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Vs. Jason Scripts
Vs. Jason! What kind of emotions and visions does that
bring for you? Do you imagine a fun non-stop
entertaining horror film with tons of potential? Do you
picture two modern day horror icons, icons who are just
as recognizable as Dracula or Frankenstein, battling it
out to the finish in a fiery blaze of carnage?
Or do you cringe at the very thought of it? Do you
envision a mockery of the genre? A film that is so
silly, so bad and so downright awful that you can only
hang your head in shame at the very thought of it? A
film that tosses out any mythology the movies have come
to establish, a film that forgets what makes Jason and
Freddy so popular?
It's certainly has taken a long time to get off the
ground hasn't it? When was the first time you heard
about this? Were you in the third grade? I know I was. I
never thought it would happen but it is. The damn thing
is actually getting made and Ronny Yu is behind it. It's
certainly in good hands, "Bride of Chucky"
proved that the guy can make what might turn out to be
unbelievably silly into a grade A movie. Some of his
previous films, "The Bride With White Hair" in
particular, are downright masterpieces.
It's been the story. That's what's taken it so long.
There's been so many scripts, so many drafts, so many
writers. Trying to go through all the rumors, rewrites
and ideas would be downright impossible... All right,
well not impossible.
In the beginning...many, many years ago, before "A
New Nightmare" changed the face of Freddy and Jason
went to hell, there was a man named Rob Bottin, who won
an Academy Award for his F/X in "Total Recall"
and made some of the most timeless creations of all time
in "The Thing". Bottin once wrote an outline
for the story and was actually working with Robert
Englund, who was helping with the script. David Goyer,
James Robinson and Mark Verheiden, finished up the idea
and the early story concerned the return of hero's and
heroines from past films of each franchise. Alice (ANOES
4 and 5), Steven and Jessica and their baby (F13 9)
might've been involved also, as well as other characters
such as Tommy Jarvis (f13 6) or Heather Langenkamp
(which really would've been weird because she died in
What turned up was a script written by Matt Thompson and
Camren Burton. The FBI witnesses a child's death at the
hands of an invisible Freddy Krueger, so the entire city
is evacuated to (funny enough), Crystal Lake. Krueger
follows, only to find a specter of the past, Jason
Voorhees, who it turns out drowned while working as a
janitor at Camp Crystal Lake (something that turns up in
just about every draft.) Voorhees however is under the
power of a witch named Jamelyn whose son was murdered by
a cult who suspected him to be evil like Jason. After
his death, she went nuts and returned Jason from Hell to
get revenge. Jason is completely under her control, and
only has the ability to take revenge on the cult. But
Jason has other plans and eventually breaks Jamelyn's
power. Alice and Jacob from "A Nightmare On Elm
Street 5: The Dream Child", and the Freemans
(Jessica, Steven, and Stephanie) from "Jason Goes
To Hell: The Final Friday" all get mixed in. The
finale takes place in a twisted maze of roman
architecture, in which Freddy and Jason meet on
Krueger's turf. The whole thing was rather lame and
uninspired. There isn't one moment in the film where you
say, "Wow, it's Freddy vs. Jason in the same
movie!" It was also pretty "Ridiculous?"
Peter Briggs came up next, he also thought he'd be
directing this film . His treatment had characters named
"Cobain," and "Reznor" as well as
the returning cast members that Bottin had in mind. His
script wasn't horrible, but very, very farfetched.
Freddy and Jason had been working for satan all this
time and are tools in his plan to end the world during
the millennium (or SOMETHING) like that. It's enjoyable
in it's own way and certainly has it's moments (like
Jason having a "misshaped child-like face almost
sympathetic face") But the thing was way too big
for it's own good and was scraped for being way too
expensive (maybe it was that battle in hell with a the
devil showing up during the finale.)
Brandon Bragga and Ronald Moore's script is by far the
most chaotic out of all the scripts written. Pay
attention now, this is going to get messy. Their movie
takes place in the Nightmare on Elm Street Universe. In
this universe the Friday the 13th movies exist as films
but were based on a real guy who is not as over the top
as the Jason of the movies. In appearance he is just a
large man with a deformed face, but he's still got his
hockey mask. The opening scene is pretty good, with two
hapless business people accidentally stumbling into
Jasons house only to find, "Sitting calmly in the
chair in the middle of the living room, a large, hulking
figure of a man. It's _JASON VOORHEES_. He's wearing the
hockey mask and seems to be watching her in the dim
light. A big chase ensues and once captured, he gets an
attorney, and she becomes our heroine. After a
psychologists evaluation, we find out that Jason never
sleeps, hmmm I wonder why?
