LINDERMAN) following her closely, KIA behind. 33. LINDERMAN -well I was thinking, that maybe you and I could partner up on our Physics project- LORI I can't really think about that now- KIA Jesus, Linderman! Don't you know what she's been through?? Leave us alone! LINDERMAN I'm sorry. . . I didn't-- I'm sorry. . . LORI It's OK. I'll talk to you later. Linderman slinks off, eyes flickering to Lori. He's smitten. KIA It's like, nice timing to hit on you, you know? Every day with this dork it's the same thing. LORI Take it easy on him. He didn't know. As Kia and Lori push their way through the herd of students they approach GIBB talking with two stoner types (FREEBURG & SCOTT) passing out YELLOW FLIERS to students as they pass. . . FREEBURG That's why you should go Gibb. Be among friends where it's safe. There's gonna be alotta love there. . . for you and Trey. GIBB You know? Fuck it. You're right. I could use a few dozen drinks. SCOTT Atta girl. Let your freak flag fly. NEARBY - CARLOS makes his way through the students, gets in front of a large JOCK. Eyes twitching, Carlos looks strange. 34. CARLOS Do you know if Lori Campbell is alive? SHACK (looking him up and down) Uh. . . . . . .yeah. That's her over there-- He points to LORI, standing with Kia and Gibb as they examine one of the fliers. Carlos makes his way toward them. . . GIBB You guys have to come with me to this rave tonight. . . LORI I don't know if I'm up for it. I didn't tell you this but, the cops were talking about suspects, and I overheard a name. (beat, this is difficult) Then I had. . .a really bad dream. . .about this guy. It was so awful. GIBB So they have a lead. That's good. KIA I can't believe those cops made you sleep there. I'd have nightmares too. LORI But this was different. He was so real. GIBB So what'd he look like? LORI Well. . .he wore this dirty brown hat. . . OTHER END OF HALLWAY - Will's looking in open classrooms. CARLOS is almost upon Lori, within earshot when-- LORI (CONT'D) And his skin. . .was horribly burned. Carlos suddenly stops, her words stabbing him like a knife. 35. LORI (CONT'D) On his right hand, he had these long razors. . .like they were his fingers. Carlos starts walking toward Lori slowly. . .like a dream. LORI (CONT'D) And there was this song. . . CARLOS "One, Two, Freddy's comin' for you. . .Three, Four, better lock your door. . ." Lori goes rigid, turns to see Carlos behind her. He looks crazy, shaking. Kids around them stop and stare, LISTENING. CARLOS (CONT'D) You had a dream about Freddy Krueger. . . KIA Hey, freak! Who the hell do you-- LORI How. . .how do you know about him? And that song. . .that was from my dream. CARLOS You know why they sing that?? Because that's when he comes for you. While you sleep! You're lucky to be alive. . . LORI Who is he? Please. . . tell me. CARLOS (overzealous) A child murderer that some parents from around here burned alive. But then. . .he came back. Back for revenge in our nightmares. Funny no one ever told us about him, huh?? NEARBY - Will sees Lori and his face fills with emotion. But she's talking to Carlos, looking afraid. Will rushes over- ON LORI and CARLOS - Lori looks uneasy on her feet, head swimming. . .terrified. Kids look to one another, scared. 36. LORI He's real?? What. . .How do you- CARLOS You want some free advice? Coffee: Make friends with it. WILL gets to them, and pulls Carlos away from Lori. She turns to Will, looks at him strangely. Does she know him?? WILL I'm sorry Lori. . . don't listen to him. He's. . .not well. LORI Who. . .who are-- WILL It's me, Lori. Will. I was watching the news and - . . .Lori, are you OK? LORI Will. . .? Her eyes roll back, and she hits the ground. Students gather around her. . . words spreading among them like wildfire. WHISPERING VOICES . . .she passed out. . .they know who killed Trey. . .name is Freddy Krueger. . .child murderer. . . said he comes in our nightmares. . .Blake's dead too. . . INT. SPRINGWOOD HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - DAY Will and Carlos wait outside the infirmary, in the hall. WILL What were you thinking, man? CARLOS I'm thinking for the first time in my life that maybe I'm not crazy. She had the same dream. My brother was right. WILL Just stop pushing your paranoid fantasies, OK? We're not in group anymore. That Boogeyman isn't real, and that old story's bullshit. (MORE) 37. WILL (Cont'd) It's like Dr. Sims said . . .it's Dream Anxiety. CARLOS Not real, huh? Tell that to Lori. Carlos opens a PRESCRIPTION BOTTLE labeled HYPNOCIL: FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF DREAMS and dry swallows a pill. INT. INFIRMARY - EXAMINING ROOM - SAME Lori is laying asleep in an infirmary bed, a frosted GLASS WINDOW behind her. Something RED and GREEN rises up outside. INT. INFIRMARY - WAITING ROOM - SAME Outside the examining room, Kia and Gibb sit and wait. Kia is leafing through a MAGAZINE. She looks over to Gibb who seems to be nodding off. Kia looks to a NURSE behind a desk. KIA How much longer? Is she OK or what? The Nurse slowly puts a finger to her lops: "shhhhhh." Kia furrows her brow, goes back to her magazine. INSERT - MAGAZINE PICTURES of perfect looking models. Kia looks back to the nurse. . . KIA (CONT'D) For a nose-job, what kind of anesthesia do doctors use? They put you all the way under, right? The Nurse slowly points to a sign on the wall that reads: "THE NURSE CAN'T HELP YOU." That's weird. Kia returns to her magazine. And as she flips the pages, the pictures of the models became more and more bizarre. . . INSERT - MAGAZINE PICTURES of semi-nude women with magic marker lines on their faces and bodies depicting where surgical incisions will be made. Realistic before and after nose-job shots, complete with bruised eyes and bloodied noses. Then strange and archaic-looking surgical tools. . .bits of bone and flesh in metal receptacles. Scars. And now. . .a hellish collage of vivisected women. . . Kia flipping the pages, faster and faster. Panicking. Suddenly, an image stops her: long rusty blades. . .CLAWS. 38. SNICKT! A red and green striped arm SHOOTS OUT of the magazine, blades connecting with Kia's nose and face! FREDDY KRUEGER GOT YOUR NOSE! INT. SPRINGWOOD HIGH SCHOOL - INFIRMARY - DAY AIIGH! Kia WAKES UP, the magazine open on her lap. She quickly tosses it to the floor as if it were a snake. She looks to her right, sees Gibb staring at her. Scared. GIBB Hey. Do you. . . believe. . .anything that guy Carlos was saying? Beat. Kia shakes her head: No. Gibb gets up nodding, stretches, heads for the door. But then, a tiny trickle of blood runs from Kia's noes. Kia touches it. . . looks in horror at her fingers. Then she rubs it away. . .hiding it. INT. SPRINGWOOD HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - DAY Will and Carlos sitting on the ground now, in the hallway. WILL I can't wait here anymore. I'm going in. PRINCIPAL SHAYE (OS) Who are you? You aren't students here! What are you don't on school property? The PRINCIPAL approaches as GIBB comes out of the infirmary. WILL Hey! You're a friend of Lori! I need to see her. . .the Nurse wouldn't let me- PRINCIPAL SHAYE Let's go you two, right now. The Principle shuffles them down the hall, PUSHING them. Will turns to Gibb, his eyes pleading with her. . . WILL Please. . .I can't go to her house. Her dad and I, we. . .it's complicated. GIBB is unsure what to do. . .but then shouts to him. . . 39. GIBB The yellow fliers. I'll make sure she's there. Will grabs a discarded flier off the floor, and he and Carlos take off toward the exit, the Principal following them out. EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - SAME Will and Carlos walk down the school's steps . . . WILL Strong work. I came to make sure she's OK, and you put her in the infirmary. CARLOS Come on. I wanna go check something out. INT. LIBRARY - SPRINGWOOD - AFTERNOON A gothic, cavernous library, nearly empty. Green legal lamps decorate long tables. Carlos and Will are at a computer. . . CARLOS This doesn't make any sense. There's nothing on Krueger. Not his arrest, death. . .not even a birth certificate. WILL There you go. Common nightmares are a group delusion brought on by mass hys- CARLOS Maybe they didn't up the stuff on computer yet. Carlos and WILL make their way through the stacks. . .Now they're huddled at an old-school MICRO-FICHE machine. . . CARLOS (CONT'D) Wait a second. Look at this. Large sections of what they are looking at are BLACKED OUT. All that's left are partial headlines. . . pictures. . . 40. CARLOS (CONT'D) There's whole sections of records gone. Look at all these blacked out obituaries. WILL So what? Springwood's library sucks. Carlos gets up like a man possessed, heads to PERIODICALS. He's flipping through the original NEWSPAPERS. Pages are missing. . .sections are cut out. This is creepy. CARLOS January 18. The day my brother committed suicide. Why isn't that in here? WILL I don't know. But I'm sure there's a good reason. Remember in morning session? They used to tell us not to jump to conclusions before- CARLOS (grabs Will be his shirt) Jesus, listen to yourself! You hold onto that psychobabble like a security blanket! Let it go man! (beat, releases him) They covered him up, Will. They never told us about him, because that's how they decided to beat him. And it worked. WILL But what. . .I guess now you think something brought him back? Beat. Carlos eyes look hollow. He nods slowly. . . EXT. SPRINGWOOD - SUNSET The sun sets on the town of Springwood. EXT. 1428 ELM STREET - NIGHT Gibb driving behind the wheel, Kia has shotgun, Lori in back. LORI What am I supposed to say to him? God, I can't believe I fainted. . . 41. KIA Don't worry about it. Just talk to him. GIBB Just say: "Welcome back, you're the only guy I've ever loved. . .you wanna do it"? LORI Uh. . .feeling better, Gibb? GIBB Yeah. I'm officially in re-tox. Gibb brings a BEER up from between her legs, guzzles it. Kia looks bad to Lori and they share a worried look. . . EXT. CARLOS' HOUSE - NIGHT Will and Carlos stand in the driveway to his house. . . WILL Even if all that you're saying is true, then why didn't this guy kill Lori? CARLOS Freddy might be using her for something. Or maybe he's not strong enough yet. My brother said it's our fear that gives him his power. WILL Well you sure as hell spread enough fear today at school . . . Beat. Carlos' face goes white as it dawns on him. . . CARLOS Holy shit, you're right. They wanted to forget Freddy so they wouldn't fear him. What if I screwed up the town's plan?? (beat, in panic now) Oh God! This fucker's gonna spread like a disease. Kids are gonna start falling asleep. . .and. . . and. . .it's gonna be a bloodbath! Let's leave, man. Right now. Will tries not to look at Carlos like he's crazy. 42. WILL I can't just leave her again. . .not after today. I just. . .wanna talk to her, you know? I gotta see her, one more time. CARLOS This guy's real, Will. If you fall asleep. . .you won't wake up. WILL So you comin' with me, or not? CARLOS No way. Lori's been marked. And if you're smart, you'll at least take one of my pills. You won't dream that way. . . WILL I'm sorry Carlos, but I just don't believe any of this. You and me. . .we're both. . .sick. (beat, serious) I won't take too long. Then it's back to the nuthouse. . .for both of us. Will takes a set of KEYS from Carlos' hand. Carlos nods, hits the garage clicker. Inside, there's a tricked out 70's van. Will admires the PICTURE air brushed on the side: CLOSE ON - A well-endowed fantasy chick with armor and axe, taking on a serpent. Like art from Heavy Metal magazine. WILL (CONT'D) Your brother musta been one of a kind. CARLOS He was. WILL So lemme guess: the serpent is a huge dick and she's trying to tame it? CARLOS Will, Will, Will. Sometimes a serpent, is just a serpent. Will tries to smile, gets in the van, starts it up. He pulls back down the driveway. Carlos suddenly looks concerned. 43. CARLOS (CONT'D) Hey wait a minute! Do you even know how to drive?? The Van hops over a curb, and screeches down the road. . . EXT./INT GIBB'S CAR - NIGHT They drive down a dark road. To their right, nothing but a dense CORNFIELD. Lori stares into the cornstalks as they rush by, mesmerized by the repetition. . . unease on her face. LORI Why are they having it out here in the middle of nowhere? GIBB (turning around to face Lori) Uh. . . that's the point, Lori. So the cops won't bust it up. When Gibb turns back to the wheel, there's someone standing in the middle of the road! Is that JASON?? GIBB (CONT'D) OH SHIT! She yanks the wheel to the right, barely missing him. In the RED LIGHT of the brake lights, we see a solitary flash of a hockey mask just before it disappears into the darkness. GIBB (CONT'D) There was someone in the road! KIA Christ Gibb, you're drunk. I can't believe I let you drive. They turn at a SCARECROW popping up from the cornfield. . .and into a narrow path where the corn has been cut. The car goes deep into the corn, no light except from their headlights. They finally come upon CARS blocking the path. They get out. EXT. CORNFIELD - NIGHT Kia, Gibb and Lori walk toward pounding music, but there's nothing ahead except dense cornstalks, until. . . 44. . . .they walk into a large circular, carded-out clearing in the corn. Here, deep in the cornfield, is where the rave is happening. At least, a small-town version of a rave. Tiki torches outline the perimeter, kids dance in the center in front of a DJ at the turntable. Not too huge, maybe fifty kids total. . . but pretty damn cool nonetheless. A huge GRAIN SILO looms in the distance. . . LORI Wow. . . Isn't some farmer gonna be mad? GIBB Shack's uncle owns it. Long as the football team keeps winning, he doesn't give a shit. Nearby, we see SHACK with his teammates, all wearing jerseys, all drinking beer from a BEER BONG, chanting: Go! Go! Go! A small generator runs the flashing light and sound system. Kids are decked out in the latest gear, many with glowsticks. Three KEGS off to one side, a small CAMPFIRE on the other. GIBB immediately grab a cup of beer from some guy's hand, and blends into the dancing mob, leaving Lori and Kia. KIA Guess her mourning period's over. LORI It's her way of not dealing. KIA Well. . . God bless her then. What's a little partying gonna hurt? OUTSIDE THE RAVE In the cornfield near the silo, an old rusted out corn picker is surrounded by weeds. A HAND comes INTO FRAME and yanks off one of the machine's long cutting rods. KRANK! POV: Jason stalking toward the glowing rave in the distance. BACK AT THE RAVE A sweaty GLOWING RAVER ambles up to Kia, lust in his eyes. . . 