It's a hilarious script though! One of my favorite parts
has Jason on trial (no mask, mute) with the courtroom
reading a list of his crimes. It takes a whole day to
read off the kill list "And finally, most recently
Federal Agent Sam McNulty, a law enforcement officer for
the Federal Bureau of Investigation, strangled by the
defendant while resisting arrest."
After the brother of one of his victims shoots Jason in
the chest, he's rushed to the hospital and put under.
It's at this point that we realize Freddy is behind his
whole madness. He was sleeping with Jasons mother and
tried to murder him when he was a kid! Most of the
battles take place while Jason is in this sleeping state
at the hospital. Freddy doesn't show up until late in
the film and is just a wisecracking smartass,
"Verdict's in, bitch." He tells Jason at one
point, "You're guilty of fucking with the wrong
guy." Freddy uses Jason to get into the
"real" world with all of his "dream"
powers, including turning a couple nightmares of punks
in a mall real. Again, this isn't an awful or a terrible
script, it just changes things around so much. Jason is
essentially the "good" guy, (albeit a
murdering good guy) and Freddy is the villain. It's too
bittersweet though, not "big" enough.
Deborah Fine came along and did a rewrite of that script
but it still didn't work right.
David Schow wrote a script that was re-written by Lewis
Abernathy. This is by far the silliest and worst of the
scripts and has more in common than the later Freddy
sequels than anything. In this version a group of Freddy
cultists resurrect Freddy by retrieving the dream demons
from "Freddy's Dead" and places them in
Freddy's remains at the auto yard. The Cultists must
rape a young virgin to bring about a reincarnated
Freddy. The virgin (Lizzy) and some others bring Jason
back to life to kill Freddy. This one brings up an idea
that is also used in many versions to come. They
resurrect Jason by breaking into the morgue to use
Lizzy's dead boyfriends heart (he'd been killed by
Freddy earlier). Once they bring Jason back though, he
tries to murder them. They end up locking him in a
closet, which he quickly saws through with a chainsaw,
finally Lizzy screams "Stop!" And Jason does,
in which she quickly explains, "Now, I know that
you've been through a lot, and I know that you're pissed
off about being murdered and all." One of her
friends (interjects) "I know I would be!"
"But if you help us kill Freddy Krueger" Lizzy
continues, "I promise to help you find the little
bastard that killed you. What do you say? Have we got a
Jason kills Freddy by bringing him into the real world
and then gets shot up by the police who have been
pursuing our hero's through the whole film. Before he
dies he gives her back her boyfriends heart...isn't that
sweet? Abernathy's script put in the revelation that
Freddy drowned Jason at Crystal Lake and ended with
Freddy and Jason in a boxing match in a hellish
dreamscape and yes, it takes place in a boxing ring!
Jason also drives. There is one interesting aspect of
this script though, we get to see Jason age 9, deformed
and being abused by his father. Again, Freddy was the
one who drowned Jason. The thing isn't scary at all
though, and almost plays out like a comedy. Not
something any of us would want to see.
Jonathon Abiel and Glenn Berger wrote a script that was
set in the "real" world (kind of like Wes
Craven's New Nightmare) In this script, there's a kid
dressing up as Freddy Kruger whose name is Dominic
Necros, running around wearing a Freddy mask killing
people. There's a girl named Lizzie, who has become
Necro's newest target. Her boyfriends name just happens
to be Jason. Jason's best friend is Todd, the horror
movie know it all, when one cop thinks Freddy wears a
hockey mask Todd interrupts with, "he's copying
Freddy Krueger. You know, Nightmare On Elm Street?
Bastard son of a thousand maniacs, burned to death by
angry parents? Seeks revenge on teenagers? The guy in
the hockey mask is Jason Voorhees. Friday The 13th.
Retarded kid who drowned at summer camp. Seeks revenge
on teenagers. They're completely different
Soon, in Lizzies dreams, the real Freddy starts showing
up and (in the dream) she always ends up at Crystal
Lake, where (the movie) Jason Vorhees shows up to save
her. It's explained that since her boyfriends name is
Jason, it's just her dreams way of protecting her.
So Lizzie and her pals decide to get away from it all
and go to a (of course) lake, and here, Todd provides
some more funny stuff for horror fans, people get Jason
confused with Michael Myers and Todd says that,
"Jason died in the last sequel. Again. And the only
way to reanimate him is with a human heart." When
the kids find a cabin with a real hockey mask in it,
along with a skull and a machete sticking out of it. One
of the teenagers boast, "I remember someone telling
me Friday the 13th was based on a true story."