45. GLOWING RAVER You want a light show? The RAVER immediately goes into a ridiculous dance all around Kia, twisting his arms, using the many glowing items on his hands and arms, to try and heighten the trippy effect. KIA OK, move along, glow-worm. The Raver leaves. Kia and Lori walk into the crowd. . . ENTRANCE TO THE RAVE A small two-wheeled RED SCOOTER sputters in. Its rider takes off an oversized helmet, revealing: LINDERMAN. He surveys the party, nodding. He says to himself. . . LINDERMAN What's that Lori? You want me to bring the funk? OK, but just for you my sweet. Linderman starts doing the old ROBOTO DANCE. SHACK and the other JOCKS behind him start laughing their asses off. SHACK GO Linderman! Go Linderman GO -- Linderman freezes, embarrassed. . . tries to slink away when-- SHACK (CONT'D) Hey! C'mere, buddy! I got something just for you. LINDERMAN Actually Shack, I was headed over to-- But Shack pulls him in by the keg, and forces his lips around the tube of a full beer bong. Linderman tries to fight-- SHACK LIFT! Jocks lift the beer bong, and beer GUSHES around Linderman's face. They all laugh as Linderman pulls away from them. LINDERMAN Great. . . thanks guys. . . really. 46. TRIPPY DUDE Freeburg! Whassup! I've been looking for you, dog. I need the magic. FREEBURG I can bestow what you seek. . . Freeburg nods knowingly, does a little cheap "magic" and pulls a small WHITE PILL out of the guy's ear. Ecstasy. NEAR THE KEG Lori's alone. Linderman sees his opportunity, makes a move. LINDERMAN Hey, Lori. Didn't think I'd see you here. Can' I get you something to drink? Just then, KIA shows up with beers. . .hands one to Lori. KIA Smooth opening, but we're taken care of. LORI What happened to your clothes? LINDERMAN Oh this? Me and the jocko's were playing a drinking game. But, it seems I was penalized for my ability to read above a fourth grade level. KIA And I thought you wet yourself again. LINDERMAN You know, Kia? I used to think you hated me because you thought I wasn't good enough for Lori. But that's not it. You try and tear me down to make yourself feel better. It's not me you hate. You hate yourself. It's sad, really. . . With that, Linderman leaves Kia speechless. Lori can only look down. Kia notices something by the ENTRANCE. She taps Lori, and she looks. They see: WILL walking into the rave. LORI Shit. What do I do? Go over there? 47. KIA Go wait by the fire, but don't look like you're waiting. I'll do the rest. . . ENTRANCE TO THE RAVE Will walks around wide-eyed. They didn't have anything like this at the institution. He's clearly out of place here. . . KIA (OS) (CONT'D) Hey. . . you look a little lost. Will turns, sees Kia with a hint of recognition on his face. WILL No. . . I'm just, uh. . . looking for-- KIA - Lori? I know. C'mon. You want a beer? She hands him a cup. As they walk through the crowd, Will takes a sip, and his face grimaces. Was that his first beer? BY THE CAMPFIRE Kia, and will finally break through the throng to the campfire. And there, he spots her, sitting by the fire. Lori and Will lock eyes. And she smiles. So does Will. In the b.g. we see Linderman watching. . . heart breaking. EDGE OF DANCING MOB Gibb leaves the dancing area. . . sweaty, stumbling, drunk. She goes over to the line by THE KEG to get another beer. GIRL IN BEER LINE The cops are saying Blake killed Trey then went home and committed suicided. GUY IN BEER LINE How do you hang yourself on a porch swing? It's such bullshit. GUY IN BEER LINE #2 I'm telling you, I heard this guy Krueger killed 'em both. (MORE) 48. GUY IN BEER LINE #2 (Cont'd) I said his name to my parents. . . they almost lost it. The GUY suddenly looks over, notices GIBB staring at him. Upset, she drops her cup, bolts the other way. AS SHE RUNS, it seems as if EVERYONE is whispering about FREDDY. . . BY THE CAMPFIRE Will and Lori are sitting together by the fire. Not too close. Still awkward. Will often looks away from her. . . WILL I'm really sorry for my friend saying all that stuff to you. He's. . .uh, he's got issues. Are you feeling. . .better? LORI Still a little freaked out. The things he said. It's just such an insane coincidence. How do you know him? WILL Uh. . .we're sorta like. . . roommates. At school. I actually have to head back soon. But. . .I don't wanna go. . .if you're not OK. LORI I don't know. It's like. . .I'm afraid to close my eyes, you know? Do you definitely have to. . . leave again? I mean, so soon? Beat. Will looks off, distant. Emotion on his face. WILL You know what I think about a lot? That I never got to say goodbye to you. Before I. . .left. They lock eyes. . . but Will has to look away, HIDING SOMETHING. Lori moves closer, ever so slightly . . . LORI Really? You. . .think about me? 49. WILL Sometimes all the time. Lori looks at the fire, working up her courage? LORI I can't believe I'm admitting this to you, but. . .you're actually. . .the only guy I've ever kissed. Oh God - you probably think I'm this total sheltered loser now. WILL Believe me, I'm the last person who would think that. Will's suddenly very uncomfortable, the truth starting to come out. He sees GIBB stumbling by the edge of the corn. WILL (CONT'D) (changing the subject) Isn't that your friend? Is she OK? LORI Not really. She's trying to hide it, but I know how messed up she is about Trey. POV: THROUGH THE CORN - Jason moves right to the edge. . . BY THE EDGE OF THE CORNFIELD Gibb walks alone, swaying drunkenly. She watches the dancing crowed in the distance. There's a rustling behind her. . . Gibb turns around and sees. . . TREY's FACE emerge from the cornstalks! His skin is pale. His eyes are yellow. TREY I'm dead one day, and you're already out getting shitfaced. Same old Gibb. GIBB Trey! I. . .I can't believe it. . . TREY C'mon. . .let's go. Beat. Gibb is frozen where she stands. His eyes narrow50. TREY (CONT'D) Babe? Don't make me ask you twice, OK? Trey disappears into the corn. And Gibb follows. INT. CORN - NIGHT Gibb follows Trey in the darkness. We can't see Trey that well, but he's walking strangely, hunched over. And for some reason, he keeps touching his face and chin. . . GIBB You're walking funny. What's wrong? They break free of the corn and are now in a large clearing in front of the SILO. And now we can see Trey clearly- TREY The hell do you think's wrong? Don't you remember what happened to me? He's mangled. He touches his face again and now we see why: He's trying to keep his head upright, but his neck's broken. TREY (CONT'D) C'mon, quit screwin' around. I wanna show you something. His head slumps over again as he hobbles to the RED SILO DOOR, and walks in. Gibb follows, a sick look on her face. INT. GRAIN SILO - SAME STEAM SHOOTS in Gibb's face, water drips from pipes overhead. Strange for a grain silo. Looks more like a BOILER ROOM. . . GIBB Trey? Where are you?? Trey's nowhere in sight. Suddenly, a hissing echoey voice. . . VOICE (OS) . . .This way. . . GIBB I don't like this. I'm gonna go back. Gibb turns, but the door is gone. Freddy' laugh echoes. 51. BACK AT THE RAVE - WAKING WORLD The GLOWING RAVER is scopeing out the women. Approaches one. GLOWING RAVER Hey honeydew. You down for a light show? RAVER CHICK You down for some pepperspray? The glowing Raver holds up his hands, leaves the dance area. He walks off, sees someone on the ground in the far distance. It's GIBB, lying on the ground, surrounded by empty beer cups, passed out ASLEEP. The Raver approaches her. . .stares at her beautiful legs. He gets a lustful look in his eyes. He looks around nervously, like checking for witnesses. . . BACK IN THE BOILER ROOM - DREAM WORLD SCREEECH! The sound of knives on metal pipes. Gibb is moving faster now. . .trying to get away from that sound. Walls and pipes stretch, like Freddy's crawling inside them. This place is alive. . .and elastic. Laughter echoes. GIBB You're the one that killed Trey! A SHADOW on the wall behind her. . .that distinctive hat. FREDDY KRUEGER (OS) Forget about my Errand Boy. She tries to make her way through the boiler room, but it's like a maze. An obscured flash of Freddy at every corner. FREDDY KRUEGER (OS) (CONT'D) The only thing you have to fear. . . Freddy's face appears in the reddish light. . .out of nowhere. . .right near her. Scarier than he's ever been. FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) . . .is fear HIMSELF! Gibb SCREAMS and Freddy drinks it in, pure pleasure on his face. This is what he's been waiting for. She RUNS. . . BACK AT THE RAVE - WAKING WORLD 52. The GLOWING RAVER is lying next to Gibb's sleeping body. He looks around once more. Her body twitches from what's going on in the Boiler Room. It excites the Raver. He kisses her. IN THE BOILER ROOM - DREAM WORLD Gibb runs down a catwalk, passing a series of LOCKERS. As quietly as she can, she opens one and slips inside. . . POV INSIDE LOCKER - Breathing heavily, Gibb can just make out what's happening through three slits in the metal locker's door. Suddenly, she holds her breath, and Freddy passes. . .Beat. She exhales. She puts her face to the slits, looks left and right. No one there. She moves to exit, when- FREDDY suddenly appears, upsidedown, face filling the slits! He turns clockwise slowly, facing her right side up. . . CRANK! Freddy rips the door off, reels back for the kill when blood spurts on Freddy's face. His eyes go wide- Gibb looks down at her own stomach, and there's a wound! She coughs up blood. . .and starts DISAPPEARING. FREDDY KRUEGER NOOO! BACK AT THE RAVE - WAKING WORLD JASON has just stabbed the GLOWING RAVER in the back with the metal rod. . .while he was laying on top of Gibb! The rod went all the way through, stabbing them both. Gibb's dead. Jason pulls out his rod, but the Glowing Raver is still stuck on it. . .and ALIVE. Jason shakes it, but he won't fall off. With a sudden burst of strength, Jason flings the Raver back over his shoulder so hard that it LAUNCHES the kid off the rod like a catapult! We watch the glowing kid fly through the blackness of the night. . .like a shooting star that glows. . .finally disappearing into the cornfield. EDGE OF THE CORN The CROWD is bouncing up and down, dancing in colorful bliss. Away from the crowd, near the edge of the corn, two BIG DUDES hang out by the TIKI TORCH, drinking. BIG DUDE #1 This everclear is kicking my ass. 53. They see Jason emerge from the corn, heading right at them. . . BIG DUDE #2 Check out this fucking guy. BIG DUDE #1 Must be some drunk farmhand. C'mon. The Two Dudes walk up to Jason. Jason stops. BIG DUDE #1 (CONT'D) HEY! Jethro! This is a rave, not a Halloween party. BIG DUDE #2 Invite only, cornpoke. Big Dude #2 walks IN FRONT of his friend, and starts POKING Jason in the chest as he speaks. . . BIG DUDE #2 (CONT'D) (poking on each word) And you. . .weren't invited. TILT DOWN: Jason slowly steps a big black boot on the Dude's bare left foot - CRUNCH! BIG DUDE #2 (CONT'D) AIIGH! Jason then steps his other boot down the guy's right foot, pinning him to the ground. Jason suddenly grabs his head- REVERSE ANGLE: Big Dude #1 watches in horror as -CRACK-Jason twists the guy's head around 180 until the two Dudes are left FACING each other! Jason then POKES the Dude in the chest. . . and he falls over, dead. BIG DUDE #1 Sonofa-BITCH! The guy tosses his drink in Jason's face, dousing him with EVERCLEAR. He pulls up the TIKI TORCH and JABS IT at Jason, who instantly goes up in flames. BIG DUDE #1 (CONT'D) YEAHH! Burn motherfucker! But Jason seems unfazed. Even as he cooks, he calmly removes the MACHETE from his sheath. . .and marches toward the guy. The Big Dude's eyes go wide, and he runs for his life. . . 54. IN THE CORNFIELD Jason just marches after the Big Dude as always. . .even as he burns. The Big Dude runs this way and that. . .stumbling tripping. . .it's like a maze in here. BIRD'S EYE VIEW FROM ABOVE: As the guy weaves, Jason heads straight for him, leaving a long FIRE TRAIL behind him. JASON has almost caught up, WHIPS his machete. . .and the blade hurls through the air on fire! THWOCK! It buries in the guy's back and he falls. The fire spreads all over his back. . .and onto the dried cornstalks. . . AT THE KEG SHACK is getting ready to take down yet another full beer bong. He's uneasy on his feet, trashed, eyes narrow. JASON bursts through the corn, STILL ON FIRE. Ravers that see him scream and run. But Shack is focused on that beer. As Jason marches up to Shack from behind, the TRIPPY DUDE with the big dumb hat watches, clearly blazing on X. TRIPPY DUDE DUDE! Burning man! Shack stares at the Trippy Dude, doesn't get it. SHACK Hey, you're my witness. This is three and a half beers in one shot. That's the record. OK. SPRINGWOOD BULLDOGS RULE! Shack puts the tube to his lips, the FLAMING JASON right behind him now, people screaming all around them. As Shack lifts the funnel. . .Jason opens his arms wide, and smashes Shack's head in with both hands, CRUSHING his skull. . . FOOF! The BEER in the tube BLOWS OUT the top of the funnel straight up from the force, comes back down, and lands with a splash on Jason. . .PUTTING OUT THE FIRE. The Trippy Dude can't believe his eyes. That was amazing! TRIPPY DUDE BRAUGHH! DUDE! OH MAAAAN! Jason turns to him, pulls out his machete. . . 55. POV - TRIPPY DUDE ON X - So many colors, all blooming and trailing off the machete's blade as it descends upon us. TRIPPY DUDE (OS) (CONT'D) This feels so real. . . NORMAL VIEW: Trippy Dude's dead, a stupid smile on his face. JASON stalks into the center of the rave, and now EVERYONE sees him. RAVERS SCREAM and scatter in all directions. WILL, LORI, and KIA run with the crowd, see the maniac in the hockey mask. They cut toward the van. . .but Lori trips on Gibb's DEAD BODY. She falls to her knees. . .sobbing- LORI GIBB! OH GOD, NO! Kia grabs her arm, drags her up. They run for CARLOS' VAN. RAVERS scatter, start their cars, mow down corn as they go. Will, Lori, and Kia pile in the van's OPEN DOOR. . . WILL Get in! HURRY! Nearby, LINDERMAN jumps on his scooter. . .KICKS for it to start. WHIRR. Nothing. LINDERMAN C'mon baby. . .c'mon. . . WHIRR-WHIRR! Still nothing. Linderman looks back, sees: Jason heading right for him! Linderman kicks harder, faster. LINDERMAN (CONT'D) Oh God please. . .this isn't how the Linderman story is supposed to end! WHIRR-WHIRR-WHIRR! This thing ain't starting. FREEBURG runs toward Carlos' fan as its door slams. He bangs on it- FREEBURG HEY DUDE! LEMME IN - C'MON! The door opens and Freeburg dives in. Will starts the van as LORI looks out, sees Jason almost on Linderman. LORI LINDERMAN! This way! But he's in his own world, trying to start it. . . 56. LINDERMAN . . .Start start start start start. . . WHIRR-WHIRR. . .VROOM! It starts. Linderman guns it, but the scooter just kicks up dirt, NOT MOVING. What the hell?? Linderman looks over his shoulder, sees Jason's holding the back of the scooter! Jason arcs back with his machete. . . LINDERMAN (CONT'D) I regret nothing. Linderman shuts his eyes and -WHAM! The back of the van slams into Jason, knocking him to the ground. Freeburg scrambles out of the van and pulls Linderman inside. . . Jason gets up, but the van is already gone. He's left standing alone in the carnage, the field ablaze behind him. INT. CARLOS' VAN - NIGHT Everyone shell-shocked under the funky BLACK LIGHTS of the van. Will driving, Lori crying quietly, Kia eyes wide. . . KIA Was that him?? The guy you were talking about? Freddy Krueger?? LORI That wasn't the guy from my dream. That was someone else. . . LINDERMAN Who cares about some Dream Guy?! That psycho in the hockey mask was REAL! Freeburg puts a JOINT in his mouth, tries to spark it. . .hand shaking, terrified. He whispers to himself- FREEBURG Dude. That Goalie was pissed about something. . . Linderman's hyperventilating. In his backpack, he dumps out his lunch from a brown bag, and starts breathing into it. . . WILL We gotta go talk to Carlos. 57. LINDERMAN Talk to who?? How about the police?! Please. . .just drop me off...OK? They all nod to one another, can't take this. . . INT. CARLOS' HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT Carlos sits at his desk, going through the drawers. He pulls out a framed black and white photo: A happy kid (CARLOS) rides on the shoulder's of a young man (CARLOS' BROTHER). CARLOS I always believed you, bro. Neither of us were crazy. CLOSE ON - His brother (MIGUEL) in the picture. He winks. Carlos shakes his head - what the hell? He checks his pocket, pulls out his bottle of pills quickly, pops off the top, shakes it into his palm. But it's empty. CARLOS (CONT'D) Shit. ZWIP! A high angle IMAGE appears on his computer screen. It looks like a live feed from his own bathroom. A young naked male walks in (we only see him from behind) and turns on the bathtub. He leaves. . .then returns with a STRAIGHT RAZOR. Panicked, Carlos pulls the plug to the computer, and the image winks out. But then Carlos realizes. . . . . .HE CAN STILL HEAR WATER RUNNING! He looks down his short hallway, sees STEAM coming out from under his bathroom door. Almost against his own will, Carlos rises from his chair, walks slowly down the hall toward the door. . . INT. CARLOS' HOUSE - BATHROOM - NIGHT Carlos throws open the bathroom door, and: It's empty. No water in the tub, no steam, no Miguel. He breathes easier. CARLOS I've gotta stay awake. . . Carlos rummages in the medicine cabinet. . .shoving stuff off the shelves, can't find anything. He slams the cabinet shut58. -and sees a flash of FREDDY KRUEGER IN THE MIRROR Carlos whips around, looks behind him...but nothing's there. Whew. But then...he feels something under his bare feet. He's standing in a small puddle of blood. He follows the blood to its source...and sees MIGUEL LYING IN THE TUB. Blood drips from his slit wrists onto the white tile... CARLOS (CONT'D) OH GOD! I'm dreaming...I'm dreaming... Miguel's eyes suddenly OPEN. And Carlos screams. MIGUEL I thought this was my only way to escape him. But it doesn't have to end like this for you, bro. . . Carlos turns to run, but his bare feet seem stuck to the floor. Blood tendrils grow into his feet, rooting him there. MIGUEL (CONT'D) There's someone who's getting in Freddy's way. His name is Jason. CARLOS This isn't real. I've gotta wake up. MIGUEL Freddy wants you to get rid of him. CARLOS SOMEBODY PLEASE WAKE ME UP!! MIGUEL Didn't Mom teach you not to talk with your mouth full? Carlos suddenly looks nauseous. He gags once. . . CLOSE ON - CARLOS' MOUTH. A single solitary MAGGOT squirms out the corner of his mouth. Carlos then doubles over, heaving and gaging. He vomits up about a pound of writhing maggots, all over himself and the floor. MIGUEL (CONT'D) He can make it so much worse if you want. EXT. CARLOS' HOUSE - DRIVEWAY / INT. CARLOS' VAN - NIGHT Will pulls up in Carlo's van. He turns to Lori. 59. WILL I'll go sneak Carlos out. Wait here. WILL EXITS. Lori looks in the back. Everyone's been dropped off except Freeburg. He's clearly out of his mind, munching Linderman's lunch. He offers her a bite. She gets out. . . EXT, CARLOS' HOUSE - NIGHT Will creeps around the side of the house, looks into Carlos window. Carlos is sitting in front of his computer, head down, asleep on his desk. Will taps lightly on the window... WILL Carlos... Lori approaches. He isn't waking. She starts to get nervous- BACK IN THE BATHROOM - DREAM WORLD Carlos tries to control his breathing...Still doubled over. Miguel looks angrier now, SITS UP in the tub... MIGUEL Freddy would do the job himself but that sonofabitch just won't sleep! Miguel's bare arms and legs start to bubble and burn...smoke rising from his skin from an unseen source of heat... CARLOS You're not my brother. I know who you are. You're not Miguel...You want me to get rid of this guy Jason because if they're afraid of him and not'll lose your power. Miguel reaches over and grabs Carlos by the hair. Miguel's bare arm now scarring, burning...bloody and pus filled. MIGUEL Freddy OWNS you...He owns ALL of you! You're HIS children, not Jason's! Carlos stares back at Miguel with rage and determination... CARLOS I'm not gonna do this shit for you, Freddy. Not now, not ever. So do your worst you demented, extra crispy bastard-son-of-a-hundred-whogives- a-shit! 60. Miguel has now turned into FREDDY KRUEGER in the flesh. FREDDY KRUEGER OK Chico. I just hope you can still look yourself in the mirror tomorrow morning. Beat. Still holding him by the hair on his head, Freddy lunges and drives Carlos' FACE into the medicine cabinet- EXT. CARLOS' HOUSE - NIGHT BAM! Carlos FLIES BACK out of his chair, like he was hit by an invisible truck! Will and Lori watch through the window as his body crashes to the floor... Will and Lori desperately try to pull open the window, watching Carlos as he crawls out of view- WILL CARLOS! CAAARRR-LOOS! BAM! Carlos' HAND slaps against the glass. Carlos' battered face follows, eyes pleading to Will for help. Will picks up a ROCK, about to break the glass, when- FOUR PARALLEL CUTS slash down Carlos' throat and chest. WHAM! He's again slammed by an unseen force, and he flies to the center of the room. He lands on the ground in a heap. Will drops the rock. It's over. Will and Lori move away from the window. Carlos' MOM rushes into the room, cradles her son's twitching body off the floor, and screams with everything she's got. EXT. 1428 ELM STREET / INT. CARLOS' VAN - NIGHT Carlos' van sits in Lori's driveway. Will staring down. Lori in shotgun, blank stare. Freeburg's gone. Beat. No one says anything for awhile. They just...shake. WILL (in shock, coming apart)When you've been through something horrible, you can get...mixed to what's real. can't even trust what you see. Maybe...that's what's happening. 61. LORI (trying to stay together) It happened. He was asleep, but something was cutting him. FOUR CUTS! Will! Like from a claw...Freddy's claw. He's as real as that masked psychopath. (staring into the abyss) Two different killers. We're not safe asleep or awake. Will's world is crumbling. Everything he believed...gone? WILL I'm just -I think I'm really startin' to lose my grip here, so just bear with m. --Have you see...or spoken to your mother ...since she left? LORI What does that have to do with this? WILL It doesn't. It's just that...I thought I saw something one night, four years ago. But then . . .some people...helped me realize...I didn't really see it. But now...I'm starting to- LORI Four years ago? That's when you moved. What...did you think you saw? Beat. Conflict on Will's face. Should he say it? WILL ...Your Dad kill your Mom... KNOCK-KNOCK on the glass! LORI's FATHER in the window! Lori and Will both jump. He waves for them to come out... IN THE DRIVEWAY They get out of the van, Lori's Dad waiting. DR. CAMPBELL Lori. You're home late. Who's this? LORI He's62. WILL -a friend DR. CAMPBELL I know who you are, Will. Why don't you go inside, Lori? I need to talk to Will alone for a moment. Beat. Lori hesitates, worry on her face. Getting upset. LORI Dad...Gibb's dead. Something horrible is happening around here. . . DR. CAMPBELL I SAID GET INSIDE! Please. Lori's eyes start to well up, and she runs into her house. Will and Dr. Campbell face to face. Staring each other down. DR. CAMPBELL (CONT'D) I got a call from Dr. Sims today. She's very upset. She'll be happy to find out where you are. . . WILL Is that a threat, Dr. Campbell? DR. CAMPBELL Not at all, Will. I'm just trying to look out for you. And protect my daughter. She means a lot to me. WILL I did see you, didn't I? I wasn't crazy. DR. CAMPBELL You're a troubled boy, Will. FLASHBACK A YOUNGER WILL stands in front of a YOUNGER DR. CAMPBELL. Men in WHITE SUITS stand rigidly behind Will. DR. CAMPBELL (CONT'D) You're a troubled boy, Will. One of the men injects Will in the arm with a Dr. Campbell rubs Will's head lovingly. BACK TO SCENE - Will's face contorts as he remembers... 63. WILL You were there...weren't you? When I was committed. You were in on it. DR. CAMPBELL Let's go inside. I can help you- Dr. Campbell reaches out for Will's arm...and Will pulls back. Will hurries into the van...terror on his face... DR. CAMPBELL (CONT'D) Stay away from her, Will. Do we understand each other? Will starts it up and stomps on the gas...squealing away. INT. 1428 ELM STREET - LORI'S BEDROOM - NIGHT INTERCUT BETWEEN LORI AND DAD OUTSIDE HER BEDROOM DOOR: Lori sits on the edge of her bed, crying. Lori's Dad stands outside her door. He tries the knob quietly. It's locked. DR. CAMPBELL Lori? Let me in, sweetheart. I need to talk to you about something... LORI What did you talk to Will about?? Lori's father pulls a pill out of his jacket pocket... DR. CAMPBELL I'm sorry about Gibb. Let me at least give you something to help you sleep... Lori's eyes go wide. She suddenly looks very scared. LORI I wanna talk to Mom. You said she moved out West. I wanna know where. DR. CAMPBELL You can't believe everything Will tells you. Did you know he's been in a mental institution for the last four years? Did he tell you that? Beat. Lori takes this in, can't believe it...or can she? LORI GO AWAY! 64. He winces, nodding to himself. This isn't working. DR. CAMPBELL We'll talk in the morning. OK, honey? Things always look better in the morning. INT. 1428 ELM STREET - LORI'S BEDROOM - NIGHT It's late. Lori in her PJs now, watching TV, eating INSTANT COFFEE with a spoon. She watching a horror film, afraid- INSERT - ON TV - The horror classic "THE FLY" from 1958 with Vincent Price is on. We're right at the end. The fly with the human head is caught on the web, the SPIDER getting closer. Then the fly's infamous, high pitched shriek: "HELP ME...PLEASE! HELP ME!" Vincent Price picks up a ROCK, about to mercifully squash them both when- CLICK. Lori turns it off quickly, can't take it. She shivers. Just then, the phone rings, rings, she answers it- LORI ...hello? WILL Lori, it's Will. About your Dad. Did he- CLICK! Then, the phone goes dead. BASEMENT A KNIFE has just cut through the main phone line. PULL BACK TO REVEAL: We see who's holding it: Lori's Father! BACK IN LORI'S BEDROOM Lori throws the dead phone across the room and it knocks over the framed PICTURE of her Dad. She picks it up, about to put it back...when she notices something in the picture. CLOSE ON PICTURE - Attached to Dad's belt: A ring of KEYS. An idea strikes Lori. She narrows her eyes, determined...and starts eating the coffee more vigorously. INT. 1428 ELM STREET - DOWNSTAIRS - ALMOST DAWN Lori's Dad is ASLEEP on the sofa. Behind him, Lori quietly comes downstairs... 65. She spots an empty pill bottle in his hand. Label says: HYPNOCIL: FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF DREAMS. Lori reaches over to his belt, carefully removes his KEYS. BASEMENT Lori walks down the dark stairs carefully into her basement. She hits the switch for the LIGHT...but it's not working. CLICK! Lori clicks on a flashlight and continues down. The light bounces off a old trunk...the infamous furnace. It's scary as all hell down here. Lori shines her light on an old ARMY FOOTLOCKER. Lori opens the lock with Dad's keys...trying not to make too much noise. She's twitchy...overcaffeinated. INSIDE THE LOCKER: Lori finds love letters, pictures of her MOM and Dad. Buried at the bottom is something wrapped in cloth. After a final moments hesitation, she opens it- INSIDE: a Woman's RINGS, GLASSES, GOLD WATCH. These clearly belong to her mother. But what are they doing here?? LORI Mom would never leave these behind... She quickly wraps them up again, puts the bundle away. But right before she closes the locker, she sees a PLASTIC ID. It's a SECURITY BADGE. With her father's picture on it. LORI (CONT'D) "The Katja Institute for the Study of Sleep Disorders"? MR. NUZZLES Hi! My name is Mr. Nuzzles! Ha-Ha- Ha! YIKES! Lori jumps, shines her flashlight on: MR. NUZZLES, speckled with blood, on a workbench. "Wait a minute..." She picks it up, shaking it next to her ear. She looks into its eyes. Suddenly, she feels something on its underside: a ZIPPER. She unzips it...revealing a CAM-CORDER inside. She shakes her head: They were right. It is a Nanny-cam. INT. 1428 ELM STREET - LORI'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Lori takes the TINY VIDEO TAPE out of Mr. Nuzzles' back, puts it into the Camcorder next to her TV, and hits play. 66. A B&W IMAGE appears on the TV of Gibb, Lori and Kia sitting on the couch. She hits fast forward. The images blur by...ending with Gibb leaving the upstairs bedroom. NORMAL SPEED on the tape now. Trey is reaching for the nightstand. Someone next to him raises a machete...she hits PAUSE": It's clearly Jason Voorhees, the man in the mask. LORI It wasn't Freddy. But everyone thought it was... Lori looks off, the wheels in her head starting to turn... EXT. 1428 ELM