The teens end up drinking alcohol, which one of Lizzie's
friends has laced with an experimental drug that Lizzies
doctor had given her, so they're all tripping and never
sure if the next scenes are all part of some weird
shared dream or actual fact. Necros escapes from jail,
rips out Jasons (Lizzies boyfriends) heart and throws it
in the lake, which brings back...guess who? Jason
Vorhees! Here's the description "JASON VOORHEES
rises from the lake. This isn't some teenager wearing a
hockey mask and holding a machete. And it doesn't quite
seem to be the Jason we remember from earlier movies.
This Jason is much, much bigger -- 350 pounds of
twisted, rotted flesh packed on his mythically
proportioned gargantuan frame. His hockey mask is now
warped and melted down onto his deformed skull, caused
by years of soaking at the bottom of the lake. Half of
the paint has washed away, leaving the mask looking like
a cloudy, semi-translucent membrane which barely spares
us the horror of having to witness the hideous face of
the monster lurking inside."
Part nice guy Jason, part slasher Jason, he kills a few
of his own friends, then meets Necro. When the mask is
pulled off we get a glimpse of Jasons face, and the
teens are "forced to witness the gigantic malformed
head housing the severely retarded and extremely
tormented lake-drenched brain of the machete wielding
maniac. A writhing mass of worms, leeches, and snakes
slithers and squirms in and out of his head."
Necros ends up injecting Lizzie, Jason and him with the
"sleep" drug and they all take off to Jasons
nightmare, which we see that a teenage Freddy has, of
course, drowned Jason. Freddy reveals to Lizzie,
"Poor Jason. Stumbling around the lake all these
years... The mind- less sleepwalker... killing victim
after victim. Every time he looks at them, he sees only
He was my first, you know. But there have been so many
more." A few more teens die by Jasons hand, Lizzie
realizes that Jason really wants to murder Freddy so she
screams "This is my nightmare. And in my nightmare,
Freddy does feel pain. In my nightmare, Freddy
bleeds!" A big fight ensues and when it's all
over...Jason talks! "FREDDY'S DEAD!" He says
and then lightning strikes him and he drowns again.
The script has it's moments, a few clever kills and is
at times funny, but I'm definitely glad it's not getting
made, way too damn many groan inducing moments!
And the rumored people who have been involved could go
on forever! Cyrus Voris and Ethan Reiff, the creators of
the cancelled show "Brimstone" as well as
"Demon Night", wrote a script that came along
right after Scream and apparently came damn close to
being made in the ensuing horror movie madness that
followed that movie. Joss Whedon also had a script,
reportedly in his, Freddy and Jason meet in an elevator
to hell and start a bloody rampage together but when
they get pissed off at each other for murdering a
particular girl, they turn on each other. At the end of
this script, Freddy wins.
Steve Norrington and David Goyer were never really
anything more than a couple of meetings and nothing came
out of it. Another rumored director was, Guillermo del
Then there was the "brilliant" idea to have
two versions of the movie, one where Freddy wins, the
other, where Jason wins. So after all these ideas and
drafts and scripts and outlines...you can see how ideas
were passed down, (a heart being used to revive Jason,
Freddy connected to Jasons past) but who has written the
final greenlighted version of Freddy Vs. Jason?
The movie that's being filmed was written by Damian
Shannon and Mark Swift (and was polished up by David
Goyer) and deals with Freddy trying to find a way to use
Jason as his puppet so he can come into the real world,
and ends with an epic battle, hmmm does that sound
A few script reviews have turned up online, the latest
draft features a cameo from Jasons mom, sort of (I doubt
Betsy Palmer will be returning) and the majority of the
movie seems to take place on Elm Street, a rave, a
psychiatric hospital, and the final battle at Crystal
Lake. The name Lizzie, which has been in most of the
drafts is thrown out, but we can be sure one major
revelation will be in the finished film (can you guess
what THAT is?).
Regardless, Ronny Yu, the director of "Bride Of
Chucky", turned that movie into an honest to God
good film, so we can expect similar results here. The
cast can be a little better, Kelly Roland from Destiny's
Child and Jason Ritter aren't exactly the names I had in
But look, It's Freddy vs. Jason for crying out loud and
after all the lame scripts and ideas that have been
tossed around for who knows how long, it finally seems
like they've got a good one (or at least a decent one)
and with the proper visual flair, who knows? We might
end up with not only a watchable flick, but a good one.
When I think about Jason driving a truck, or Freddy
becoming so funny he could be played by Jim Carrey, I'm
thankful that the idea at least has people behind it who
have sense enough to go..."We can't make that! It's
That's pretty great if you ask me.