STREET - BACKYARD - DAWN Wrapped in a blanket, Lori sits idly on the old rusted swing set in her backyard. It's early...barely first light, everything blue. We can see her breath. In her hands, we see she's holding her father's SECURITY BADGE to the Dream Institute. In the b.g., Will is climbing over the fence... WILL (OS) You want a push? (she doesn't answer) I've been out here all night...trying to figure out what to do. I was gonna climb up to your I used to. But you guys got rid of that rose trellis. (beat, no answer still) Your Dad asleep? LORI Were you in a mental institution? Beat. Lori finally looks up at him...and he nods. WILL My parents made me go. I didn't think I belonged there. Not at first. Then they died my first year inside. Car accident. Things got...confusing, after that. But Eventually...Westin Hills just became my home. Now, I'm starting to understand...I should have never been sent there in the first place. LORI Tell me what you think you saw. 67. WILL I know what I saw. I saw him bury her. SUDDEN FLASHBACK LORI'S BACKYARD - POV VIA HOLE IN FENCE - In the soft dirt under the SWING SET, Lori's father unceremoniously dumps a woman wrapped in a bloody sheet into a hole, and starts filling it. Tossing dirt onto her lifeless open eyes, into her gaping mouth. Dad suddenly LOOKS OVER AT US as thunder and lightening crash, and the POV quickly moves away from the hole in the fence. BACK TO SCENE Lori sitting on the very same swing set, staring at her feet. LORI Were? Where did he put her? Right under your feet. WILL Close by. A tear runs down Lori's cheek. She forces it away. Resolve washes over her face. She can't let this consume her. LORI Let's get the hell out of here. I don't wanna be near him another minute. WILL I'll take you wherever you wanna go. LORI I found something. We need to get everyone together. EXT. SPRINGWOOD - VARIOUS - DAY THE CORNFIELD. Deserted. Discarded equipment from the rave strewn about. Empty cars. Police tape. CARLOS' HOUSE. His mom is crying quietly in the driveway, police cars pulling away. His Dad has a thousand yard stare. SHERIFF'S STATION. It's a mad house, outside and in. 68. INT. SHERIFF'S OFFICE - DAY The Sheriff stares at a B&W photo from one of last night's murders. PULL BACK TO REVEAL: photos scattered all over. He sits down, drops his head into his hands, overwhelmed. Deputy Stubbs enters, tries to get his attention. He KNOCKS. DEPUTY STUBBS Sheriff? I've been compiling info on possible suspects, based on eyewitness reports of the man in the hockey mask? Now I thin what we're dealing with is- SHERIFF We already know who did this. DEPUTY STUBBS We do? Just then, one of the SHERIFF'S OFFICERS sticks his head in- SHERIFF'S OFFICER Sheriff? We closed down the school, set a 6pm curfew for anyone under 18. SHERIFF Good. Now I need 24 hour roadblocks set up. Nobody leaves town, and nobody gets in. We gotta contain this sonofabitch before he spreads any further. The Officer nods, leaves quickly. Deputy Stubbs is confused. DEPUTY STUBBS Shouldn't we get the FBI to- SHERIFF No outsiders. We can handle this. We've stopped him before. DEPUTY STUBBS I'm lost here. Stopped who before? SHERIFF We don't say his name aloud anymore. You're not from around here, son. I don't expect you to understand. 69. DEPUTY STUBBS (incredulous, exasperated) With all due respect Sheriff, I think we have a copycat of the old Jason Voorhees Crystal Lake killer on our hands. I had the files sent to me. Now there have been reports of Voorhees copycat killings as far away as Manhattan... The Sheriff gets up from his chair and into Stubbs' face- SHERIFF We do things around here a certain way for a reason...and that's given us four years of peace. So you either do what you're told with your mouth shut, or God help me I will lock you up, understand? (beat, yells to the door) George! Get in here! One of the Sheriff's Officers pokes his head inside the door- SHERIFF (CONT'D) That other kid from the Institution is still on the loose somewhere. Pick him up. And round up all the Hypnocil you can, we'll start distributing it tonight. Sideeffects or not, it's all we've got. Deputy Stubbs just stands there, lost in all this. SHERIFF (CONT'D) Somethin' else Stubbs? No? Then why don't you get out there and do your job. EXT. SPRINGWOOD - VARIOUS - SUNSET The town looks absolutely deserted. Storefronts are abandoned, streets are empty. The curfew is in effect. A POLICE CAR rolls by. After it passes, SCOTT bolts to a house- INT. FREEBURG'S BASEMENT - SAME Scott climbs in the window to Freeburg's dingy basement, a real stony hideaway. They all look tired and irritable: Will, Lori, Kia, Freeburg and Linderman's at the COMPUTER. 70. WILL All I know is, Carlos said he thought there was something that brought Freddy back...and that it was our fear that gave him his power. LORI So maybe it was Jason who helped bring him back by killing Trey. Freddy knew they'd think it was him. Then we spread the fear for him from there... KIA Who cares! We've been at this all day! Why don't we all just leave town? LORI Even if we leave, Freddy can still get to us. We all know about him, we're all afraid of him. We're marked. KIA So all we have to do is not be afraid? FREEBURG (trembling, afraid) Screw that clown with the Christmas sweater! What kinda pussy comes after you in your dreams anyway?? No that dude in the mask? Evil fuckin' force of nature, man. Tell'n you. Linderman spins, giving them a view of the computer screen... LINDERMAN His Jason Voorhees. He supposedly drowned at Camp Crystal Lake in 1957 when he was eleven. The camp counselors weren't watching him. Then they made the mistake of killing his mother. Legend has it Jason returned from his watery grave to punish those that would dare return to the camp. I found this web site-- 71. WILL ""? What's that date have to do with him? LINDERMAN I think that's when Jason was born, or the hell should I know? If Freeburg could find some papers that aren't for rolling, I'll print it up. Lori rubs here eyes, clearly exhausted. LORI So Jason died by water. Freddy by fire. How can we use that? LINDERMAN Jason's nothing to be afraid of. We should focus on trying to kill him first. LORI But...I thought we decided that Freddy's probably the one pulling the strings. Maybe we should try and stop him first. KIA Then we should offer Freddy a sacrifice. LORI Sacrifice? What do you- FREEBURG A virgin. SCOTT Someone pure. Yeah. LINDERMAN Well don't look at me. Even if you pay for it, it still counts. KIA We all know who the virgin is here. I always tried to hook her up with guys but- LORI (eyes go wide, looking for help) Will...say something! 72. Will looks like he's considering all this gravely. Kia drapes one arm around Will seductively ...whispers to him... KIA C'mon, Will. Do you really want someone who doesn't know how to fuck? She's just a little girl. Not a me. WILL I never thought of it that way... LORI Is that all you care about, Will? Is that the real reason you came back?? WILL Because of you, I lost four years of my life. I could never love you... (beat, to everyone) Tie her up. Lori gets up, staggers backward as everyone moves toward her. Linderman pulls a SACK from behind his back...Kia has some ROPE. Suddenly, someone puts an arm around Lori's shoulders. DR. CAMPBELL Don't worry, angel. You've still got me. Dad smiles, face speckled in blood. But Lori doesn't scream. LORI Why did you do it, Daddy? Why did you kill Mom? DR. CAMPBELL Who you gonna believe? Him or me? Lori stares at her bloody father, backs away. They all close in on her, there's nowhere to run...she BACKS INTO THE WALLBut its not a wall. It's a spiderweb. And now, she's stuck. And we're somewhere completely new. A dark place. The spiderweb stretches to infinity. Lori is but a speck...a fly. Suddenly, the web TREMBLES. Something's coming. Out from the darkness, Freddy crawls toward her on all fours. His limbs longer, joints bending insect-like. She tries to scream. All that comes out is a familiar, highpitched wail: 73. LORI (the voice from "The Fly" 1958) "HELP ME...PLEASE. HELP ME!" Freddy stops inches from her...Lori's terrified face reflected in his EIGHT EYES. He opens his mouth wide... DR. CAMPBELL Don't worry, Princess. I won't let him get you. Lori sees her FATHER, next to the web, fifty feet tall, about to crush her with a rock! (Just link in the movie.) She screams, fighting Freddy off as he starts to bite down on her- INT. FREEBURG'S BASEMENT - SAME SPLASH! Lori wakes with a start, water thrown in her face. Everyone surrounds her, eyes locked on her with fear... WILL Are you alright?? You fell asleep! Heart pounding, Lori looks down at her closed fists. She opens them slowly. In one: a tooth. The other: an ear. LORI I pulled these out of my dream... SCOTT Out of your dream?? How is that possible?? Suddenly the items turn to MAGGOTS in her hands. She jumps, tossing them in the air with a shriek. Everyone jumps back screaming, stomping them on the floor. Linderman backing up- LINDERMAN Oh God, Oh Jesus...We're done. I had a future too. I had it all planned out. Wesleyan was my safety school. Wesleyan!! KIA Nobody wants to hear your hissy fit geek! LORI OKAY! ENOUGH of this bullshit! We've gotta pull together and DO SOMETHING or we're ALL DEAD, understand?? 74. Beat. Lori's shivering, everyone silent, knows she's serious. Lori is starting to take over this group. LINDERMAN We've gotta stay awake somehow. WILL Or stop dreaming. Carlos was trying to get me to take one of his pills I think they made him stop dreaming. It was called...hypno-something. LORI Hypnocil? My Dad had some of that. And I got a real good idea where we can get some more...for all of us. Lori holds up her Dad's SECURITY BADGE to the Dream Clinic! EXT. KATJA DREAM CLINIC - SUNSET Carlos' van pulls across the street from the 'Katja Institute for the Study of Sleep Disorders.' Two guys in white lab coats...escorted by police...lock the back door, and leave. EXT. KATJA DREAM CLINIC - NIGHT Will puts a crowbar between the door and the frame...trying to pop it off the hinges...really exerting himself. LINDERMAN Lori? Can I see that ID? Lori hands him the badge. Linderman inspects it, then swipes it at a nearby KEYPAD. The door opens electronically. Will moves back, staring at his crowbar. Linderman turns to Kia: LINDERMAN (CONT'D) Mind over muscle. POV FROM TREES - behind the clinic: Someone watches them go inside. "CH-CH-CH-HA-HA-HA." We move toward the door. INT. KATJA DREAM CLINIC - NIGHT Will, Lori, Kia, Linderman, Freeburg and his buddy Scott creep through the darkened hallway. Lori whispers- LORI It'll take too long if we all look for the pills together. Two groups maybe. 75. Freeburg is shaking with fear. Lori walks off, Linderman and Kia follow her. Will and the rest of them go the other way. LONG HALLWAY Lori, Kia and Linderman walk by a shadowy cafeteria. They keep walking, eyes wide. KA-KAM! A loud noise... LINDERMAN What was that?? Lori shakes her head, doesn't know. They press on. AT THE ENTRANCE The back door to the Dream Clinic is broken at the hinges... ANOTHER LONG HALLWAY Will pushes open a door. Nothing but monitoring equipment in here. He moves on. Freeburg pulls Scott back... FREEBURG I can't take this, dude. I'm tweakin'. I need a little nerve tonic. Freeburg shows Scott a JOINT. SCOTT I'm feelin' that. But maybe we shouldn't split from the- Scott looks out the door, into the hallway, but Will is gone. FREEBURG Hurry, dude. We'll catch up... LONG HALLWAY Will walks down the hall, turns to his right, as if to say something to Freeburg and Scott- but they're not there. WILL Great. Will turns around as JASON CROSSES THE HALLWAY BEHIND HIM. HALLWAY Lori, Kia, and Linderman walk by a DOOR labeled C-17. Lori looks at her Dad's ID Badge. It says C-17 at the top. 76. PATIENT ROOM PSSHT! The electronic door slides open smoothly and Lori, Kia and Linderman walk into the dark room slowly. LORI Find the lights. Linderman feels the wall, HITS a button, and- SISSSH! A BODY ON A SLAB slides out of the wall, like in a morgue. KIA Put it back, Linderman! He pushes another button, trying to make the body slide back. Dozens of other BODIES ON SLABS come out, lining both walls. LORI God...what are all these? LINDERMAN (looking at a chat on one slab) Looks like...people that OD'd on Hypnocil. Lori focuses on one of the bodies laying there, eyes covered with PATCHES. Her hand reaches toward his face... LORI Are they...dead? KUGH! The guy sucks in a breath. Lori JUMPS back, but then the body is again calm. Linderman reads his chart. LINDERMAN They're in a coma. This one was transferred from Westin Hills Psychiatric. He cut off his own eyelids so he wouldn't fall asleep. LORI People need to dream. The same thing would have happened to Carlos... KIA Lori - look at this. Your Dad's signature is at the bottom. Lori pauses as she walks along the row, then heads for the exit. Linderman and Kia follow. WE MOVE OVER to the other side of the room, through the plate glass window, and into77. MONITORING ROOM In the adjacent room, Freeburg and Scott are sitting on the floor, passing a joint back and forth. Scott gets up, starts playing with dials on the CONTROL PANEL. Freeburg's in and out, eyes opening and closing, pupils just pinholes. Freeburg sleepily turns his head left and sees: A fat CATERPILLAR in the doorway, colored dark RED and GREEN. It's a foot long and hideous, with an almost human face. It rears up and blows smoke in Freeburg's face. SCOTT (OS) What do you think all these machines do? Mind control or what? Behind Scott, we see Freeburg staring at NOTHING in the doorway, but he's inhaling deeply. Scott doesn't notice Freeburg get up with his EYES CLOSED, and walk out the door. HALLWAY - DREAM WORLD Freeburg walks into the hall, sees the tail end of the red and green CATERPILLAR inching around the corner. He follows. PATIENT ROOM - DREAM WORLD Freeburg walks into the patient room. The coma patients line the room, laying flat on their slabs. FREEBURG What do you want? The bodies are now all sitting up, staring at Freeburg! HOLY SHIT! All of them start WHISPERING. We can't hear what... FREEBURG (CONT'D) I don't know where the Hypnocil is. Now all the coma victims are pointing to the same spot along the far wall. One patient with bloody patches over his eyes is RIGHT NEXT TO FREEBURG, blue lips whispering in his ear... Freeburg finds the BOX OF HYPNOCIL hidden under the lab sink. He removes one bottle, stares at the label. FREEBURG (CONT'D) I can't pour these down the drain. These are what we're looking for. 78. BEHIND HIM, OUT OF FOCUS, the red and green Caterpillar is crawling up the wall, toward the ceiling... FREEBURG (CONT'D) I've gotta get back and tell them. Drip-drip. Two drops of clear fluid land on Freeburg's forehead. He looks up, mouth agape, to see: The Caterpillar, stuck to the ceiling, a long string of insect saliva dripping from it's mouth. It FALLS... ...and lands on Freeburg's face. He struggles to get it off as the Caterpillar burrows its way down his throat! Freeburg falls to the ground, convulsing, trying to breathe-- Beat. Freeburg stands up, his body language changing completely. Freddy is inside, controlling him. Freeburg lurches forward to the pills, picks them up awkwardly. We can almost make out Freeburg's muffled cries from somewhere deep inside his own body...crying in protest- FREDDY/FREEBURG (Freeburg's voice, but raspier) Relax, kid. Freddy's driving. He wastes no time dumping all the Hypnocil down the sink... INT. KATJA DREAM CLINIC - SAME Lori and Kia are headed away from the Patient Room when- LORI hear that? KIA Sounds like...running water? They turn around, heading back the direction they came from. IN THE MONITORING ROOM Scott looks up from the panel, and out the window into the Patient Room. He sees all the bodies lying on slabs, and now Freeburg at a running sink, pouring pills down a drain. SCOTT Hey... In the glass, we can barely make out the reflection of someone coming in the room... 79. SCOTT (CONT'D) What the hell is he- RACK FOCUS - Reflected in the glass: JASON IS BEHIND HIM. Scott spins, and Jason swings down hard with his machete. Scott evades...and Jason drives the blade into the machine. BZBZBBZBZ! Sparks fly as currents of electricity rip through Jason. Scott steps back, stunned...can't believe his eyes. SCOTT (CONT'D) ...holy shi- With one hand, Jason rips a cable out of the wall and whips it at Scott's neck. It wraps around Scott's neck two, three times. Jason and Scott are now both shaking uncontrollably, FRYING. Facing each other, sparks flying between them... IN THE PATIENT ROOM Lori and Kia walk into the Patient Room and see...nothing except EMPTY PILL BOTTLES on the counter. Kia picks one up. KIA Shit! They're all empty. Looks like...someone dumped 'em. LORI I don't think we're alone. C'mon- They exit. On the other side of the room, we see BLUE AND WHITE FLASHES in the monitoring room's glass... BACK IN THE MONITORING ROOM KOOM! The machine finally overloads with one final burst of sparks, and the current stops. The few lights that were on in the clinic now cut off, the power shot. A few scant red emergency BACKUP LIGHTS the only source of illumination now. Scoot collapses to the ground, his skin black and charred. Jason looks unaffected, removes his machete from the machine, burning red from the heat, and heads for the door. IN THE HALLWAY Running under read lights, Lori, Kia and Linderman run into Will, almost giving us and each other a heart-attack. KIA The pills are gone. We're out of here. 80. LORI Where's Scott and Freeburg? Will shakes his head, breathing hard... AT THE DRUG CABINET Freddy/Freeburg pulls out a drawer labeled "TRANQUILIZERS." Suddenly, his right arm starts to shake, like Freddy's losing control of it. But then, a RIPPLING WAVE of red and green goes down the arm, and it's again under Freddy's control. FREDDY/FREEBURG (Hums the children's nursery rhyme: "Go To Sleep") He fills up TWO JUMBO SYRINGES with a pink liquid labeled: CONCENTRATE: Dilute 1000/1. A MANUAL lies next to it... IN THE HALLWAY Will, Lori, Kia and Linderman turn a corner to find: Jason, smoldering slightly...moving out of the monitoring room, not twenty feet away from them, machete red hot... WILL Go back! GO BACK! They turn, run back the way they came. And as they round the corner, they see FREEBURG standing in the middle of the hall! They stop. Freeburg looks strange, eyes glazed... LORI Freeburg...? Jason rounds the corner behind them. They're stuck between Jason and Freddy/Freeburg. They run toward Freeburg... CLOSE ON - Behind Freeburg's back - he hides the TWO SYRINGES! They run at him. Freeburg waits, smiling. But when they get to Freeburg...he lets them pass. Jason heads right for him. KIA Freeburg! C'mon! He'll kill you! Freddy/Freeburg doesn't move. He stands like a willing sacrifice to Jason. They yell and scream for him to run... WILL The hell is he doing?? 81. LORI I don't- Jason arcs back his red hot machete, about to devastate Freddy/Freeburg, when he suddenly springs to life! FREDDY/FREEBURG COME TO FREDDY! They watch as Freeburg buries the two giant syringes into Jason's NECK, pushing down the plungers, INJECTING HIM. Jason swings his machete... WHOOSH! Obscured in the darkness, we see two halves of Freeburg's body spin and hit the ground. Jason just stands there, completely still, the injection coursing through his veins. Everyone else frozen, terrified. Jason suddenly FALLS STRAIGHT BACK, landing flat on his back. LINDERMAN Fuck ME! INT. BOILER ROOM - DREAM WORLD - SAME Jason sits up quickly, and finds himself someplace very different than anything he's used to. A Boiler Room. Beat. WOMAN'S VOICE (OS) I'm very disappointed in you Jason. You disobeyed your mother. Jason stands, looks around for the source of the voice. At the other end of the long passageway, JASON'S MOTHER steps out of the shadows. She looks upset. JASON'S MOTHER But I blame myself. I should have known you wouldn't be able to stop killing. You're like a big stupid dog that can't stop eating...even when your Master's said you've had enough. Jason's Mother scowls...starts walking toward Jason. JASON'S MOTHER (CONT'D) (voice getting deeper)But's time to put this dog to sleep...FOR GOOD! 82. She starts running at Jason, rage on her face. Jason just stands there, confused. That is, until Jason's Mother starts to change into Freddy as she runs. His claws form from her hand, and scrape against the metal pipes, causing sparks... Jason immediately starts marching toward the speeding Freddy, raises his machete, scraping the blade along the metal catwalk above them, showering down sparks... FREDDY JUMPS like he was sprung off a trampoline, arms and legs raised...POUNCING. About to land on Jason when... ...Jason takes a swing with his machete, cutting off Freddy's arm at the shoulder as he flies by! Freddy falls to the ground, screaming in pain, holding onto his bloody stump... FREDDY KRUEGER AARRGH! MY ARM! But then, Freddy's face goes still. He smiles. And a new arm grows back in its place. He does the old jerk-off motion with his fist, i.e.:"big deal." FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) You're in my world now, bitch. Freddy suddenly FLOATS straight up, hovering three feet off the ground! Jason runs at him, but Freddy waves his claw and Jason's smacked by an unseen force. He flies back, SMASHING against the wall, pinned off the ground, then collapses. But then, Jason gets up. Freddy seems amused. He increases the punishment, Jason really taking a beating. Freddy can appear anywhere, do anything. It's gravitydefying ass kicking, and it's spectacular. But Jason continues to get up each time. Freddy's no longer amused. His face says it all: WHY WON'T YOU DIE?? FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) (light bulb goes off) You're not afraid. (excited, pissed) Yet! Suddenly, Jason starts to SINK. We see that the floor beneath his feet is like QUICKSAND. He's being sucked down. INT. DEPTHS OF DREAM WORLD - SAME 83. Jason's BOOTS emerge from the "ceiling" of this new chamber...being PULLED DOWN now by organic machines made of cartilage and bone. Jason is now restrained by the hellish machine. Cackling echoes, and Freddy emerges from the dark. INT. KATJA DREAM CLINIC - NIGHT Will, Lori, Kia and Linderman stand in the hallway in shock. WILL We can go to Westin Hills. They'll have Hypnocil. I can get us in. Lori just stares at Jason's body still in the hallway. LORI We're not leaving. They all look at her, stupefied. She must be insane. LINDERMAN What? Why? LORI Think about it. He said "Come to Freddy." Freeburg was being controlled. Freddy wants to take Jason he pulled him into the dream world. WILL So? Let 'em fight each other. Better for us. LORI NO! Don't you see? Jason is the only thing standing in the way between us and Freddy! That's why he wants him Freddy can have us all to himself! KIA What are you saying? LORI I'm saying maybe Jason is our best shot at beating Freddy now. LINDERMAN you have in mind? Beat. Lori stares back at Jason's body on the floor... 84. EXT. KATJA DREAM CLINIC - NIGHT The four of them stand outside the clinic, huffing and puffing. The van is parked right next to them. Linderman is stacking TWO BOXES of tranquilizers, and is looking through the MANUAL we saw next to them on the counter. WILL How long will it last? LINDERMAN (looking at the book) I don't know. But he got hit with the concentrate. Totally undiluted. It's like one part per 1000. KIA And that's good? LINDERMAN Well a box of this stuff should be strong enough to sedate Cincinnati for a year. LORI Good. Them give him another dose. Linderman fills up a syringe. Kia looks at Linderman a little differently. There's respect there for the first time- KIA Glad you're here, Linderman. Linderman can't help but smile a bit. But his smile fades when Lori opens the back of the van, and we see Jason inside, flat on his back. They all look to each other, terrified. No one moves. 'Are we really gonna do this??' INT. CARLOS' VAN - MOVING - NIGHT Linderman sits on the floor, eyes closed, mumbling. Sounds like a prayer. Kia sits across from him, doing the same. But most of the van is being taken up by JASON'S MASSIVE BODY, lying flat on the floor. Jason's white mask glows eerily under the BLACK LIGHT. Clearly, this is the absolute scariest place on Earth to be. WILL's at the wheel. Lori in the passenger seat, flipping through the PAGES Linderman printed up on Jason Voorhees... 85. WILL (quietly) Why don't we just try and do it here? LORI We can't leave him here in town. Too many people could get killed. WILL But why go all the way to Crystal Lake? LORI Well best case scenario, they'll kill each other, and it won't matter where they are. But if Jason wins, and he's back at the camp...he'll be home. Back where he belongs. Why would he follow us back? It'll be over. WILL And if Freddy wins? Beat. Lori looks at him gravely...doesn't answer. WILL (CONT'D) Well. At least Jason gets home field advantage. --Do you know how insane all this sounds? Look at them back there. LORI (starting to doubt herself?) I know. EXT. STREET - NIGHT A POLICE ROADBLOCK with barricades is set up on the outskirts of town. Deputy Stubbs leans against his cruiser. He looks to the road, sees a VAN's headlights coming closer. He waves his hands for them to stop. The Van has to pull over. INT. CARLOS' VAN - SAME They all look to each other, know they're screwed. Stubbs ambles up to the Van's open driver's side window- DEPUTY STUBBS Sheriff has a curfew set. You kids need to get home. --Lori? That you? You OK? 86. LORI I'm fine. Thanks. Deputy Stubbs shines his flashlight in the back. Stubbs sees a large BLACK TARP. Something BIG underneath it. DEPUTY STUBBS What's in the back? KIA You don't wanna know, believe me. Beat. He shines the light on each of their terrified faces. DEPUTY STUBBS OK. Everybody out. LORI Deputy...listen to me, please. You have to let us through. I know you can see how twisted this town is right now, including all the Sheriff's men. And I know you're not a part of it. In the distance, there's red and blue flashes coming from another cop car as it drives up the road toward them... LORI (CONT'D) We're trying to do something here. To help everyone. But if you stop us, they'll lock us up. You know that. DEPUTY STUBBS What are you trying to do? I might be able to help. The police car comes to a stop. A COP gets out... LORI Please. There's no time. You helped me once before. Trust me...not them. Beat. Stubbs looks back to the tarp, then to the cop headed towards them with a suspicious look. Stubbs turns to Lori- DEPUTY STUBBS Go. THE VAN PULLS OFF...and the other cop walks up to Stubbs, and hands him a cup of coffee from his thermos. 87. SHERIFF'S OFFICER What was that? DEPUTY STUBBS Out-of-towners looking for a shortcut. Told 'em to get back on the interstate. The cop nods...walks back to his car. Stubbs turns to look at the Van, disappearing from sight...wonder on his face... INT. STUBBS' POLICE CAR - SAME Stubbs behind the wheel, his mind racing. He grabs the C.B. DEPUTY STUBBS This is Car 12. Helen, see if you can get ahold of a station in a town called Crystal Lake... INT. DEPTHS OF DREAM WORLD - NIGHT POV FROM BEHIND JASON - Freddy approaches the restrained Jason from the front, confronts him face to face. He pulls off Jason's mask. We only see the back of a misshapen skull. FREDDY KRUEGER Now there's a face... Freddy motions to something on the ground in front of Jason- FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) ...only a mother could love. REVEAL: There, impaled on a wooden stake, is the HEAD of Jason's mother. Jason doesn't move. Doesn't even flinch. Freddy looks frustrated. He seems to get an idea. Freddy takes the BLADE on his index finger...and begins pushing it slowly into Jason's head...probing into his brain... FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) Let's dig a little deeper... We PUSH IN on Jason's head...going inside his brain...his thoughts...we see synapses firing...electricity. FREDDY KRUEGER (OS) (CONT'D) ...See what really scares ya! MATCH CUT - the synapses firing turn into LIGHTNING streaking across a black sky draped over a shadowy, twisted landscape. 88. INT. JASON'S MIND - DREAM WORLD - SAME We've never seen anything like this. The place resembles the landscape around Crystal Lake, as Death might interpret it. Trees, on closer inspection, seem to be made of corpses. Rocks are skulls. Water is blood. It's a chilling vision. This guy's got issues. A woman's SCREAM cuts the silence...and we see Jason emerge from the shadows, dragging a VICTIM behind him. He heads toward a house. But...the house isn't all there. Walls are crumbled, missing...only the front door seems intact. A shadow falls INTO FRAME. It's Freddy, Jason moves through the front door... INT./EXT. CARLOS' VAN - NIGHT The van speeds along an empty highway. Will still at the wheel, Lori still in shotgun. It's been a long ride. IN THE BACK, Linderman and Kia stare at each other, Jason's unconscious body between them. Linderman watches as Jason's finger twitches ever so slightly. He fills up the syringe with more tranquilizer... KIA Didn't you just give him one? Linderman can only shut his eyes and nod... WILL (OS) We've been driving all night. It can't be much further. LINDERMAN This can only end badly. For all of us. Kia and Linderman stare at each other. He's panicking. LINDERMAN (CONT'D) I mean it. I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. This thing's gonna wake up and we're all gonna- KIA Linderman. Please. You're not helping. Linderman shuts his eyes again, nodding...breathing deep. 89. LINDERMAN If we don't make it out of this...I just wanna say...I'm sorry for what I said to you at the rave. I...didn't mean that. KIA Yes you did. It's OK. You were right. LINDERMAN Yeah...well...even though you were such a bitch to me...I still always thought you were the prettiest girl in school. Beat. Kia actually manages half a smile. KIA Thanks, Linder- Jason's LEFT ARM FLIES UP...and they both JUMP BACK against the sides of the van. Then, just as suddenly, Jason's still. LORI What happened back there?! Linderman plunges the syringe into Jason's neck, empties it. KIA (staring at Jason) Nightmares. INT. JASON'S MIND - VOORHEES' HOME - DREAM WORLD - SAME Back in Jason's head. Jason moves through the doorway. Through the static from an old radio, MUSIC from the 1950s drifts creepily through this stale brown old-fashioned house. Jason drags his victim across the floor toward the CLOSET...opens it...tosses the body inside, then slams the door shut. Jason heads back outside. This is a routine. Never ending. Freddy moves toward the closet door...curious, excited. We hear a distant scream outside - another one of Jason's victims. Freddy slowly opens the closet door... FREDDY KRUEGER I'm dyin' to see what skeletons are hidden in your closet! 90. This is impossible. We're looking underwater, like at an aquarium, but there's no glass. Suddenly, a white CORPSE floats across the doorway, startling us. As it passes, we notice HUNDREDS of other bodies, drifting in every direction. The space in the closet seems almost infinite. Suddenly, there's a SPLASHING SOUND. Freddy looks up, into the closet, and sees something on the water's surface. It looks like a young boy...splashing...perhaps, drowning? FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) Gotcha... Freddy starts laughing his fucking ass off. INT. CARLOS' VAN - NIGHT Linderman drives another syringe into Jason's mask... LINDERMAN We're running seriously low on trank. I've got enough for maybe one more enough for Lori. WILL We're almost there. LORI Then I better get going. Beat. Lori gets out of her seat, heading for the back... WILL do you even know this is gonna work? Will shoots her an uneasy look, turns back to the wheel... LORI Last time I fell asleep, I pulled part of Freddy back from my dream. This time, I'm just gonna bring back the whole goddamn thing. WILL are you gonna find him? LORI I won't have to. Whenever I close my eyes, he's always there. He'll find me. 91. Lori starts moving, but Will slams on the brakes and pulls to the side of the road. They stop. He grabs her arm... WILL I don't want you to go. We can see in his eyes how much he really cares for her... LORI I'm coming back. Just give me 15 minutes, then wake me up. I'll bring that bastard back through. You just make sure Jason's waiting for him. She sets the ALARM on her watch. She's got all the answers, but still he can't let her go... WILL I don't like the idea of using that tranquilizer on you. LINDERMAN I'll give her the smallest dose possible. Less even than that the Clinic recommends for her height and weight. Linderman tosses the MANUAL to the floor, grabs a SYRINGE. WILL OK. I'll make you a deal. You make sure you come back...and I promise I'll never leave you again. Boom. This hits Lori unexpectedly, right to her heart. It takes every bit of will she's got not to cry right here. LORI Deal. He pulls her close, and they KISS. Once. Pure. Passionate. Kia looks to Linderman, but he has already looked away. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT The VAN flies by at high speed. INT. CARLOS' VAN - SAME Will at the wheel, Kia has shotgun. In the back, Linderman pricks the needle into Lori's arm. 92. They don't notice as Jason's head shakes once. As as we PUSH IN on Jason's face, his closed eye under the mask twitches from REM sleep... INT. DREAM WORLD - DAY A beautiful lakeside CABIN on a bright sunny day. An unblemished wooden sign reads: CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE Happy CHILDREN are escorted by CAMP COUNSELORS. LORI walks through the scene, but no one seems to notice her. She looks around, notes her surroundings with care: judging by the cars, clothes and hair, it looks like the late 1950s. Lori notices a GROUP OF KIDS taunting another CHILD. They form a circle around him, pushing and shoving him. The child behind shoved has his head down. Lori can't quite see his face. But he's no older then eleven... CRUEL CHILD #1 Freak-show! Freak-show! One child pulls a CLOTH SACK over the child's head... CRUEL CHILD #2 Cover that ugly face! CRUEL CHILD #3 Monster! Lori turns to the Camp Counselors, all young, no older then eighteen. They flirt with one another, could care less... LORI Hey. Excuse me? Shouldn't you be doing something? Seems like they can't even hear her. Lori moves over toward the children as the child breaks free from them, and runs toward the lake, ripping off the cloth sack as he goes. CRUEL CHILD #2 RUN, Jason! RUN! Jason? Lori walks slowly toward the little boy. He runs to the end of the wooden pier...his back to her... ON THE DOCK Lori walks onto the dock. The young child at the other end. LORI Jason? Jason Voorhees? 93. The child turns slightly. Lori can't really see his face, but something looks wrong, like he's mildly deformed. Lori moves away from the dock, heads toward a CABIN... INT. CARLOS' VAN - WAKING WORLD - NIGHT Lori is asleep, her head laying next to the unconscious Jason. Linderman watches closely, checks his watch... LINDERMAN I's been two minutes. Linderman empties a syringe into Jason's neck. WILL Let's do this. How we doing on trank? KIA That was it. We're out. Beat. They all look to each other. Will pounds the gas... EXT. CABIN - DREAM WORLD - DAY In front of the cabin now. But Lori suddenly hears a SPLASH coming from the lake, followed by thrashing in the water. She looks back at the dock...but little Jason is gone. LORI Oh my God. She BANGS on the cabin's door, trying to find help... LORI (CONT'D) HEY! I think a kid just fell in the lake! Anybody in there?! The door OPENS from her pounding fist...Lori runs inside. INSIDE CABIN On the other side of the room, TWO CAMP COUNSELORS are having sex standing up. He's thrusting her against the wall... LORI There's a boy drowning out there! MALE CAMP COUNSELOR (his back to Lori) Can't you see I'm busy? 94. LORI (can't believe it) You're not coming?? The camp counselor turns his head back toward Lori revealing: FREDDY KRUEGER'S FACE! And the woman he's embracing is DEAD. FREDDY KRUEGER It's not my fault, this bitch is dead on her feet... Freddy throws his head back, cackling. Lori runs out of the cabin screaming, finds herself suddenly- ON THE DOCK -running on the wooden boards toward the still splashing Jason. She runs to the end of the dock, wants to save him... LORI HANG ON! Lori reaches her hands down for him...grabs Jason's hand. Jason's HEAD pops out of the water, and Lori seems him clearly for the first time...and little Jason is gruesome looking. But in his eyes, there is unmistakable FEAR. LORI (CONT'D) OH! The sudden shock of seeing him was too much, and she let his hand go. Jason goes back under, fights again to swim...His little hand comes back up, and she reaches again...BUT FREDDY POPS UP FROM THE WATER, and FORCES JASON BACK DOWN! FREDDY KRUEGER AH HA HA HA! He's dunking poor little Jason over and over again... LORI NOO! Freddy's face goes cold, holds Jason under longer this time. FREDDY KRUEGER Ah to be young and drowning again! 95. The young boy screams in terror. This is what Freddy wants: JASON IS AFRAID . Freddy can kill him now... INT. CARLOS' VAN - WAKING WORLD - SAME On the floor of the van, Jason's CHEST HEAVES...a gasping sound coming from the mouth of his mask. Lori asleep next to him. Kia and Linderman are up, trying to back away. KIA Something's wrong back here...let's get rid of this goddamn thing! LINDERMAN We're not there yet... WILL Is Lori OK?? What's going on?? EXT. CRYSTAL LAKE - DREAM WORLD - LAKE - DAY Back on the dock, Lori checks her watch, looks to Freddy as he holds Jason cruelly under the water. He's almost drowned. FREDDY KRUEGER Say 'HI' to your ma for me...IN HELL! But suddenly, JASON VANISHES. He's gone. FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) NO! I HAD YOU! INT. CARLOS' VAN - WAKING WORLD - NIGHT Linderman is shaking Lori, trying to wake her up... KIA Wake her up, Linderman! LINDERMAN I'm trying! WILL What's going on back there?? CLOSE ON - JASON'S MASK - WATER starts to flood up through the holes in the hockey mask around Jason's mouth... Kia looks at her feet, sees water seeping around then... KIA Where the hell is all this water96. She looks to Jason as he SPRINGS UP, immediately locking a meat-hook of a hand around her throat! Her eyes bulge... LINDERMAN KIA! Linderman picks up a TIRE IRON, and cracks it against the back of Jason's skull. Jason lets Kia go, turns around, sees Linderman, meekly holding onto the tire iron. Whoops. Linderman grabs a HUBCAP from the corner, holds it in front of him like a shield, cringing...just as -WHAM! Jason extends both his arms, PALMS CRASHING INTO THE HUBCAP... Linderman flies backward, slams into the rear double doors of the van, busting them open. He sails out the speeding van, hangs in the air...then skips off the pavement, rolling like a ragdoll...sparks flying off the hubcap he clings to. WILL (looking back at Jason) SHIIIIIT! Will slams the breaks, and YANKS THE WHEEL to the right, hard...but he's going too fast... The van flips...and they all tumble...with Jason...until Jason falls out the back. Along with the unconscious Lori. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT KRRISHHSH! The van slides on its side along the two-lane blacktop, finally scraping to a stop. EXT. CRYSTAL LAKE - DREAM WORLD - LAKE - DAY Freddy's hands desperately search the water around him, looking for Jason, but finding nothing. Lori looks to her WATCH. And then she looks back to- FREDDY. Staring up at her now. His eyes narrow, his face goes cold. Every ounce of rage that he had toward Jason is now directed at HER. FREDDY KRUEGER YOU. Freddy's face starts to distort...becoming more demonic. His mouth opens wider as a hundred razor sharp teeth grow. The WORLD gets twisted and DARK. His rage grows. Powerful wind blows wildly. Lori takes a step back, when97. Freddy LAUNCHES HIMSELF out of the lake like he was sprung from a coil, and LANDS ON THE DOCK, angrier and scarier than we've ever seen him. Lori cringes-- BEEP-BEEP! BEEP-BEEP! The ALARM on Lori's watch goes off, and Freddy looks at it...distracted for a millisecond, as Lori lunges at Freddy's chest, TACKLING HIM by surprise! LORI WAKE ME UP! I'VE GOT HIM! EXT. ROAD - NIGHT BEEP-BEEP! BEEP-BEEP! Lori's watch sounds off. But the van is wrecked. Will and Kia stand behind it, looking at Lori and Jason lying in a heap on the road, limbs tangled, both unconscious. BEEP-BEEP! Her watch continues to sound. WILL (psyching himself up) OK. Alright. I can do this. Will carefully walks over to Lori...reaches down and pulls at her arm...dragging her away from Jason. But then...her body stops. Caught. Her leg is stuck under Jason's arm. BEEP-BEEP! Will motions to Kia silently for help. Kia shuts her eyes, can't believe what she has to do. Kia's hand trembles as she reaches for Jason's hand...she actually TOUCHES and moves Jason's arm. ...and Will is able to drag Lori to a safer distance. He tries to wake her as best he can, even slaps her in the face. WILL (CONT'D) Lori...wake up! LORI! A trickle of blood on her forehead, Lori's out for the count. KIA Look... Will looks to see an old battered, broken and moss covered sign at the side of the road: CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE. WILL We're here. Alright, let's get her- (looks back at the van) Oh no. They turn to look at the van...and Jason's body is gone. Will's eyes go wide, he starts to pick up Lori... 98. WILL (CONT'D) Start running...just go. GO! Will hoists Lori on his shoulder...and starts moving away from the road. Kia running with him... EXT. CRYSTAL LAKE - DREAM WORLD - LAKE - DAY BEEP-BEEP! BEEP. Lori's alarm stops. Lori still lying on top of Freddy on the dock. She hasn't woken up. She's stuck in the dream world with Freddy. FREDDY KRUEGER wanna be on top? Lori jumps as Freddy laughs maniacally. Lori runs down the dock, trips...and keeps FALLING...INTO BLACKNESS... BAM! Lori hits the ground. She gets up, and brushes DIRT off her clothes. She looks up and realizes she's at the bottom of a deep hole. She starts climbing out... EXT. 1428 ELM STREET - DREAM WORLD - NIGHT Lori climbs out of the hole, sees she's in her BACKYARD. The swing set is just behind her...and it's now NIGHT TIME. Her clothes have changed: now she's wearing a WHITE NIGHTGOWN. LORI ...I'm back home... (beat) ...C'mon guys, wake me up...please... EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - WOODS - NIGHT Will runs through the woods with Lori over his shoulder... WILL ...C'mon Lori...please wake up... In the distance, at the edge of the woods, is an old run down CABIN. They run toward it... As they go, they pass ANOTHER SIGN. This one's bright, new, metal, and reads: FUTURE HOME OF LAKESIDE RESORTS . INT. CABIN - SAME Will gingerly puts Lori down onto the floor. He runs and drops a wooden plank across the cabin door, bolting it. This cabin is seriously old and deteriorated. Kia's terrified... 99. KIA Just like we're camping, Kia. Everything's gonna be fine... Will lights an old kerosene lamp... WILL We'll be OK. I'll make the smores. He shoots her a nervous look, then tends to Lori... OUTSIDE THE CABIN CLOSE ON - a TREE STUMP with an AXE sticking out of it, the cabin in the b.g. Suddenly, someone yanks the axe out. BACK INSIDE - Kia moves to the side window, peeks out: KIA Looks like they're building something out there. I see...a trailer, with a light on. Maybe someone's in there... EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - NEARBY - SAME Outside the cabin, past the clearing and beyond some trees, we see construction on a NEW BUILDING has recently begun. Strung across the top of it, a long BANNER. Near it is a CONSTRUCTION TRAILER with a small sign in front that says: "Lakeside Resorts Office." INT. CONSTRUCTION TRAILER - NIGHT Florescent lights buzz over a long table where SEVEN welldressed but exhausted looking executive-types sit. Looks like they've been working all day. Papers piled everywhere. ASSHOLE EXECUTIVE Well, team...we had a lot of last minute details to hammer out...but we finished it. I'll give the final contract to the Builders when they get here in the a.m. They smugly smile to one another but one WOMAN looks unsure. FEMALE EXECUTIVE Look, we got this land cheap for a reason. We can't ignore should I say... (MORE) 100. FEMALE EXECUTIVE (Cont'd) Colorful history...associated with this site. We might not get much local penetration. There's a petition going around started by one- (beat, looks at her notes) 'Tom Jarvis' to stop- ASSHOLE EXECUTIVE Fuck Tommy Jarvis! He's a lunatic! The locals aren't our target clientele anyway. And the finale word on it is it? Thunder and lightning crash. They all look to one another, slightly spooked. Beat. A serious storm is rolling in... EXT./INT. 1428 ELM STREET - DREAM WORLD - NIGHT Lori opens the back door to her house and goes inside. She sees her FATHER heading up the stairs...a KNIFE in his hand. LORI Daddy! NO! Don't do it! He can't seem to see or hear her... UPSTAIRS WHAM! Lori's father kicks in their bedroom door, sees tussling under the sheets. He brings up the knife...Lori runs into the room, her father rips back the sheet... LORI (CONT'D) Please Daddy don't kill her! ...revealing his WIFE and no one else. But her body shakes, almost LEVITATING off the bed. CUTS form on her body- DR. CAMPBELL COME OUT AND FACE ME FREDDY! And that's when it hits Lori. She staggers back as it's revealed who REALLY killed her mother... FREDDY APPEARS on top of the poor woman's body, claw raised. Freddy turns to Lori, blood on his face... FREDDY KRUEGER I've always had a thing for the bitches who live in this house. 101. Lori RUNS out of the room...and Freddy dives after her... WAKING WORLD - CABIN Will is desperately trying to wake Lori. Something catches Kia's eye outside. She can just barely see through the space between the boards that make up the walls... KIA I see something! Something outside! Something is moving outside. She can only catch glimpses. Was that an arm? ...a mask? ...the blade of an axe?? CLANK-CLANK! She screams when a COP appears in the window, rapping his flashlight on the glass. CRYSTAL LAKE COP HEY! You kids from Springwood? I got a call about you. C'mon out- Lori runs down the hall, but the floor ripples, knocking her over. She looks back, sees Freddy walking toward her. Behind Freddy, Lori's father exits the bedroom carrying his WIFE in a bloody sheet. He heads downstairs, eyes blank... DR. CAMPBELL I'm sorry Elaine. But don't worry, I won't let him get Lori. She'll never find out about him...about any of this. Dad disappears down the stairs, heading for the backyard. Freddy PICKS LORI UP with one hand and tosses her into the hall mirror. CRASH! She falls to the floor... WAKING WORLD - CABIN The COP banging louder on the window...Kia backing away... CRYSTAL LAKE COP C'mon now, I'm not playing around- Lori's body suddenly JERKS AWAY from Will...moving across the floor as if pulled by unseen strings. WILL LORI! CUTS appear on Lori's arms and chest...SHE SHAKES... 102. CRYSTAL LAKE COP (staring at Lori) What the hell are you doing to her?? KA-KRISH! The cop EXPLODES through the window...tumbling to the ground in a heap of broken glass and splintered wood! Behind him JASON stands, his axe in both hands. He tramples the rest of the wall down and marches inside. A piece of the wall strikes the table...and the KEROSENE LAMP smashes on the floor, spreading FIRE... Will and Kia scatter across the room. Jason turns on them, axe in hand. Will looks over to Lori, lying unconscious on the floor. Lori's body JUMPS as if tossed, lands hear the spreading flames. Will runs to her... DREAM WORLD - LORI'S HALLWAY ...Lori is a bloody mess, can no longer fight. She just lays there, trembling, eyes closed on the hallway floor. Freddy is upon her...this is the end. Freddy gets on his knees, embracing her...breathing heavily on her... FREDDY KRUEGER I should warn you, Princess... ...he moves a finger blade up her leg...lifting her nightgown slightly, leaving a tiny slice on her inner thigh. FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) The first time tends to be a little messy... Lori reaches up, grabs his SWEATER in her last but of fight left in her... FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) ...and painful. WAKING WORLD - CABIN The first is all around Lori, Jason marching towards her. Will grabs Lori by her ankles, tries to drag her away from Jason and the worst of the flames...but Lori's arm is dragged through the fire...BURNING HER! DREAM WORLD - LORI'S HALLWAY 103. Lori screams, ARMS CLINGING TO FREDDY... WAKING WORLD - CABIN Lori wakes up in the cabin. Will staggers back, sees: FREDDY CROUCHED OVER LORI, about to end her life! FREDDY KRUEGER DIE BIT-! Freddy reels back to kill Lori, but HE STOPS when he sees: JASON with his axe already raised over Lori's head. One bone, two dogs. The two predators FREEZE. Freddy and Jason size each other up like a hellish Sergio Leone flick. Lori rolls away from them. Will pulls her close... WILL (nervous, under his breath) Freddy vs. your bets... Will, Kia and Lori back the hell away from them. The fire spreads across the floorboards. Jason steps forward and swings down hard with his axe. Freddy easily evades, and Jason slams it into the wall... FREDDY KRUEGER You think I'm afraid of you now that we're in the REAL WORLD? WHISSH! Freddy slashes at Jason's side quickly, then pulls back. Jason pulls out his axe, turns...unfazed. WHOOSH! Another swing with the axe sideways, but Freddy jumps back, the blade just missing his chest. Will, Kia, and Lori back up away from them... LORI ...this way...this way... They move toward the hole in the wall that Jason made...but Freddy cuts off the exit while maneuvering around Jason... FREDDY KRUEGER You're slow, stupid, AND YA GOT NO STYLE! 104. Jason THROWS his axe at Freddy's head with incredible speed. THOOM-THOOM-THOOM - WHACCK! Freddy ducks and it barely misses his head, almost scalping him, sticking in the wall. Freddy looks to Jason, eyes wide. Jason marches at Freddy, tossing aside rotting furniture, pulling out his machete. Curtains go up in flames, the wall catches fire. This old place is going up fast...WHOOSH! A BURST OF FIRE blooms and Freddy recoils, doesn't like fire. He turns away from it as Jason brings down his machete. Freddy does his best to deflect it with his claw... ...And KICKS JASON in the groin, hard. No reaction. FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) No balls, huh Voorhees? Jason takes his other hand, grabs Freddy by the front of his sweater, and easily tosses him across the room. OUTSIDE THE CABIN SMASH! Freddy flies through the window, lands in a shower of glass on the ground...HARD on his back. He squirms in pain. (This is the real world, he's mortal. He can feel pain.) BACK INSIDE CABIN Jason moves to follow Freddy when -BLAM! His machete KICKS BACK with a spark, hit by a bullet. Jason turns, sees: The Crystal Lake COP, pointing a revolver at Jason with a trembling hand. Jason moves toward him. BLAM-BLAM! The cop unloads his gun into Jason's chest. No effect. The cop staggers back, fleeing out the hole in the wall. Jason pursues him, EXITING the cabin, leaving Will, Kia, and Lori alone. They immediately tend to Lori, who's hurt... EXT. CABIN - NIGHT BLAM! The cop fires at Jason as he comes through the hole in the cabin. There is a long CANOE PADDLE leaning against the cabin wall. Jason reaches out, grabs it... CLICK-CLICK! The cop is out of bullets...he trips...and Jason is upon him. The cop has no weapons left, only a flashlight. Jason cocks back with the paddle, about to end him...when the cop shines the flashlight in Jason's face. Clicks it on and off. 105. Jason hesitates...then smashes the paddle down anyway. We only see the result: the cop, on the ground, bleeding from the top of his head, his own flashlight shining in his face. ANGLE UP - ROOF Freddy's on the roof of the cabin behind Jason, pushing on a tall WEATHER VANE. Lightning streaks across the sky. FREDDY KRUEGER JASON! Jason turns, looks up sees: The weather vane falling down on him. It stabs into his chest. Jason stumbles back...He yanks it out as KRA-KRAK! A bolt of lightning knifes down... But Jason has tossed the weather vane into the air. KOOM! The lightning bolt strikes the weather vane. Freddy jumps from the roof, onto Jason...looking to tackle him. But Jason doesn't budge. He catches Freddy...gets him in a bear hug and starts crushing him. Freddy wails. Jason lifts Freddy over his head...and throws him toward a tree with inhuman strength. Freddy flies fifteen feet, then WHAM! His spine connects with bark, and he crumbles. Will and Kia help Lori out of the cabin. They see Jason heading for Freddy on the ground. Now's their chance to run. KIA C'mon! We'll run for the road! LORI No... WILL If there's people in that trailer...we should warn them. KIA I'll go. You take care of her... Beat. Will and Kia lock eyes. They share a moment. WILL I will. Kia runs into the woods leaving them. Will starts to help Lori along, but she suddenly stops, the fog clearing. 106. WILL (CONT'D) C'mon, Lori...we're leaving... LORI No! We have to stay! WILL Why?? You got what you wanted! You pulled Freddy out and Jason's fighting him! What more do you want? PUSH IN on Lori...into the fire reflected in her eyes... LORI He killed my mother, Will. It was Freddy. My Dad covered it up to protect me. He didn't do it. Beat. Understanding and relief wash over Will's face. Then it hits him. The ramifications of what this means. LORI (CONT'D) Freddy ruined both our pasts. But we can still do something about the future. Will looks deep into her eyes. He made a promise to never leave her again. And he's gonna keep it. WILL OK. Let's make sure this motherfucker goes down. They look over, see Freddy hobbling away from Jason. He can't take him on hand-to-hand. Jason's too strong... INT. CONSTRUCTION TRAILER - SAME A few EXECUTIVES are at the window... NERVOUS EXECUTIVE You had to hear it that time! ASSHOLE EXECUTIVE Just thunder, Phil. Look, you wanna take five? Go ahead, step out, clear the noodle. When you come back, I know you're gonna zaz me with a new slogan. EXT. CONSTRUCTION TRAILER - NIGHT 107. PHIL exits the trailer cautiously. He can just make out a cabin in the distance. Behind him and the trailer, down a short hill, is the area under construction. He sees a GIRL (KIA) break through the trees. A moment later, a GUY IN A HOCKEY MASK appears behind her. PHIL It's him. My's all true! As she runs, Kia TWISTS HER ANKLE and falls to the ground. He's almost on her. She staggers up... KIA ...wait a minute...wait a minute... (trying to remember) ...they said it's our fear that gives him his power...our fear... Kia stands, confident...and FACES JASON HEAD ON. KIA (CONT'D) I take back all the fear I gave you! I'M NOT AFRAID OF you can't hurt me anymore! I TURN MY BACK ON YOU! Kia turns her back on Jason...but she's a little confused. Will said it's Freddy who needs their fear. Just then, Freddy moves in front of Kia, and smiles. FREDDY KRUEGER Wrong one, bitch. Kia's eyes go wide as Jason lunges forward behind her-- THWOCK! Kia falls to the ground. Freddy laughs, runs. The EXECUTIVE watches mouth agape, feet stuck to the ground. PHIL OK Phil, lift your loafers...go go go. INSIDE THE TRAILER Phil runs back in and slams the door behind him. ASSHOLE EXECUTIVE Phil? You look like you just shat the bed, pal. What's up? PHIL Outside...there's, there's... 108. ASSHOLE EXECUTIVE Just spit it out, guy- THWOCK! The end of Jason's machete blade erupts from Phil's throat, the blade coming all the way through the trailer's metal door. They all jump and scream... OUTSIDE THE TRAILER Freddy and Jason just outside the trailer...Jason slams Freddy into its metal door, crushing it. Freddy spins, does his best to slash at Jason...but misses, taking out the POWER BOX next to the door. KOOM! The lights cut off inside, and the trailer starts ROCKING. FIFTY YARDS AWAY...AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE Lori and Will are scrambling... WILL What am I looking for?? LORI Gas, paint thinner...anything flammable! Will looks up, sees Freddy and Jason tearing at each other around a trailer, fifty yards away at the top of a hill. CLOSE ON - The TRAILER'S WHEELS - The Wooden TRIANGLES situated on both sides of the trailer's wheels so it won't move are rattling from the abuse the trailer is taking...and the tires start to move. INSIDE THE TRAILER Mayhem. The executives don't know what to do... PANICKED EXECUTIVE I can't get a signal on my cell phone!! KRISHT! Freddy's claw split through the metal wall, screeching down, literally cutting long holes in the metal. Freddy pulls himself inside, trying to escape Jason... FREDDY KRUEGER (ala "three little pigs") Corporate pigs, corporate pigs... LET ME IN! 109. They try and run away...but there just ain't too much room in here. Jason pounds away at the metal trailer, opening the hole wider so he can get in too...BOOM! BOOM! Unstoppable. CLOSE ON - the WHEELS under the trailer. The triangles are gone now, and the trailer STARTS TO ROLL along the slight grade, heading for the construction site... CONSTRUCTION SITE With trembling hands, Lori and Will fill up a large SPRAY CANNISTER with gasoline from a red metal can... INSIDE THE TRAILER The trailer, bumping up and town, rolling along slowly. Jason and Freddy are at either end of the trailer...nothing but terrified execs in between them. Freddy laughs at them. FREDDY KRUEGER AIIGH! Don't kill me!! WE'RE SO AFRAID! Jason moves toward Freddy. Freddy stabs a terrified exec in the back, and uses him like a SHIELD. But Jason promptly punches the human shield in the face, his heck breaking at an inhuman angle. Freddy tosses the body at Jason to slow him- The trailer is picking up speed, bumping along faster... FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) You could cut the fear in here with a knife! LIKE THIS! Freddy slashes at TWO EXECS pinned near him, and they fall. Freddy jumps on top of their backs, looking to escape through the trailer's narrow ROOF HATCH...climbing up when- Jason grabs Freddy's leg and yanks him down like a ragdoll. With the other hand, Jason immediately grips Freddy's throat, chocking him, lifting him on-handed with amazing strength... THUCK-THUCK-THUCK! Freddy repeatedly JABS at Jason's neck, trying to get free of Jason's death grip when- BAM! The trailer moving faster and faster suddenly JOLTS HARD as it runs over something in its path. Jason and Freddy tumble, Freddy momentarily free from Jason's grip... Freddy quickly scrambles back up through the roof hatch. 110. ON TOP OF THE TRAILER Freddy stands on top of the trailer, sees it's about to ram into the construction site. He looks down the hatch, sees Jason climbing up after him. Freddy gets an idea... FREDDY KRUEGER Come and get me you stupid mute! Jason pulls himself through the hatch, half-way out when- EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - SAME BA-BOOM! Jason's CHEST connects hard with a construction the rest of the trailer careens into the rest of the half-built building. Freddy is thrown from collision... KRUDGE! The shell of the building collapses all around them as the trailer splits open on impact... A long PROPANE TANK attached to the end of the trailer breaks free, and rolls toward Will and Lori...about to squash them! Will and Lori DIVE out of the way, and teh tank SLAMS into the beams, getting wedged in. Smoke and debris fly. And when the dust settles, Freddy is on the ground in a heap. LORI Is he dead?? Will spies: ROPE attached to the bottom of a lift suspended from the second story. On the lift are cinder blocks, bags of cement. The other end of the rope lays near Freddy... WILL I'm not taking any chances... Will grabs the rope, loops it around Freddy's NECK. LORI Will! Get away from him! Let Jason finish him! Will grabs a rusty putty KNIFE from the ground and moves over to the PULLEY SYSTEM that raises and lowers the life... WILL He will. I'm just making sure they stay in one spot...Then you hit 'em with the gas. BOTH of them. 111. Will starts CUTTING through the pulley cords... KOOM! Jason bursts up through the top of the mangled trailer...and starts heading for Freddy. Will cuts through one of the cords, and ONE SIDE of the lift above falls...the other side still held by the second rope. CLOSE ON - FREDDY - One eye pops open, and is that a grin on his burnt lips? LORI notices, horror washing over her face. LORI Will...wait! Will cutting through the cord faster, Jason right in from of Freddy now, he reaches Freddy springs to life! SNAP! Will cuts through the cord as Freddy quickly takes the rope off his own neck and loops it around JASON'S... WILL NOO! ZWWWWIP! Jason's LIFTED INTO THE AIR...but KOOM! The lift wrecks halfway down...but Jason's body is still suspended a few feet off the ground. Freddy cackles. Will rushes at Freddy...but he easily slices at Will's arm and he crumbles to the ground. Freddy turns back to Jason- FREDDY KRUEGER Look! A retarded pinata! Let's see what's inside! Freddy slashes at Jason. Jason is limp. Another blow. AGAIN and AGAIN. Jason swings on the rope... LORI looks by the trailer, sees: JASON'S MACHETE. She runs, picks it up...arches back with it... LORI Hey FREDDY! Lori throws the machete with all her might, but Freddy moves out of the way. OH NO! The machete sticks into Jason's leg. FREDDY KRUEGER You stupid whore! YOU MISSED! LORI (knows something Freddy doesn't) Yeah?? 112. Behind Freddy...Jason reaches down, pulls the machete from his own leg...and cuts the rope over his head. Jason drops to the ground, landing on his feet. The construction lift, now free, starts FALLING... Freddy's turned to Lori, still -CRASH! The lift nails the ground. Freddy spins around in time to see Jason plant a devastating blow with his machete into Freddy's side! Freddy screams in pure agony. He falls to the ground. Freddy looks up, sees: JASON standing over him in all his bloody glory. The Lakeside Resorts BANNER FLOATS DOWN gently behind Jason ala Jurassic Park. The banner says: "CRYSTAL LAKE WELCOMES YOU BACK" And that's when Jason KICKS FREDDY in his side...lifting him up...sending him rolling toward the lake's shore... EXT. CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE - NIGHT Freddy drags himself as quickly as he can toward the lake, Jason stalking slowly behind him as he always does...but he's not exactly in good shape either. AT THE DOCK Freddy stumbles onto the deck, his blood spilling on the wood. He can barely stand... FREDDY KRUEGER C'mon Jason...I'm trapped... Jason moves onto the dock after him. LIGHTNING FLASHES. AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE Lori runs to Will on the ground, cradling his bleeding arm. WILL Get the gas... She spies Freddy leading Jason down the dock... LORI (getting an idea) Fire and water. They nod to each other. Lori takes off, Will tries to stand- ON THE DOCK 113. Freddy stands at the dock's end, Jason heading for him. Jason swings at Freddy with his machete, but Freddy evades. EDGE OF THE LAKE LORI begins pumping the gasoline all over the ground...all over the end of the dock... ON THE DOCK Jason raises his arm, rushes the blade down, but Freddy steps to the side...LUNGING for Jason's mid-section. FREDDY KRUEGER INTO THE DRINK, MAMMA'S BOY! WHAM! Jason staggers back, right at the edge...but Jason locks his other hand around Freddy's throat and squeezes. Jason lifts Freddy off the ground...arches back with his machete for the deathblow when... ...Freddy drives two blades from his glove into Jason's eye sockets - right through the holes in the mask. The blades go all the way through the back of Jason's skull. But Jason swings with his machete anyway CUTTING OFF FREDDY'S GLOVE AT THE WRIST! Freddy falls to the deck, howling. FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) NOOOO! Freddy lays in a HEAP on the deck, bleeding, cowering. Impotent without his blades. Jason rips the severed glove sticking out of his face, throws it down. It lands on the wooden deck, close to the edge. Jason stumbles around, like he's blind. Freddy crawls toward his glove...slithering on the wood... FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) (distracting him) Wait...we should be a TEAM! I've got the've go the brawn... Freddy stretches for his glove, almost got it, Jason staggers around blind, shuffling his heavy boots on the deck... FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) ...let's kill shitloads of people! 114. BOOT! Jason accidentally kicks Freddy's glove into the lake just as Freddy was about to grab it... FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) ARRGH! You dumb FUCK!! THWOCK! Jason swings down blindly with his machete, chopping into the wood INCHES from the defenseless Freddy... FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) WAIT! WAIT! YOU WIN! OK? IT'S OVER! And that's when we see it: FEAR IN FREDDY'S EYES. FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) Now please...let's stop this. We can still get them! Freddy looks over to LORI, standing safely on dry land. Lori tosses out a piece of burning wood. WHOOSH! The ground and dock start to go up in flames. FREDDY KRUEGER (CONT'D) Shit. Always with the fire... NEAR THE CONSTRUCTION SITE Will sees the flames spreading on the dock. He hobbles up to one of the TRUCKS by the back of the construction site. It's a make-shift delivery truck for the PROPANE TANKS. He smashes open the driver's side window with a rock, and throws a lever... WHIIIIR! Like a dump truck, the flatbed of the truck lifts, and the long propane tanks start to roll back. But then, they stop. The lock on the wooden gate is holding them back. With his one good arm, Will grabs an IRON PIPE and starts smashing the padlock on the wooden gate... CHING! It finally gives away, and the tanks SPILL OUT... ON THE DOCK THWOCK! Another blow, closer this time... Freddy on his knees, at Jason's feet, no where else to squirm. He's a goner. He looks up at Jason, at his vanquisher, sees: There...through a gaping hole in his rib cage... is Jason's beating black heart. Freddy gets an evil grin... 115. FREDDY KRUEGER I take it all back. With the last bit of strength left in his war-torn body, Freddy quickly stands up an buries his one good hand deep into the hole, deep into Jason's chest, SQUEEZES... ...And RIPS JASON'S HEART OUT! The machete drops, and Jason falls into the lake. Freddy stands alone on the dock, lifts Jason's heart high into the air in victory... LORI NO! WILL (OS) LORI! LOOK OUT!! Lori looks back, sees SIX PROPANE TANKS rolling down the hill toward the dock...picking up speed. She takes off... FREDDY KRUEGER (turns to where Lori was) Eat your heart out, bit- Freddy stops mid-sentence, eyes going wide as the TANKKA- BOOM! The first tank his the flames and explodes, raining FIRE! Freddy's blown into the water, burning! INT. CRYSTAL LAKE - SAME BOOM! BOOM! As the tanks continue to explode one by one, Freddy sinks into the water... one hand gone... and still on fire. He struggles to swim back up when... ...JASON'S HAND LOCKS ON HIS ANKLE...AND PULLS HIM DOWN! EXT. CRYSTAL LAKE - SAME Will and Lori are hunched over for cover as the last propane tank explodes. They look to the burning lake... WILL Look! Something's happening! Fire mixes with the water... not going out. The flames are on the surface...everywhere. The water seems to be bubbling and churning... INT. CRYSTAL LAKE - SAME 116. It's no use...Freddy can't break free from Jason, can't hold his breath any longer. But there's something else now. They seem to be caught in a current. In a lake?? EXT. CRYSTAL LAKE - SAME The water is indeed MOVING... LORI The water. It's going down. (realization) They're going back. WILL Back? Back where? LORI Back where they belong. INT. CRYSTAL LAKE - SAME As Freddy and Jason sink, the water around them is CHANGING COLOR. Getting brighter. Like something is GLOWING RED beneath them. Freddy looks down, sees: There's a hole (or perhaps, a portal?) at the bottom of the lake. It glows red. FREDDY KRUEGER (unintelligible screaming) Freddy and Jason now both appear lifeless as they move faster toward their inevitable destination. EXT. CRYSTAL LAKE - SAME Lori and Will watch wide-eyed at the bubbling, red-hot lake as the water level drops... EXT. CRYSTAL LAKE - DAWN Morning. The lake is completely dry. Will and Lori sit next to each other by the dry lake's edge, holding hands. LORI It's over. WILL Maybe it was an earthquake...a fault line opened or something... Lori looks to Will. He doesn't believe that either. 117. WHIRRR! The SOUND of a siren behind them. Lori and Will stand up, see: DEPUTY STUBBS pulling up in his cruiser. Lori turns, and sees her FATHER getting out from the car. She walks to him. But she stops a few feet from him. No embrace. There's emotional distance between them. DR. CAMPBELL Lori. I'm sorry. I only wanted to protect you. I would have done anything to protect you from him. I wasn't going to lose you too. LORI You could have told me. You should have told me. Emotion washes over Lori's father. He moves in to embrace her...and she lets him. Dr. Campbell's eyes flash to Will behind her...staring at him. Not exactly ready for a hug. Dr. Campbell breaks his embrace from Lori, addresses Will. DR. CAMPBELL Lori's mother was Krueger's last victim...and you were the only loose end. The town thought...we thought...we were doing the right thing. But we had no right to- WILL No. You didn't.'s all over now. He's gone. Dr. Campbell nods, then looks away. Ashamed to look at Will. DEPUTY STUBBS Found this one by the side of the road... Stubbs indicates someone else in the back of the cruiser. Someone heavily bandaged. Lori can't believe her eyes. LORI Linderman?? She runs to him. He stays in the car, looking at her through the open car window. He's pretty banged up...but alive. LINDERMAN Kia? 118. Lori holds back tears. Shakes her head "no." LINDERMAN (CONT'D) Will? Lori nods and smiles, a tear falling now. Linderman grins. LINDERMAN (CONT'D) I'm glad. INT. CRYSTAL LAKE - MORNING They walk down into the lake bed, now dry as a bone. Only a few dead fish and seaweed suggest water was ever here. LORI Freddy used Jason to get back to Elm Street, but Jason got him in the end. WILL I don't know. I saw Freddy holding Jason's heart. Krueger was the last man standing. DR. CAMPBELL So then...who won? DEPUTY STUBBS You're still here, and they're not. They lost. Simple as that. Lori and Will share a look, hold hands. Dr. Campbell sees something gleaming on the ground a few feet away... DISTANT VOICE (OS) HELLO DOWN THERE? What the hell happened here?! Lori, Will and the Deputy turn toward the VOICE. They see a CONSTRUCTION WORKER standing next to a BULLDOZER at the lake's edge, scratching his head under his hardhat. Dr. Campbell moves to the object... It's Freddy's glove. DR. CAMPBELL It's time to destroy this. For good. He bends over, picks up the glove off the ground. Lori turns to him...and he holds it up for them to see. Just as119. Freddy's red and green striped arm shoots up through the ground, grabs Dr. Campbell, and yanks him down into the earth by one leg! One leg buried in the dirt, he SCREAMS, reaching for help... LORI DAD!! ANOTHER YANK and his other leg is forced up against his chest, breaking at an impossible angle. And then, he's gone. Lori falls to her knees, screams to the ground beneath her... LORI (CONT'D) NOOOOOO! Lori SCREAMS, CLAWS at the DIRT, DEVASTATED... SMASH CUT TO: INT. HELL SFX SHOT: On his knees, Freddy slowly slips his glove back onto his hand. He flexes the blades, feels good to be back on. Then- Everything SPEEDS normal Freddy rolls to his right...barely avoiding a huge BATTLE AXE that crashes into the red cracked earth. Freddy gets to his feet, striking an incredible pose. Jason in front of him, raising the axe high over his head for another blow... An UNSEEN CROWED CHEERS... AND AS WE QUICKLY PULL BACK: Freddy and Jason move at each other, battling in a deep pit, surrounded by the eyes of a thousand dark demons and a million tortured souls. CUT TO: BLACK |